Bella's Business

*Bella's POV*

The house was silent. Dead quiet. I groaned and flopped onto the couch. I was home alone, and I'd just finished another book. I love reading, but these days of staring at words non-stop... ugh. I need a hobby.

Emily was in town selling berries with Chris. He'd taught her how to grow them and she'd started a garden in our backyard. She was out having fun and I'm stuck here. How is this fair?

I rolled off the couch and fell onto the floor. I groaned again. I slowly stood and dragged myself to the door. When I opened it the bright sun fell on my eyes. I might've growled a little. I walked outside and shut the door behind me.

I started meandering towards town. Not in a hurry, just enjoying the stroll. It wasn't a very nice day. The wind was blowing so it was cold despite the sun being out. Not that I minded.

"Hey, Bells!"

I turned around and saw Dash jogging towards me. I stopped and waited for him to catch up. My brow raised when I noticed the bag over his shoulder.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Bambi forgot her lunch. I'm taking it in now. What about you?"

"I got bored at home."

"Bored huh?"

"Yeah. I'm not used to just sitting around all day. I need something to do."

"Hm," he mused thoughtfully.

We continued walking towards town. Dash seemed to be thinking about something. I just waited for him to talk again. It didn't take long. He seems to really enjoy the sound of his own voice.

"Do you want a job?"

"What kind of job?"

"I used to work as a mailman. I quit to look after Bambi. I could talk to my old boss and probably get you a position there."

"Hm, maybe."

"After I drop Bambi's lunch off, I could take you around there and you can decide."


I smiled to myself. I'd been bored only a few minutes ago, but now I was walking beside him. Just the two of us, it's nice.

It didn't take us long to get to the school. We'd arrived in town and cut through the back streets to reach the small cluster of classrooms.

The courtyard and playground were quiet, it was actually kind of spooky. Dash didn't hesitate; he walked through the school gates. I followed him into one of the larger buildings. He led me down the hallway, past a few classrooms.

Dash stopped outside one of the rooms and knocked on the door. A second later he pushed it open and stepped in.

I peeked in and saw rows of young Pokémon all looking at Dash. A Sylveon stood in front of a blackboard.

"Sorry X, Bambi forgot her lunch."

The Sylveon smiled and nodded. Dash strolled past the desks. He reached into his saddle-pack and pulled out a brown paper bag. He smiled and handed it to Bambi. She smiled and laughed sheepishly, embarrassedly placing the bag beside her desk.

Dash chuckled and tousled the fur atop her head before walking back to the front of the class.

"Thanks pal. Catch you later," Dash said to the Sylveon.

"Actually Dash, can I talk to you a moment?"

"Sure thing," answered Dash.

Sylveon ushered Dash and me from the room. He closed the door behind us, so we were talking privately in the hallway.

Dash smiled. "Xander meet Bella. Bella this is Xander, Bambi's teacher and my old friend."

Xander smiled and reached his paw out. "Nice to meet you."

"You too," I replied, shaking his paw.

"So, what'd you wanna talk about?" Dash asked.

"Right, well, I was wondering if you'd be able to come in one day and help me with something."

"What is it?"

Xander didn't answer for a moment. He looked everywhere but at Dash. Then he sighed.

"I need your help for the practical battle lesson," said Xander.

Dash's jaw dropped. He was silent for second but then he burst into loud laughter which echoed down the halls.

"Practical battle lesson? Good joke."

"I'm serious Dash."

"Look, I'm sorry but no."

"Come on bro! I need an extra paw and there's no staff available. Look, these kids, they stink. There's one or two of them who are really good, but the rest of them are terrible."

"I don't battle. You know that!"

"Don't lie to me."


"Bambi. She used to be a sub-par battler, but out of nowhere her skills increased rapidly."

"Huh?! I haven't been teaching her."


"Seriously, it's not me!"

I laughed nervously. Dash and Xander looked at me suspiciously.

"I... maybe... taught Bambi a few things..."

Dash's jaw dropped. Xander smiled.

"Well in that case," Sylveon began, "Ms. Bella, would you assist me in teaching the Practical battle lesson next week?"

"Me?! Uh..."

"Please, I would be most appreciative."

"Well... I guess I could."

"Oh, thank you!"

Xander took my paw in his and kissed it gently.

I blushed and laughed nervously, backing away.

"Alright, I'll see you next week then. If you'll excuse us, Dash and I have a few things to take care of."

"And I have a class to teach. Enjoy your day."

"Yeah... thanks. Bye."

Xander laughed and waved before walking back into his classroom.

Dash was staring at me with his brows drawn together. I sighed and walked away. He hurried after me.

"You've been teaching Bambi?" He asked when he caught up.

"She should know how to defend herself."

"Okay, I just wish you'd told me sooner."

"I wasn't sure how you'd react."

"I would've reacted better if you'd told me sooner."

"Okay. I'm... sorry?"

Dash sighed. "Look, I don't have a problem with it, but if you're gonna teach our daughter stuff like that please tell me next time."

I quickened my pace so Dash wouldn't see my blushing at the words 'our daughter.'

"Okay, I'll let you know next time."

"Thank you. Alright then, let's get you a job."


I followed Dash as he led the way through town. It didn't take us long to reach the Post-Office. He walked up to the front desk and smiled at a Doduo.

"Hey Dash," greeted the Normal-type Pokémon.

"Hey Eddie, seen the chief?"

"Out back."


Dash walked behind a counter through a door labelled 'Staff Only.' He gestured for me to follow him through. We moved into the back of the post-office. Silver tubes snaked in every direction all around the strange room. Packages of all sizes lay scattered about.

In the middle of the mess stood a stressed-looking Drapion.

"Hey Chief, how's it going?"

The Drapion turned around with a frown. She spoke in a strong voice.

"Not good Dash. Too much mail not enough mailmen."

Dash smiled. "Well, Bella here is looking for a job."

Drapion's eyes lit up. "You're hired!"

Before I knew it, she'd thrown a saddle bag over my shoulder and stuffed it full of mail.

Dash chuckled. "I'll run the route with her so she knows where to go," he offered.

"Thanks Dash, you're really saving my skin," said Drapion.

Dash nodded and sprinted away. I just stared after him, still not sure what was happening.

"What're you waiting for?" Yelled Drapion. "Go!"

She slapped me on the rump. I yelped and ran-off. I glared at Dash's yellow form ahead of me; what had he gotten me into?
