An Open Ending

Hey Everyone! Just before we get into the last chapter I'd like to say something. Thank you to everyone who's read this far and a huge thanks to everyone who supported me in writing this. Especially; Sapphire_Trainer, Equinis, Thominasaus, Darkness-the-Unbreon and ElectroFireShard

And now, on with chapter!

*3 Years later*

*Bella's POV*

"The Jolteon gently kissed Glaceon and she returned the gesture happily. After a moment they pulled away, snuggling beside each other and watching the sun set over the forest. The end."

"The end?! That can't be it! There has to be something more! What happened next?"

"Uh, they lived happily ever after?"

The little Eevee blew an angry raspberry. "That ending sucks!"

I laughed gently. "Alright, how do you think it should end?"

"Well... I don't know, but it can't end like that!"

I laughed again and patted the couch. "Why don't you come here, and I'll tell you what happened."


"Well, maybe not everything, but all the best parts."

Eevee's eyes lit up and he jumped onto the couch, snuggling beside me. I chuckled and brushed the fur from his eyes.

"Right, where to start? Hm, I know. How about... their first date?"



"You're late," I said as Dash came trotting over.

"That's hardly my fault," he replied.

"Oh, who's fault is it then?"


I deadpanned. "Very funny. Can we just go? I don't wanna miss this."

"Someone's eager."

"It's been a while since I knocked a few heads."

"Same, I'm a little rusty so just give me a minute once we get out there."

"Alright, old man."

Dash rolled his eyes and started walking down the corridor. I fell into step beside him. The hallway was dimly lit but at the end was blinding daylight and a dull screaming sound. As we stepped outside the noise grew louder, into full-blown cheering.

Our town has started a new tradition. Dash and I, we're winning this. All the towns-Pokémon were gathered at the school, standing around the battlefields. In the centre field stood an Exploud.


Pokémon shouted their approval and Dash grinned at me. Naturally we'd entered the competition together, and we're gonna win. Sounds cocky but it's not; it's fact. We're winning this.

"Dash, don't let me down."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

"Alright then, let's go."

A moment later, Exploud called the teams onto the fields. Our first match was against Mike and Eddie. I grinned at the Furret and the Doduo. They have no idea what they were in for.

"Match start!" Shouted a Farfetch'd who was serving as the judge.

I immediately shot a Powder Snow at our opponents. Mike didn't waste any time; he retaliated with a Sand Attack, sending shoots of sand sky-high, shielding them from my attack. Eddie charged through the sand with a Drill Peck. He aimed at me, but I dodged sideways. Mike jumped up from underground, striking me in the stomach. I yelped and stumbled back to the edge of the battlefield. They had me backed against the corner and if I stepped out of bounds we forfeited the match.

"Dash, a little help?"

"One sec!" He shouted back.

I looked across the field to see him stretching. He straightened and hunched his back, seeming to focus and tense all his muscles. Suddenly, a terrible thunderbolt ripped across the field. Dash's Thunder attack struck the ground to the left of Eddie.

Dash tilted his head slightly. "I missed."

Eddie and Mike were distracted so I breathed in and hit them both with Powder Snow.

"Bella, down!" Shouted Dash.

I dove into the ground, narrowly dodging his Discharge. I dug upwards and struck Mike in the gut. A bolt of electricity rocketed past my head, zapping Eddie. The two normal types collapsed; unconscious.

"This match is over! The Victory goes to Bella and Dash!" Shouted Farfetch'd.

Dash grinned and trotted over. "Not bad, Bells."

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks for your help."

"I told you I'd need a minute to warm up."

"Whatever, let's just hurry up and win this thing."

After that, we won every battle with ease. Dash was all warmed up and we crushed the competition. That is, until the final round.


Our jaws dropped as the familiar Vaporeon and Sylveon took the field, standing opposite us.

"Did you know they were entering?" I asked Dash.

"Nope. Oh well, let's kick their butts."

"Sure, why not?"

Xander laughed. "This won't be like the last time Bella!"

"I hope not! That was disappointing," I replied.

Xander chuckled and readied his stance. Sophie didn't say anything, but she looked determined.

"MATCH START!" Yelled Exploud.

Sophie ran in, raising her front paws and slamming them into the ground. A massive tidal wave rose and came crashing down towards us.

"When did she learn Surf!?" Shouted Dash.

"I got it!" I shouted.

I ran in front of him and breathed deeply before unleashing a torrential blizzard. The wave froze solid before splintering into thousands of tiny crystals. The crowd roared.

"I'm going in," said Dash.

He charged forwards and jumped into the air, using Parabolic Charge. Xander didn't hesitate to respond with Dazzling Gleam. The two attacks collided in an explosion, forcing Dash back. He landed and found his footing, but Xander's Moonblast crashed into his side.

"Dash!" I yelled.

