Who I Was

*Dash's POV*

I breathed in before letting out a deep sigh. My heart's heavy and I'm not sure how much longer I can do this. I thought I was fine. I thought that because of Bella I could finally put this behind me... but it still haunts me.

A small golden medal sat in my paw. I sighed again and it slipped, falling and clattering quietly into an open drawer. My eyes fell onto an old picture lying beneath the medal. I was young, still only an Eevee. I was wearing a white scarf and had a cheeky grin. My partner stood beside me. A small smile slipped onto my face. That day had been a good one.

A knock at my bedroom door tore me from my thoughts. I quickly shut the drawer and locked it. I tried to move but I couldn't. I just sat and waited. Someone knocked again, and I heard the door open quietly.


She stared at my still form as I slumped over the old desk. I turned my head and saw Bella looking at me worriedly.

"Are you okay?"

I didn't hesitate to smile. "Yeah, I'm good. What's up?"

"Just... checking in. You seemed kinda off when I saw you at the bookshop earlier."

"Oh, right. You just scared me is all."

"Righhht, sure... I bought that book you were looking at."

"Uh... which book is that?"

Bella reached into a saddle bag slung over her waist and pulled out the old leather-bound novel.

"Oh, that book. It's good. I think you'll like it."

"Dash... what's really going on? I know something's wrong. Talk to me. That's what friends do, remember?"

"Using my own words against me? Clever, but I don't know what you're talking about."


The edge in her tone made my smile fall. I sighed and shook my head. I stood and walked away from the desk, over towards a large round window. I pushed gently on one side and the window swung open. I stepped out onto a branch and followed a wraparound staircase into the treetops. The stairs led around the home to a small open platform at the top of the treehouse.

I walked to the edge of the platform and sat, watching the sun shine on the forest. In the near-distance the small town of Greenhills could be seen.

A moment later Bella joined me. She gasped quietly at the incredible view. The sun was beautiful. It sort-of shimmered and made everything seem brighter.

Bella sat beside me. She didn't say anything, just waited quietly. I sighed.

"I was on a rescue team. Soph and Chris didn't know at first; I didn't want them to worry. We needed money. So, I got a job."

"But's there's plenty of jobs out there. Why join a rescue team?"

"Because I thought... if can become strong enough to protect a total stranger. Then, I can become strong enough... to protect my family."

"What happened?"

I sighed heavily. The pit in my stomach was deep and hollow. It's been so long since it happened, but my heart still breaks even now.

"I was on patrol. If an emergency came up it was my job to race in and fix it. I was waiting at the base but then Sophie ran into town, panicking. Chris had broken his leg. My partner told me to go, so I did. I raced home. Took care of him till the medics arrived. They took over and I headed back to town, but that's when..."

I choked on my words. Tears fell from my closed eyes. I spat the words at the dirt.

"There was an emergency while I was gone. My partner had gone out alone. I raced out after him... but I was too late. I arrived there to find... my partner... dead. There had been a small family living in the forest. They were attacked by outlaws. My partner defeated them, but it cost him his life."

"I'm so sorry."

"That wasn't the worst part. Nah, the worst part is when I searched through the bodies and found a Vaporeon and an Umbreon. They were both dead... and clutching their lifeless bodies... were their daughters. I remember it so clearly; the way those Eevee looked at me. Without a hint of anger or rage; just... sadness."

"That sounds... horrible."

"It was. After that, I saw those Eevee one last time; at the hospital. They only had minor injuries, but they were hurting so badly. I stopped and smiled at them. I asked if they were okay, and you know what they said?"

Bella didn't say anything, just sat quietly.

"They said thank you. If I'd been quicker then their parents might still be alive... but no. They had every reason to hate me, but they didn't. If I could see them again... I would tell them how sorry I am. I would beg for their forgiveness, but I wouldn't expect any."

Bella's lips trembled. "They couldn't forgive you... because they never blamed you. Emily and I... we never blamed you."

I slowly lifted my head to look at her. She was crying hard.

"I never blamed you... until that day we met in the square. I recognised you instantly and it made me angry that you could be so happy. Why should you have a family? Why should you have a home? Why not me?"

I stared at her. My mouth was hanging open and I was still crying. Bella lifted her head and looked me in the eye. Her piercing blue eyes cut straight to my heart and her words... I could feel them.

"But then, little by little, all those things I never had... You gave them to me. And I... I realised that... you saved me. Both back then and now... you saved me. I'm so sorry for how I treated you."

The way she was looking at me... I didn't know what to do. We were both crying. The sadness in her eyes mirrored the heaviness in my heart. I leaned in... and I kissed her.

That empty, hollow feeling in my chest... it didn't go away, but it got lighter. My heart beat faster and stronger than ever before and when I broke the kiss... She was still crying, but I could see stars in her eyes. Looking at her right then... I could've spent forever in that moment.
