Chapter 10

Jennie's POV

So Lisa told me she's going somewhere and she needed to leave the kids at her father's place. I didn't asked her where since she said it was just something random she needs to check.

Im with Irene right now and Rosé. We are having a quick shopping cause it is my break from my shoot.

"Are you and Lisa planning to have another kid?" Irene asked me as she checks on the racks.  I stopped what I was doing and looks at her, she looks back at me and Rosé did the same.

"We actually have talked about it during our honeymoon but that was like many months ago and still not quite sure about it. Schedule has been so tight I don't know if I can actually take care of a baby." I told her.

"You should both figure it ou-

She was interrupted when two young ladies interrupted just to ask for pictures. Irene pursed her lips and I simply apologized for the twos behaviour, I didn't declined though. I let them take a picture with me and then told them that next time to never interrupt someone's conversation and if they can wait they should, I said it in a polite manner of course didn't wanna sound rude.

"So I was saying, Lisa isn't getting any younger I am sure she wants to have a daughter." I nod at her then I picked up everything I decided to buy.

"I'll talk to her about it." We all proceeded onto the counter and paid for everything.

Of course after buying we ate cause Rosé was hungry (she's always hungry what is new?). We went to a French restaurant and ate there.

As we were eating a little girl bumps into me. She's very cute, she has a very wild curly hair and olive skin tone, her eyes are like an emerald stone, she's a complete doll.

"Im sorry." She apologized in her cute tone. I cupped her cheeks since she kinda looked familiar and I told her it was fine then I asked her where is her mom she just shrugged her shoulders.

"You don't know?" She nods her head at me. I pouted then I stood from me seat to kneel in front of her.

"Let me help you find her." I excused myself from the two and accompanied her. I still have a lot of time before my next set so I don't mind helping her out.

We looked around the area to find her mom, she's already in the verge of crying so I carried her and told her things to assure her.

"We will find her okay?"

It took me like 15 minutes to find her mom.  I wouldn't be able to find her if the girl didn't screamed mommy after seeing her.

She immediately ran after her when she saw her.

"Mommy!" The woman caught her in her arms then she kissed her a lot of times.

"She helped me find you mommy. Pretty lady helped me." She pointed at me then I met eye to eye with her mom. I was caught by surprise who was it.

"Mina?"My ex best friend.

"Jen..." She mumbles, she puts down the little girl and she walks towards me to bow.

"Thank you very much. I don't know what will happen to me if I loose her." She said in the verge of crying, I pulled her to stand firmly and hugged her tight.

God! I know we had a very rough ending but she was my partner in crime back in highschool and I still miss her damn much.

"How are you?" She asked me.

"Im good." I told her.

"You are not mad about me anymore?" She asked. I shook my head no. She burst out crying and hugged me again.

"Im so sorry I was very awful at you. I turned my back you the times you needed me the most, I am so sorry Jennie. I am really sorry." I wiped away her tears.

"It's fine now. As long as you already grown into your mistake and reflected on it then it's fine." I told her, she nods her head and slowly pulled her daughter to introducing to me.

"This is Betty. My daughter and the love of my life." She said, the little girl waved her hands at me and I reached to ruffle her hair.

"Nice to meet you Betty, I am aunty Jennie." I told her.

"I learned how hard it was for you when I had her. My parents cuts off everything from me once they found out and her dad ran away and didn't showed up again so I was alone in raising her." I felt awful at what she said, I had a sudden flashback of my life during the times I was alone with River.

I held her hands firmly and sigh.

"I'll help you. You are my best friend after all."


I know she caused a lot of troubles for me, I was kicked out of school because of her but after plotting my revenge against Lisa I've learned it doesn't always end in something good.

"Doesn't matter, okay? Don't think about it anymore. I will help you both in whatever you need." I reached inside my purse and gave her my calling card.

"Call me when you need and I would love to help." She cried again and hugged me for the nth time.

"Thank you so much."

I took them with me back to where I left Irene and Rosé, I introduced her of course then I offered them to have a meal since Betty was hungry. After that we separated ways and bid each others goodbye.

Betty... Such a cute little kid.

I finished my three remaining shoots before we decided to pack up and leave.

I gotten to Dad Marco's house, I took the kids home.

"Did you two behaved?" I asked but I received nothing, I looked back and saw both of the deep in their sleep. I sigh and shook my head.

When I arrived home I woke them up, Buzz opted to be carried while River ran inside immediately. I followed and found my wife sitting quietly on the couch.

"How's your day baby?" I immediately asked her when I put Buzz down to his feet.

"I don't know." She said, the kids climbed next to her and they kissed her cheeks.

"I played with Russell." Buzz said, Lisa gave him a small nod.

I took the signal that she wasn't okay so I told the kids to go upstairs so I can talk with her, they gladly obliged so I was left alone with her.

"Something wrong love?" I asked as I took the seat next to her.

"Nothing is wrong Im just thinking. Anyways, hows your day?" She asked me trying to change her mood.

"It was fun and you wouldn't believe who I saw today." She furrowed her eyebrows at me.

"Who? Don't tell me it is him again." I rolled my eyes at her and kissed her lips.

"No, of course not. It's Mina. I met Mina and she has a daughter. She's very cute love. And we also talked about the past and she apologized about everything that happened." She nods her head slowly.

"Good for you then." I badly wanna ask why is she like this but I will let her tell it herself, I don't want to force her.

She stood up and pulled me up, she hugged me really tight and I just returned it since I can feel she's carrying something heavy.

"I know there's something you couldn't tell and I won't force you if you don't want me to know." She pulled away a little and tucked my hair behind my ears.


She stopped talking and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Irene? What about her?"

"I meant. I-I..... I want.." She paused again and I looked at her in confusion.

"To have a baby." She blurted out loud.

"A baby?"

"Yes! A baby! I want a baby."

Another boring one....