I turned and growled at them only to receive Sophie's Aqua Jet to the face. I went skidding across the field, coming to a rest beside Dash.


He chuckled. "You're beautiful."

I laughed. "Some first date."

"Alright, next time we can go to the park or something, how's that sound?"

"Okay, but we have to win here first."

Dash groaned and struggled to his feet. "Right, let's get this over with."

I stood up and shook myself off, stretching my sore limbs.

"Ready?" Asked Dash.

"Let's do it," I replied.

We bolted forwards. We both used Double Team and copies appeared on our flanks. We disappeared amongst the doubles, surrounding Sophie and Xander. I don't know how, but I knew which one the real Dash was. I watched him and he looked me in the eyes. He smirked and turned inwards. Dozens of Pin Needles flew at Sophie and Xander. Sophie hurriedly threw a Water Pulse at her feet. The move exploded outwards, washing away the needles and the doubles.

I jumped overhead and fired an Ice Beam downwards. Dash's Charge Beam streaked towards them. Sophie screamed in pain. Xander grunted, struggling against the cold. His paws froze to the ground, but he ripped them free and shot a Moonblast at Dash. Dash opened his jaws and unleashed a terrifying roar. The noise split the Moonblast and it travelled harmlessly around him.

My jaw dropped. Well, he was on a rescue team; I suppose he knows a few tricks. He grinned and winked at me. I flipped in and crashed my Iron Tail onto Xander's head. He slammed into the ground and didn't get up.

Dash smirked. "Sorry, Soph."

He roared and unleased one final Charge Beam. Sophie jumped upwards and flew at him using Aqua Jet. I shot an Ice-Beam, freezing her attack. She couldn't handle the extra weight and she fell, crashing into the ground like an icy missile. The frozen Vaporeon skittered across the field before coming to a rest.


I laughed and hugged Dash. Bambi raced down from the stands to congratulate us, but I didn't see her, and I kissed Dash excitedly.

Bambi screamed. "She's eating him! Aaah!"

I hurriedly broke the kiss and waved my paws at Bambi. "No! Bambi! It's okay! I'm not eating him!"

She screamed and tried to run away but I grabbed her tail and dragged her closer. Dash chuckled and looked at her.

"Bambi, she wasn't eating me."

Bambi whimpered. "Then... what?"

Dash chuckled. "That was called a kiss. It's what two Pokémon do to show that they like each other."

The fear slowly cleared from Bambi's face.

"Oh, okay," she said in a small voice.

I laughed and looked at Dash. "How is she this sheltered?"

He huffed indignantly. "I did the best I could!"

Bambi tugged his fur and he looked down at her.

"A kiss means two Pokémon like each other?" She asked.

"Uh-huh" said Dash, nodding.

"Wow, Xander and Sophie must like each other a lot."

Dash's face fell. "Xander!!!"

End Flashback

"That was their first date?"

"Yeah, pretty crazy, huh?"

"What happened next?"

"Well, they went on a few more dates and that stupid Jolteon was late to every one of them. He always made the Glaceon wait. He even waited to propose. She wanted to kill him, but she's glad she didn't."


I was on my morning run, delivering letters, when from the depths of my bag I pulled a letter addressed to me. Straight away, I knew it was from Dash. I rolled my eyes but smiled. He can be sweet sometimes. I hurried to finish my shift so I could open the letter.

Finished my rounds and standing in the post-office, I tore open the envelope. My jaw dropped at what I saw; my latest pay-check.

"Son of a-"

"Bella, here's your pay for this week," Mike said, offering me a plain white envelope.

I opened the envelope and a letter fell out. I wanted so badly to hit Mike. That stupid Furret mixed up my pay with a normal letter. Holding myself back, I sighed and opened the letter. And there it was, a letter to me in that familiar messy script. My smile tilted into a frown as I read it.

Dear Bells,
Did you forget? I told you that all progress starts with the truth. Let me tell you the truth.
Meet me at the fountain in town.

- Your friend Dash

This is the same letter he wrote me all those years ago. With confusion etched across my face I trotted towards the fountain. Dash smiled as he saw me coming.

"Hey, I got your letter. What's up?"

"Ah, not much. I was just gonna propose is all."

The colour drained from my face. "What?"

"I was gonna propose."


My heart was beating a million miles a minute and I was waiting expectantly. He didn't do anything, just looked at the fountain.

"So?" I asked.


"Are you gonna propose or not?"

He slapped a paw against his forehead. "I knew I was forgetting something! Right, just a sec."

There was bag sitting by the base of the fountain that I hadn't seen before. He reached into the bag and pulled out a little black box covered in smooth velvet. I can't believe it; he's actually gonna do it. Finally. He flicked open the box, revealing a small silver coin.

"There it is," he said with a grin.

