Chapter 1

(A/N: Wait kinikilig ako/ tr: [idk the proper translation] tingle tingle... Hahahhahahahja)

Lisa giggled as she post the photo she took, she looks at Jennie's peaceful frame and kissed her forehead. The woman slowly opened her eyes and smiled immediately upon seeing her wife's smiley face.

"Good morning Mrs. Manoban..." Lisa giggled again as the words slipped from her lips, Jennie sat up and hooked her arms around Lisa's neck. Her lips immediately found its way with her lips.

"Good morning love." She said in a husky voice. She nuzzle her head on her neck and closed her eyes again.

"What do you want to eat for breakfast?" Lisa asked as she slowly stroked Jennie's back.

"Strawberries..." The younger girl mumbled, Lisa kissed her temple and asked again.

"Only strawberries?"

"And waffles and coffee please..." Lisa nodded and reached for the telephone beside their bed.

She phoned the room service and asked for everything they wanted for breakfast, she returned the phone and goes back caressing her wife.

"Let's go take a bath so when the food comes we're already cleaned. Yeah?" Jennie withdrew from her and pouted, she shook her head and goes back resting her head on her neck.


"Bathe me...."


Lisa softly hum as she gently lather Jennie's smooth skin.

"You're such a baby...." She teased her.

"Shut up, you like it anyways." Lisa nodded and kissed her wife's neck.

They continued relaxing on the tub when the doorbell started ringing. Lisa stood from the tub, Jennie watched as her wife scramble through the pair of bathrobes and wear it.

"Come back immediately you are not done yet!" She reminded her as Lisa exits the bathroom.

She sits back and closed her eyes. She can hear Lisa talking to a man outside, she just ignored them and enjoyed her bath.

Later on the older on came back and joined her again.

"Let's finish this? So we can eat." Jennie nodded and let Lisa rinse her off.

Once done both got dressed quick and proceeded out of the room to the pool area to have their breakfast. Lisa as always pulled the chair for her girl so she can sit down.

"I think we should bring the kids here someday." Jennie uttered as she filled Lisa's plate with food.

"I think so too then we can also bring them on other countries like Japan maybe? Korea and Thailand."

"Yeah that'll be great."

They finished breakfast in a quick and decided to dip their feet on the pool since it is not the ideal weather to have a swim.

They sat down on the edge, hands entangled together.

"Is this for real?" Lisa asked out of nowhere. Jennie gazed at her and furrowed her eyebrows.


"Am I really married to you? As far as I remember you were this college girl that is very annoying and I am very grossed out with." Lisa said, Jennie let's go of her hand and gave her a hard punch on the side of her stomach.

"I am gross? If I am gross then why would you ask me to have sex with you for a whole fucking week? And another one during River's first birthday? Huh?" Jennie asked in irritation.

"Babe I was just kidding." Lisa wrapped her in her arms and repeatedly kissed her head.

"I am not gross. I am not!"

"You aren't I was just joking. Please Im sorry." She let go of Jennie and cupped her cheeks, she kissed her in the mouth long enough to make her go crazy.

"You are forgiven." She rested her back against Lisa and played with her hands that is resting on her thighs.

"I wanna quit acting." Again Lisa with randomness.

"Why so?" Jennie asked.

"I have saved enough in acting and I wanna focus more in our family . I wanna be a fulltime dada, I don't want our kids experience the same things I've experienced when I was a kid." Lisa explained.


"My dad wasn't around that much as I grow up so I want our kids to grow up with me by their side more often."

"That is so thoughtful of you."

Both of them fell in a comfortable silence. Their feets slowly swooshing the water.

"Lets go out...." Jennie stood up and offered Lisa her hand.


"Smile baby...." Lisa told Jennie as she stood outside a temple, the girl obliged and showed her gummy smile on the camera.

Lisa gladly captured it and showed it to Jennie after.

"Do you think they wouldn't mind if we go for a quickie inside the temple?" Lisa asked as she was scrolling through the cameras gallery.

"Lisa...." Jennie slapped her on the arms making her flinch.

"Im just kidding."

"You're old now you shouldn't be making such childish jokes anymore." Jennie reminded.

"Sorry..." Jennie pinched her nose and runs inside the temple.

"Come on baby take a picture of me!" She shouted.

Few people looks at them and Lisa gave them an apologetic look. She follows inside the temple and found Jennie lighting up some incense.

"I thought you want to take photos?" She asked already holding onto her camera.

Jennie shush her and told her to join her as she prays. Lisa rolled her eyes and stood right next to her and closed her eyes as well. She takes a peak on Jennie every other second just to check if she's finished. The girl on the other hand would pinch her just so she continues closing her eyes.

Lisa closed her eyes completely and let herself pray in a proper and sincere way.

She then felt pair of lips pressed on her cheeks. She flutter opened her eyes and tears started falling, Jennie looks at her in concern.

"Something wrong?" She asked, Lisa shook her head and just hugged her tight.

"Im just being an emotional old person." Lisa joked, Jennie wiped her remaining tears and kissed her again.

"Whatever it is no need to cry anymore, okay?" She nods her head and locked her lips with her.

"I love you...."

"I love you too..."

They exited the temple where people already gathered around waiting for them.

"Pichur?" They asked, the two chuckled and nodded.
