A showcase with @nawalj-2005 author of: 7 bullets

1 what inspired the idea of your story?

I wanted to do something different, so I thought to myself, 'Hey why don't I write a novel,' So I just started writing and the ideas just kept coming as I wrote along!

2 what is something you struggled constructing with your story?

I believe the creating the ending was a struggle. I couldn't decide on the type of ending I wanted, yet I did it! I haven't posted the last chapter, but I'd love to find out if I were you :D !So, do check it out!

3 what did you enjoy writing most of your story?

To be honest, I enjoyed every last part of it! I loved that fact that I'm doing it! 

4 what's the overall response of your story from your readers?

Right now, it is a start and an On-Going story, yet as much as I've heard and seen, I believe my readers find it interesting! One of my readers told my how captivating it is, and that he/she just wanted to drown in it, which pleased me to an extent!!!

5 is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series ?

It is a stand alone novel. I don't plan on writing another part for it, but... who knows what the future holds, right? :)

6 what would you like your readers to take away from your story?

I would like my readers to understand what the main character is going through. I want them to understand that even if this is a piece of fiction, there are still people out there who are experiencing similar stories to Bella. I want the readers to read this and feel it. I want my readers to express their feelings too and let out the words that they believe suits this story. Also, I will like my readers to create morals of the story and share it with me, because no matter how many morals I write, every story has them for eternity. I would love it if my readers would imagine this story at their fullest!

7 what advice would you provide to fellow writers, when it comes to focusing on their own story?

Write for fun! BELIEVE that your writing is the best of the best! My advice is to scribble everything and read it through. You'll notice the truth behind your story, and know that it isn't just a waste. You'll in fact know that it is a pretty good story of yours! So if you have trouble thinking of a story, it's best to write it down! Believe me, the words will come to you themselves! Just believe in yourself.

8 does your main character share any similarities to yourself?

 Yes she does! I wouldn't say she is totally like me, but I would say one thing, her love for a person is deep. That would be similar, because when I love a person, I love them to an extent that it'll hurt if they're not there. She is loyal, bold and serious and I would say the same for myself! She is also a big sister, and so am I! :)

9 what is something about your story you believe would draw in new readers?

I believe many people love cliff hangers and mysterious actions! I also think supernatural abilities would draw lovers to it too! Along with that, if someone loves family, than this story is definitely worth checking out!!! It isn't just one thing that makes this story unique! Every type of reader would love to read it! You just need to check it out to look through the depths of the writings and drown into the story itself to know what it truly is! All stories are great, we just need to dig deeper to understand its beauty! So, don't wait and check out 7 BULLETS now!

10 do you have any future projects?

 Yes, I am planning on writing another novel once this one is completed! I want to keep on writing and I meant it when I said I'll make it my second career!:)))
