Haunted doll and a bet [SLB]

I tried to make them act as closely to their actual selves as possible here, so in other words if you think about it most of the stuff they say is actually how they would word it.

Slight TW: description of an old, broken creepy doll.


Tubbo, Tommy and Wilbur were sitting in Tubbo's room, talking about a bet.

"So, you keep the doll for three days and win. But if you give up or die I win."

"Wait- or DIE?" Tubbo was somewhat shocked at that, he never thought about the possibility of the doll somehow coming to life and killing him.

"Oh, little bee boy thought I was serious? Aww" Wilbur responded in his 'sweet-childish-sarcastic' voice.

"Listen Tubbo, I am a HUGE man. Absolutely MASSIVE. But I would not accept keeping that doll." Tommy exclaimed. He pointed at the dolls weirdly realistic face, specifically the broken and rotting teeth.

"Listen, it's just a doll nothing bads going to happen." Tubbo assured his best friend.

Suddenly, Phil peeked into the room. "What are y-" he noticed the doll and furrowed his brows. "The fuck is that." Tommy covered his mouth resulting in a muffled laugh because of the reaction Phil had. "Found it in a trashcan." Wilbur said in a weirdly bland way. "Ok then THAT THING is covered with trash. I am sorry, but I am not fucking touching something covered in TRASH." Tubbo exclaimed as he began to actually examine the doll; it had curly black synthetic? Hair, a small torn apart vintage dress covered in dirt and grime, some black Mary Jane's and some parts appeared to have blood, paint or sauce. "Mate... Why were you digging around in a trashcan." Phil asked, the room fell silent all staring at Wilbur.

"It was at the top of a dumpster." He replied, semi lying. Some idiot took it off of the top of a dumpster, screamed, then threw it to the nearest person (aka Wil)".

"Ok, but why the fuck were you at a rando dumpster" Tubbo asked, slightly laughing "There could be a skellington in it." Wilbur didn't have much of a response to this, he was kind of just walking around and saw an alley. So he went down it. You know, like an idiot.

"So is this bet going on or not? You kinda need to tell me." Wilbur asked the small blonde, getting a plain response of "no." Tubbo left the room, followed by Tommy.

Wilbur picked up the doll, now wondering what he could do with it. The doll started moving, quite jankily. The doll let out a static laughter, followed by Fundy's voice "You fucking found it" there was inaudible laughter and Wilbur just threw the doll out the window, initially breaking it.


Over at Fundy's, he decided to make a creepy fake doll like one of those weird YouTube pranks.

He didn't really think Wilbur would be the one to end up finding it, though they got a good kick out of it.


Word count: 502
