A showcase with @still_just_me, author of It's Just Phone Sex

1 what inspired the idea of your story?

The story's inspiration was a half sweet/mushy romcom and half mature content (smut). I liked the setup that two people had small, intersecting life circles within a city of millions. New York City lent itself well to the main two characters having random, serendipitous run-ins. It's also an energetic, sexy city so I definitely tried to tape into that vibe.

2 what is something you struggled constructing with your story?

 I struggled with the mature content scenes, particularly writing sexual scenes when the characters aren't in the same room together and then making sure I deliver on the in-person build-up. Those chapters have the highest number of reads but fewest comments, so sometimes I second-guess whether it's well-written or not. And bluntly put, I'm not a guy, but it is dual-POV so I tried my best on Damian's side.

I also hadn't intended it to be a slow burn story, and didn't think it was compared to my other slow burn stories, but it probably is for most mature content readers. There's character discoveries that readers wish happen a few chapters earlier than when they really do, and of course want Damian and June to meet asap.

3 what did you enjoy writing most of your story?

What I enjoyed most about writing the story is how much I laughed. And I still laugh when responding to comments. IJPS ended up being a challenge for me to find a use for every double meaning entendre that I knew of. The story definitely has serious moments, but the writing is very sarcastic, self-deprecating, and light-hearted... even the mature scenes.

I also loved weaving the small interactions and dropping a lot of foreshadowing, double meanings, and easter eggs. And I adore how the main characters, June and Damian, are a weird mix of sweet and filthy. They switch back and forth within the same scene or conversation and it just works for them.

4 what's the overall response of your story from your readers?

Overwhelming! It's my most read story. Readers wanted a sequel because they weren't ready to say goodbye to the characters. I really hesitated on whether I'd write one because June really suffers from the worst case of evil author syndrome across all my stories. At the expense of a bit more drama, It's More than Just Phone Sex (or IJPS2 because IMTJPS cramps my brain) is really for the people who encouraged me for more.

I didn't know how the characters would be received because they're a little different. Damian works as an NYPD sergeant and racial inequality and injustice is a super-charged subject in my country, even though for him it's just his life-draining job. June also isn't the typical 'outspoken alpha female soapbox proponent with biting, sarcastic lines' but she's confident in herself and knows her self-worth. Her heart is also bigger than she can handle sometimes.

5 is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series ?

I'd intended it was a one-n-done but there will be a sequel, called It's More than Just Phone Sex, late 2022.

6 what would you like your readers to take away from your story?

Story-wise, mature content can be funny! More importantly, I'd like readers to take away the subtle message of the importance of self-worth, knowing when it's okay to seek help, and finding a balance between working on individual issues before being in a relationship and growing together. Neither of the two main characters completely resolve their personal challenges but they've placed themselves within a 'good enough I can move forwards' frame of existence. 

7 what advice would you provide to fellow writers, when it comes to focusing on their own story?

Have fun! When it's forced and stressful, it's not fun. Write the story that you'd love to read first, accept the positive feedback and wipe out the negativity.

Mechanically, I recommend writing a lot of chapters, at least 10-20, before publishing them on Wattpad in regularly scheduled updates. Having a large queue written in advance takes off the pressure of designated update days.

And find how you write best. I'm weird in that I use organized plot outlines but don't write chapters in chronological order, just whenever the inspiration hits. In particular, I always write the first draft of the end chapter and Epilogue long before I'm at the story end. 

Once each chapter is done, edit it with a critical eye. Interact with readers, even just thanking people for finding the story, and try not to be offended when readers get mad at your characters when they make mistakes or bad judgment calls. It's a compliment, even the knife emojis, because people are reacting emotionally to words you put in front of them. It's so much more of a blessing than, "Meh, it does nothing for me."

8 does your main character share any similarities to yourself?

I have a blunt, sarcastic sense of humor. If I had June's job, then I'd probably have her inner thought monologues. 

9 what is something about your story you believe would draw in new readers?

I think the title is a little polarizing, but there's not many Wattpad stories about phone sex. So, hopefully IJPS offers something different. The most common reaction I've gotten is people come for the smut and get surprised at the story. I've written stories with dialogue-driven humor, exposition-heavy world building, and slow burn drama but I'm really happy with how all those elements are blended together in IJPS.

10 do you have any future projects?

 Yes. I have 4 new books planned for 2022, including IJPS2. The other 3 books are all spinoffs for secondary characters within my football romance book series. I'm also editing my I Hate Football series, which is a very time-consuming process.
