A showcase with @Shannara2, author of On the run

1. What is something you struggled constructing with your story?

 Forgetting brilliant ideas and making characters believable.

2. What did you enjoy writing most of your story?

 I enjoyed writing the actions part and the progressing relationship between the lead characters, Sean and Talia. For instance, when Talia was arrested, Sean came to save her, posing as an attorney and fooling the entire police department. I also had much fun writing the scene where Talia used her birthday cake and stilettos as a weapon to fight the goons. 

3. Is your story a standalone novel or a piece of series? 

On the run is a standalone story.

4. What would you like readers to take away from your story? 

Be careful with whom you trust and if you can learn defense skills to protect yourself.

5. What advice would you provide to fellow writers when it comes to focusing on their own stories? 

I) Read diligently on your genre and outside your genre preference. It helps boost your creative thinking.

ii) Don't give up and don't lose your belief that your story is worth telling.

iii) Keep writing, don't listen to the naysayers.

iv) Run your own pace. Don't base your writing on people's criticism and opinions.

6. Does your main character show any similarities to yourself?


7. What is something about your story you believe would draw in new readers? 

 The unusual and evocative descriptions, never-ending drama, tension like a cliffhanger and the ability to paint pictures with words.

8. Do you have any future projects?

Yes. I am working on a novel that would be released early next year.

9. What is the overall response of your story from your readers?

Positive. The majority seem to love it and I get excited every time I receive a comment or pm from my lovely readers! 

10  What inspired the idea of your story?

It just popped in my head one day at work and I found myself writing my first chapter. 
