Chapter 8

My hands are shaking, thoughts of my past kept bugging me. I can't quite get rid of it, it is haunting me.

"Something wrong?" I was surprised when I see Jennie standing in front of me, I looked at her confusely.

"You have been standing there for ten minutes, is there something wrong?" She asked, while brushing my bangs.

"Did you went to meet Jungkook?" I asked her straight to the point, she shook her head.

Is she going to lie?

"I didn't went to meet him. I saw him and we had a small chat about before. I just clarified our unfinished business nothing less, nothing more." I looked behind her, and my eyes met Jisoo's.

"Look at me...." She cupped my cheeks and made me looked at her.

"We talked about this already, I am not either one of your exes Lisa, I won't cause anything that could make this family fall down.... Or your trust to fall down." I nodded and I pecked her forehead.

"Im sorry, Im just really paranoid."

"I understand. Anyways, food is waiting go on and take your seat now." She dragged me to the table and made me sit down.

I finally had a breath of relief....


I am scrolling through my email, I looked at my Wife's naked frame and my lips upturned remembering what we just did a couple of hours ago, we made love after the kids fell asleep, it went just until before sunrise and it is surprising that I can still go even in my age. I looked back to my laptop to check on my email and I saw some messages from Academy award. I opened it and  I couldn't believe my eyes. The last film that I shoot got nominated for best picture and me, I am nominated for best actress of the year.

I looked down to my wife who's still sleeping soundly with her bare skin showing out. I gently shook her to wake her up.

"It's too early in the morning." She groaned. I clicked my tongue.

"But babe look, I got nominated for Oscars." Her eyes opened widely and she quickly sat up letting the duvet fall down, exposing her breast.

"Are you kidding me?" She said and took my laptop from my lap. She squealed in excitement and kissed my lips repeatedly.

"This great news, honey. Even though you haven't won yet, you already won for me." I chuckled and pulled her to me, my lips immediately met her breast.

"Where's my reward then?" I asked, She laughed softly.

I was gonna capture her lips when her phone started buzzing wildly. She put her finger between my lips and took it.

"Hello..." she answered.

She stood up from the bed with the covers with her, I sat back in the bed and watched her.

"Like right now? Okay, Im on my way." She dropped the call and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Im sorry but Gigi needs a proxy, her daughter is kinda sick so I need to fill her spot." She said and started picking up random articles of clothing to put on her. I stood up and followed where she was moving.

"I thought we'll spend our time today?" I asked her a little disappointed cause for the nth time she'll ditch me for her modelling career.

"Tomorrow. I promise... Gigi just need my help, you know that person is a big part of my success." I pouted at her.


I sigh and nod my head. She stopped moving and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"How about we go out after I finish the shoot and meet your stylist so we can pick up clothes for your Oscar night?" I scratched my head.

"Uhm sounds great." She smiled widely and kissed my lips.

"I'll see you later. Don't forget to make the kids drink their vitamins and also don't let them play too much ipad especially Buzz." And just like that she disappeared into thin air.

I called Jisoo so she could join me in looking after the kids. She said she'll be here in a couple of minutes.

I wore my shirt and went down. The kids are already in the living room, River is eating the cake from last night while Buzz is sitting beside him eating whenever River will give him a bite.

"Good morning boys." I greeted, they looked at me and greeted me as well.

"Where's mommy?" Buzz asked when I took a sit beside him.

"Mommy is at work." I answered him and I turned up the volume.

"Always at work. Always at work." I hear Buzz mumbled, obviously disappointed with Jennie's absence. I put away the remote and took him to sit on my lap.

"Listen, mommy needs to work to earn money." I told him.

"But we have money Dada." River interjected.

"We do, but mommy is still young and she needs to grow still, and of course we both know mommy doesn't want just using money that she didn't worked hard for." I explained to them.

"But why aren't you working? If mommy works and why don't you as well?" River asked.

"Cause Dada has been working since she's young and I think right now I had save enough and learnt enough, and I already grew past your mom so yeah Dada is kinda resting." He nods his head at me, I gaze down at Buzz and I knew he didn't understand it the way River did.

"Once you grow up you will understand. If you have money don't take advantage of it, okay? I did it before and it didn't end really well." I glance over River thinking about my past mistakes.

I won't let you be like me.

"Ayo!" Jisoo's annoying face showed up but she wasn't alone when she entered.

"Who's that?" I asked her and pointed at the little girl she's holding, looks like she's around 1 or 2...

"Meet my daughter, actually our daughter....Joaquin."

(A/N: I don't care if it is a boy's name.)

Jennie's POV

"Hello,Jennie? Thank you for filling me in. I appreciate it a lot girl...." Gigi said as she talks to me through face time.

"I understand Gi, I am a mom too so I know what you are feeling right now." She smiled at me and showed her daughter in camera.

"Say thank you aunt Jennie...." The little girl just flashed me her cute little teeth. Now, I suddenly want to have a baby girl as well.

Maybe we can try after I clear my schedule.

"Take care now. Get well soon baby, I'll visit when I can." She make a pouty lips and pretended to kiss me. I smiled at her cuteness and waved at her goodbye.

I took my phone and texted Lisa, checking if she and the boys had their breakfast already.

She didn't answer, she usually answer right away so it was kinda odd, but anyways my shoot is gonna start.

A/N: I think I have some ADHD shit. I have all symptoms and I don't know what the fuck to do if Im gonna see a psychiatrist or what.

Anyways since some of y'all read my other book. Does anyone remember this drawing?

I kinda tried drawing it again not literally but kinda and here it is...

I dunno seems weird... 🙃🙃🙃