He pulled the coin out and flicked it into the fountain, closing his eyes. As the coin splashed into the water, he opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"Bells, will you marry me?"

All at once the pounding in my chest stopped. My heart was still because everything was up to me and I've learnt not to waste time.

"Yes Dash, I will marry you."

He breathed what appeared to be a sigh of relief and he laughed.

"My wish came true," he said.

I rolled my eyes and kissed him. He kissed me back and it made me remember the first time I'd kissed him. That afternoon, on the platform amongst the trees. The sun setting on us. I remember apologising and confessing. I remember his confusion, but also his smile and the way his spiky fur felt against my coat. I remember feeling... at peace. My frozen heart had melted and now it would never freeze again.

Some might say that I'd kissed him before that, but that other time doesn't count. He kissed me, I never returned the gesture. And that was my mistake, but I don't regret it because I treasure everything I've learned.

Dash and I suddenly broke the kiss as a loud bang seemingly tore us apart. We both looked at the fountain in shock. It hissed and the top of the fountain burst, shattering completely. Water sprayed, shooting high in the air and raining down in beautiful sheets of rainbow.

Dash chuckled nervously. "I don't think you're supposed to put coins in there."

I laughed and slugged his shoulder.

"Ow!" He whined.

"I love you."

He smiled. "I love you too. Well, seeing as you're now my partner in crime, shall we?"


Together, we raced away from the broken fountain, leaving it behind us. We laughed to ourselves, and running side by side, vanished from town.

End Flashback

"Woah, that is one badass proposal."

"Dia! Where did you learn that word?"

"Bambi said it. Why? What does it mean?"

"Ugh, I need to talk to your sister. Her and her words, I swear."

"Huh? What's this?" Dash asked, walking into the room.

"Bambi," I said dramatically, "She needs to watch her words around Dia."

"Her words huh? That's funny, I mean, she is the one who named him."

*Dash's POV*


I was moving as fast as possible, practically flying through town. If I was still a mailman my old record would've been smashed. Pokémon only saw a yellow blur as I ran by; some of them yelped or shouted in surprised and I'm sorry for that, but can you blame me for being in a hurry? Of all the days to get stuck at work!

Ahh! I'm gonna miss it! That single thought spurred me on to even greater speeds. I thundered down the streets, turned out of town and rocketed up the forest path. I slammed on the brakes and came to a grinding halt outside my house.

I bolted inside and went straight to my room. I threw the door open, nearly wrenching it from its hinges. Bella looked at me in surprise, then she smiled.

"Did I miss it?!"

She shook her head. "No, look."

I dropped the bag from my shoulder and walked over to her. I smiled and nuzzled her gently. She returned the gesture half-heartedly, I couldn't blame her; neither of us wanted to miss this.

I looked down at the mess of pillows and blankets and the single egg resting atop the makeshift bed. It shook gently and noises could be heard from inside. It shook again, harder this time and a small crack appeared in the shell. The crack spread and the egg fell open. A little Eevee tumbled out, rolling onto the pillows.

I was speechless. I felt love well up in my heart and overflow with affection for the newborn.

The child stared as Bella and I approached. It giggled and made some baby noises. I laughed and scooped him up, cradling him in the crook of my arm. Bella leant against me and ran her paw over our son's head.

"What should we call him?" I asked.

Bella smiled lovingly at him and he giggled.

"I don't know," she whispered.

I chuckled and kissed him on the forehead.

There was crash from behind me, but I didn't need to turn around to know who it was. Bambi raced into the room.

"I didn't miss it, did I?" She cried out.

I laughed and turned around, showing her the child in my arms.

"Aww!" She said, her mouth falling open.

I smiled at my daughter. Bambi isn't the little Eevee anymore; she's the big sister now. And, the way she looked at the child told me she'd be a good one.

"What's his name?" Bambi asked.

Bella shook her head. "We can't think of one."

Bambi grinned and stroked his forehead. He giggled and grabbed her paw. She laughed.

"How about... Diamond? Dia for short," suggested Bambi.

I raised my brows at Bella, she returned the look.

"I actually like that," I said.

"Same," agreed Bella.

"Where'd that come from?" I asked Bambi.

"Well, I just thought, in a way, he's treasure to us."

Bella and I hugged Bambi, with Dia being held between us.

"I'm so proud of you, my beautiful girls." I whispered.

Dia giggled and I smiled at Bella.

"Fairy-tales don't come true. Bedtime stories are pipe-dreams, but I was right to bet on us," she said.

I nuzzled and kissed her.

"I love you, Bells."

"I love you too."

End Flashback

"And that's how it happened," I finished.

"Wow," whispered Dia.

I smiled at him, ruffling the fur atop his head and kissing his mother on the head. She smiled and nuzzled me in turn.

Bella smiled at Dia. "That's the end of the story. That's how you melt a frozen heart."

Dia grinned. "That ending was
