My Mistake

*Dash's POV*

"Why are you coming?" Bella asked, sounding annoyed.

"Just in case," I answered.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means, practical battle lessons can get out of hand, so I'm coming to make sure everything goes smoothly."

"Really? And what're you going to do if things don't go smoothly?"


Bella rolled her eyes and didn't respond, but after a moment she shot me a curious glance.

"Why didn't you want to help Xander?"

"I don't battle," I replied bluntly. I didn't look at Bella as I said it. I just stared blankly, straight ahead.

Bella laughed. "How dramatic! And how cute. Lil Dashy doesn't know how to fight," she teased, talking to me like a newborn.

I raised my brows and offered a disinterested glance. She laughed. I shook my head and ignored her.

"Why don't you battle?" She asked.

"Never learnt how," I lied.

She laughed again. I continued ignoring her. I could handle this if it meant that she didn't dig any deeper into the topic. And to my relief, she didn't bring it up again; though she probably thinks she has ammunition against me now. I don't care. Most Pokémon around here know that I don't fight.

After walking a little longer, we reached the school. I led the way round the back of the classrooms to where bleachers stood alongside a long line of battlefields. There were a few small classes scattered around. Bella and I continued about halfway down the field before finding Xander's class.

"Yo, X!" I called out.

The Sylveon turned his head, smiling as he saw us.

I turned and started walking towards the bleachers.

"Where are you going?" Asked Bella.

"To sit down. I'm watching, not battling."

"You know, this is a practical battle class. I could teach you."

"No thanks."

"Come on, Dash."

I didn't mean to, but I growled at her. "No thanks," I repeated angrily.

Now she glared at me. "Fine!"

With that, she huffed and moved to join Xander and his class.

I watched as Xander smiled at her. She stood beside him and he started giving orders to his class.

I sat on the bleachers and stared as the class divided into twos. The pairs stood opposite each other on the field. Xander waved a paw and they charged at each other, colliding in the middle.

I grunted. Looks like they're practicing basic tackling. Scanning through the Pokémon I saw a Deino and a Bagon fighting for control. I could easily tell they were the most experienced battlers.

I kept searching and spotted Bambi struggling against a Turtwig. Bambi dug in and overpowered the grass-type, throwing him backwards. She cheered and started dancing. The sight brought a small smile to my face.

Xander called the class to stop and everyone separated. They gathered around the edge of the field and Bella took the stage. Xander grinned as he took his place across from her. The two charged and collided in the field's centre. They wrestled for a moment, then Xander struck out with his ribbons. Bella jumped away from the attack before slapping him with her tail.

I laughed quietly to myself. Xander laughed too, before charging again. This time Bella dropped and Xander tripped over her. He hit the dirt and rolled. Bella jumped up and leapt. Xander hurried to his feet, but not quick enough. Bella collided with him and pinned his shoulders to the ground.

The class laughed and cheered. Bella got off Xander and smirked as he stood up. His jaw dropped and he laughed loudly.

"Gather round class!" He shouted. "Now, when Ms. Bella and I were fighting she never did the same thing twice. She used different tricks to beat me and thought on her toes. That's a valuable skill to have, whether it be for professional battling or anything else. Pair up and practice your moves. Try out different attacks and soon we'll have a competition."

The class cheered. They split into pairs and started laughing happily, all discussing the new tricks they were going to try. I smiled at the children. Until I saw it. By the edge of the field stood a Mankey. It was alone and had no partner. I could see its face turning red and its muscles twitching as its rage grew.

A Mankey's wrath can be terrible, and with this many Pokémon around... I had to do something. I stood, prepared to race in and... Bella approached the angry Mankey. She smiled gently.

"Hello," she said, "Don't you have a partner?"

"No!" Mankey replied in an angry female voice.

"Well, why don't you train with me?"

Mankey didn't look angry anymore. Instead, she just looked confused. Then she smiled and nodded. I sighed and sat back down. Looks like Bella saved the day. Not that I'll ever admit it.

Bella stepped back and faced down the Mankey.

"You can start," Glaceon offered.

Mankey smiled and ran in, swinging a wild fist. Bella easily dodged the attack. Mankey overswung and face-planted.

"Slow down, control your punch and watch your foe," said Bella. "Now try again."

Mankey did as she was told. She stood and waited a moment. Then she ran in and threw a jab at Bella's face. Bella breathed a blizzard, freezing Mankey's arm solid. Surprised at the sudden weight Mankey dropped to the dirt; falling before Bella.

Bella laughed and danced backwards. "Expect the unexpected. Try changing things up. Do something new."

Mankey huffed. It stood and slammed its arm into the ground, shattering the ice.

"Good!" Cheered Bella.

Mankey suddenly ran in, preparing the same jab she'd just thrown. Bella shook her head in disappointment. Mankey suddenly flipped sidewards, whipping her tail towards Bella. Bella simply tilted her head backwards, easily dodging the attack.

"Awesome!" Shouted Bella. "That was great! You almost had me."

Mankey wasn't listening anymore. She roared in anger. I could feel her rage from the bleachers.

Mankey swung her fists in rapid circles and charged. Bella jumped away from the attack, laughing. Mankey spun around and rolled back again. Again, Bella dodged the attack, but she frowned. She knew something was wrong now.

"Mankey? What's wrong?"

It was no good. Mankey roared, pounded its chest and charged. Bella jumped clean over the fighting-type, but Mankey didn't stop. It kept rolling, straight towards the other students.

I leapt from the bleachers, racing onto the field and in front of Mankey. I grunted and an intense shockwave blasted outwards. Pokémon screamed and Mankey froze in her tracks.

I stood protectively in front of the students. Not one was harmed, except maybe Mankey. She toppled sideways, unable to move.

"Dash..." whispered Xander.

I sighed. "Thunder-Wave. She's only paralysed. It'll wear off soon."

Without another word I walked from the field, passing stunned students and silent teachers. I walked from the school and didn't look back.

I stopped on the path into town and slammed my head against a tree.

"Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!"

I don't do that anymore! I don't fight! That back there was... What was that?!

"Dash," said a gentle voice.

I was scared, but I turned my head and saw Bella looking at me with concerned blue eyes.

"Bells..." I whispered.

"What was that back there?"

I scoffed. "That... was my mistake."

"Mistake? Dash if you hadn't done that Pokémon would've gotten hurt. No, I was asking, what was that? What were you? You were so fast I didn't even see you move!"

"Don't worry about it. It was nothing. I promise... it won't happen again."

Bella frowned. "You think I care? That was awesome! And you said you don't know how to battle!"

I stared at the ground. "Yeah," I whispered quietly.

She noticed me frowning and staring at the dirt and she rolled her eyes. "Dash, you should find someone to talk to. If not me Chris or Pearl perhaps."

I rolled my eyes. "Why does that sound familiar?"

Bella laughed. "Because you said it... And you were right."

Then, she did something I wasn't expecting. She hugged me.

"Thank you, Dash."

After a second, she broke the hug and turned away. She walked off somewhere, leaving me blushing in the forest. My heart raced and I realise now, my feelings for Emily were simply a childish crush. But my feelings for Bella...
