Chapter 5

She slowly thrusts in me as her eyes stick its gaze with mine. I reached for her face and tenderly run my fingers on her cheeks. She sweetly smiled at me and then leaned forward to kiss me on the lips.

"Im almost there." I told her, she sped up her pace and later on I found my self shaking with how hard my orgasm hit me. Lisa quickly pulled out and came on my stomach.

"As always that is so amazing." She said as she rolls her body right next to me. I sat up and pulled the duvet cover me up.

"Buzz's birthday is in a week, what do you think we can get him?" I asked her.

"You know that guy, he likes everything you'll give him." I nodded in agreement, I lay down her chest and thought.

"What if we go out and maybe have a little meal afterwards." She pouted her lips and nodded.

"But we need to be careful, our children has been hot on the eyes of paparazzi lately. I don't want them to take pictures of both of them without our consent."

"Of course."

Author's POV

Buzz continued holding his head missing how his long hair flows.

"Mommy, I don't like this..." He whines as they walk inside Central park.

"What do you mean you don't like it? You look handsome in it. And plus you look more like a boy in that hair now." Jennie told him moved his hands away from his head.

"But I like my hair." He retorted. Lisa stops from walking and leveled him.

"Next time when it grows we won't cut it. If that's what you want." He pursed his lips and asked Lisa to carry him, the thai girl picks him up and he quickly turned into a happy boy.

River who's walking just beside them and frowned, but instead of acting like a little brat he just let his little brother since he is aware that Buzz is much younger. Jennie noticed that he looks a little upset, so she held his hand and looks down on him to smile.

"What do you want to see first?" She asked him.

"I want to see the monkeys mo-mommy..." He shyly answered, Jennie held him closer, wrapping her slender arms around him.

"Love, let's go see the monkey first." She told Lisa.

River and Buzz quickly jumped in excitement when they saw the orangutans on the other side of the glass.

"Don't run." Jennie reminded them, but since they are kids they didn't listen and do what they want to.

Buzz laughs hard and pointed at the female orangutan sitting by the glass.

"Looks like Dada...." He said happily, Lisa's huge smile turned into frown. People near them looks and laughs.

"Yeah, it looks like Dada." River agreed.

(A/N: Hoy River magkamuka kayo ni Lisa wag kang ano....)

The boys pressed their face on the glass.

"Hi dada!" The ape looks at them and tapped the glass where their noses where pressed.

"I don't look like that. Honey, do I look likw that?" Lisa asked Jennie anxiously, her wife fixed her slightly messy bangs and shook her head.

"You don't, you look beautiful my love." Lisa pouted and asked Jennie to kiss her lips. She gave her a quick one since people are surrounding them.

"Get away from me!" They heard River shouted.

"Come on just one photo little boy." The man said. Lisa intervened and pulled her son close to her.

"Dude back off my son doesn't want to." But he was persistent. He kept nagging them for a photo.

"Just one.... Come on don't be greedy." He held River's hand and tried pulling him. The boy started whimpering.

"I said no." Lisa pushed him back causing for him to stumble a little.

"I will let people know about your attitude." He threatened. Lisa scoffs she was about to take charge when Jennie held her back.

"Can you please.... Today is our son's birthday please don't ruin it for him." Jennie told him.

"But I just want one pic-

"Don't push it." Jennie put a finger up causing for him to shut up.

"Fine...." He said and turns away.

"I don't read your magazines anyways." He said and walks away.

Jennie turns around to check on her family. River was clutching on Lisa's clothes hard and hiding his face on her stomach.

"It's okay now. He's gone..." River slowly looks at her and he asked her to carry him.

"Oh my big baby...." Jennie uttered and carried him with all of her strength.

"I wanna eat mommy." He whispered to her.

"Okay then..."

"Buzz...." Lisa called the boy who's still busy amusing over the orangutan.

He looks up to Lisa and smiled widely.

"Come on...." She held her hand for him and he quickly run to take it.

"If you dye your hair orange you look like it, Dada." He utters as they walk away.



Come on stop pouting now...." Lisa told River.

They just finished strolling a bit and the boy saw a toy train inside the gift awhile ago but Jennie said no since he already has a lot and it is really impractical to buy another one when he will outgrow it eventually.

"Come on River and eat your food. Mommy will be upset if she returns with your plate still full." He continued frowning at Lisa.

Buzz looks at him and he offered his brother to feed him.

"It's delicious....." Buzz said, River shook his head.

Lisa looks where Jennie was standing talking through her phone then looks back at her son.

"I'll buy you one but that'll be the last. No more toys next time, okay?" She said, he frowned even more at what she said.

"We already have lots of toys at home. You can have mine if you want to." Buzz offered him.

"No...." He said.

Then finally Jennie came back, She placed a kiss on Lisa's forehead.

"What happened to your talk with Yoongi?" Lisa asked.

"I have new shoot in two days in Las Vegas and sadly I need to fly tonight cause we still need to meet someone before starting." Jennie explained.

She looks at the boys to apologize when she noticed River didn't eat his food.

"Don't you like the food?" Jennie asked, he shook his head no.

"He wants the toy train." Buzz butted in and picked up the can of Dr. Pepper to drink.

Jennie sigh and fixed River's hair.

"If you'll be a good boy with dada while mommy is away, I will buy you one. How about that?" The frown in his face fades away.

"Promise me that you will behave and will act nice with everyone while I am away then I will buy you new train." He nods his head and offered Jennie his pinky.

"Pinky swear, keep it or your nose will swell."  He said. Jennie chuckled slightly and kissed his nose.

"How about me?" Buzz asked.

"Of course you too." Jennie told him making him very happy.

