Separation [RANBOO]

Inspired by SIMply-Noah's "Ran and Boo" Oneshot in "SBI oneshots"

Keep in mind 

1. Ranboo isn't a human. Well, his character isn't. 

2. This isn't meant to represent DID, as Ranboo himself has said the character Ranboo isn't a human he doesn't have a human mental illness. (Anxiety is probably an exception because it's been shown other animals can obtain it) also what person with DID can just split apart, that's right- nobody.

And, swear warning (though this is wattpad what did you expect)


"What in the world are you doing"

"I said 'Go Fish!'."

"This is Rummy what are you talking about" Boo was confused but also expecting Ran to do this.

"Game is irellevent" 

"So is your non-existent intellectual ability"

"Don't we have the same IQ-" Ran was cut off while saying 'q' being interrupted by an obnoxiously loud child.

"RANBOO I NEED WOOD" Tommy slam-opened the door to the master bedroom of the mansion.

Almost instantly the two starting glowing a faint red and green like a tacky christmas tree, quickly merging? Into Ranboo, they coughed slightly to serve as a 'we were playing with lights or something' lie of a distraction.

Tommy started screaming "OOHH- WHAT THE FUCK?"

Ranboo being the somehow not a theatre kid they are quickly lied and said "remind me not to play with Christmas lights" in a believing way. 


ok but if you think about it Tommy would say it like this which... huh... why

Ran & Boo had a mini freak out of 'What if Tommy finds out?'

"D-DO NOT LIE TO ME THERE WERE TWO PEOPLE IN HERE." The child continued his obnoxious screaming.

"...Uh y-you're probably seeing t-things from the b-bright LED l-lights!" Ranboo stuttered, they were now more worried then they've been in a while

"Ok what the fuck is going on in here" Tubbo popped into the room to see a frightened Ranboo sitting on the floor, a concerned but angry looking Tommy and an unfinished card game scattered on the floor.

"There were two fucking people in here" Tommy insisted, pointing at Ranboo "What are you talking about? There's just Ranboo, man." Now the room was filled with 2 bits of confusion and one answer; Ran & Boo. "Ranboo, explain?" Tubbo looked at Ranboo and could tell he was afraid to answer "please?" Ranboo was still shaking "what do we do? No idea. We need to figure out something! Bruh tell me something I don't know. Just come up with something already!"  Ranboo started blurting out "I'm sorry please don't hurt us!" And put their arms over their head in a scared self defence way

That is meant to be read extremely fast like imsorrypleasedonthurtus

"us? Ranboo? What?" Tubbo asked, leaning down trying to comfort Ranboo (in a platonic marriage sort of way) Tommy was still just standing there, wanting wood and an answer. "Do we answer? No. But we're kind of just backed into a corner an w-. We can tell Michael and Tubbo, but not Tommy. Why not Tommy? he's our friend too! Too risky. How is it too risky? Just is. Huh? I'd let us tell Phil and Techno but certainly not Tommy he talks far too much. I guess you have a point." Ran and boo concluded. "Uh... Tubbo I'll tell you later?" Tubbo nodded "so am I getting wood or not?" Tommy asked looking somewhat pissed- actually he usually looks pissed anyways. JOKE HE ONLY LOOKS PISSED LIKE 19% OF THE TIME "heh- yeah follow me to the storage" Ranboo and Tubbo said in unison, proceeding to start giggling.

Tubbo and Ranboo gave Tommy the wood, after he left Tubbo looked at Ranboo expecting an answer. With a bee. And a match box in his pockets. Because YES.

Anyways, Ran and Boo started to try and explain the situation. "So um- we- I- us- uh- we're two people? Like- two people merged together I guess?" They are bad at explaining. "Elaborate?" Tubbo asked now petting the bee and plotting arson. Listen. He was starting to get too out of character so I added a bit of bee and arson... 

"Do we just seperate? I mean, sure." The room started to look like a tacky Christmas lights display. "I'm Ran!" "And I'm boo!" The two said, trying not to burst out laughing "and we're Ranboo!" The two did a crappy rendition of an anime-ish pose. "Wait wait wait... So I am canonically married to two people?" Tubbo questioned. "I mean... Yeah? No? I don't know." Ran tried to answer. "Papa!" The half dead piglin child ran up to tubbo, hugging him. "You promised to show me how to do the boat thing!" Ran and Boo repetively blinked in confussion IT WANTED TO AUTOCORRECT TO CUNCUSSION. Tubbee started to talk to Michael and waved at Ran and Boo before leaving the room. The two went back upstairs and talked with Wilbur and Phil via text to speech on Phils stream. 

Word count: 834

Should I keep the non important footnotes? (Example: IT WANTED TO AUTOCORRECT TO CONCUSSION)
