Sally and Wilbur but it's (mostly) canonical

I see some people saying Sally is a shapeshifter because how the fuck do you fuck a salmon as a human but eh.


(My spacing thing thing is broken and I'm not figuring out how many spaces I need to put again.)

Wilbur was happily walking along a river with a bag in hand and just so happened to come across a lone salmon trying to get up a waterfall slightly out of a salmons jumping range. The salmon noticed the humans presence and swam up closer to them. Wilbur rolled up his pants, took of his shoes, placed the bag down and stepped into the decently shallow river. He started sort of- petting? The fish whilst considering picking it up and putting it at the top of the waterfall, though he didn't know how long the fish could go without water. The salmon and waterfall situation reminded him of a folklore tale Techno told him, something about a salmon getting up a waterfall after a few decades and becoming a god sea dragon or something.

*cough cough* what apparently inspired gyradoes or whatever the name is in Pokémon and the weird flapping fish *cough cough* 

The salmon looked quite pleased by the human and nudged his leg, enough Wilbur fell over so he was sort of sitting in the babbling river. Wilbur uh... blushed? The fuck is wrong with this dude?

The salmon nudged him even even more in a specific spot. (We don't talk about that much.) And Sally effectively became the salmon version of the moaning pufferfish thing.

Wilbur remembered a potion he had with him due to him expirementing potions with Ranboo trying to make a water protection potion.

Canonically, Ranboo, Tommy and Tubbo would be 3-4 at this time. Because (canon) Fundy's around 12-13 right now.

He got up and out of the river, opening his bag to get a creature talking potion (you can understand and talk to any animal if you drink it. In other words, you become a watered down Disney princess.) Wilbur quickly drank the potion and went back into the river, sitting down because now he already got wet didn't care. He talked to Sally in a mildly concerning way. One thing led to another and ✨You know what happened✨ (probably)

How the fuck would that look? Also just imagine passing by. Imagine if PHIL passed by. Or one of the children. Tramautizing shit right there [weird sad face thing]  

The fish ended up laying a single egg and parting.

The kid ended up being a human furry fox thing. She looked quite beautiful and was witty in some bits, while barely being sly. He is now around 12-13 with enough emotional trauma for it to be funny.

"So my dad fucked a salmon."

Need funny number sos

Word count: 469 (not including this or word count. Also I am not even going to bother and make sure all the grammar is correct this is quite cursed.)

Also admire me trying to add subtle detail. Fundy is trans so- and technically yes I misgendered the character but it's me trying to add detail. And you can't call me transphobic I am literally trans 
