Part 2 of Baby Dares (Edited)

I haven't arrived yet, and Lukas left to go get something from the garden.

Jessica: When do you thing she will arrive?

Olivia: I don't know and I don't care. I'm outta here. *leaves*

Axel: I'm with Liv. See ya, Jessie. *evacuates the building*

Petra: *wistfully looking out of the windows* I wish I could do the same...

Jesse: Sis, why are you EXCITED?!! This is a BABY DARE.

Petra: *still looking out the window* Lukas is going to be a baby this time.

Jesse: Ooohhhh.. That explains it.

Jessica: *wheels around to glare* Do you want me to tell Petra 'the thing'?

Jesse: NO!

Petra: Tell me what?

Me: *comes charging* GUYS, I ACCIDENTALLY GOT STARTLED BY LUKAS DUE TO BEING SUPER EXCITED AND I MAY HAve changed him into his baby form out in the garden. However, I didn't leave him in the garden.

*Once again, the art (above) belongs to Dreaming_Galaxy, not me!*

Jesse: *stares* Oh.

Ivor: *comes in* Jessica, have you seen *spots baby Lukas* BLONDE GUY?!?!

Lukas: *Looks at Ivor and laughs, reaching for him*

Ivor: *gingerly takes Lukas* Uuummmm...

Jessica and Petra: *hyperventilating due to the cuteness amount*

Me: Lukas was very sweet, yet lonely during his childhood. He always had a hug for everyone, yet no one wanted to be his friend.

Jessica: What?! Nobody wanted to be his friend?

Lukas: *turns to study Jessica, then smiles* Pretty Rose Lady!

Jesse: What?

Jessica: I have a hair accessory in the shape of a rose, and this outfit has roses all over it. *reaches over toward Lukas* Do you wanna pass him over here to me and Petra, Ivor?

Ivor: Yes, please. *hands Lukas to Jessica, then turns to me* Who are you?

Me: I'm Irene. So what are your emotions about seeing baby Lukas?

Ivor: I'm... confused, shocked, and somewhat amused.

Me: *pulls some bottles out of my backpack* Here, it's lunch time. *pulls sandwiches, cookies, and pizza out of the bag*

Petra: *studying the pizza* What is that?

Me: *in Chica's voice* PIZZA! *takes a big bite out of it*

Jessica: *quietly holding Lukas* How did you...

Me: *nibbling on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich* In my world, I have a mod that allows me to make different foods.

*after lunch*

Me: Put him down, Petra.

Petra: *gently hugging baby Lukas* Okay... It's not every day that your brother figure is turned into a baby...

Me: *huffs, and takes a picture of her and Lukas* Here. Now you can see Lukas as a baby every day. Just don't let Lukas see it.

Petra: Fine...*puts Lukas down*

Me: Lukas, who is your best friend?

Lukas: *points to Jesse*

Jesse: YES!! *crying tears of joy*

Jessica: Lukas, who is acting childish right now?

Lukas: *points at Jesse*

Everyone except Jesse: *snickers*

Ivor: Lukas, who do you love? *has a goofy grin on his face*

Lukas: *crawls over to Jessica, then hugs her legs*

Me and Petra: *squeals in happiness*

Me: Tell Lukas he did this and I will murder you, Jesse.

Jesse: *was angrily staring at Lukas* (he's an overprotective brother) Fine...

Petra: Lukas, what are you most afraid of?

Lukas: *freezes and starts to tremble*


Petra: What?! What did I do?!?

Me: *pulls out crayons and paper* Lukas, can you DRAW us what you are most afraid of? Please? *places them down in front of him*

Lukas: *carefully draws a picture of a young child getting hit by vines, with a child in it* (it will be explained in a future chapter why this was changed)

Jesse: *pales and looks as if he is going to throw up*

Jessica: *looks in confusion, then shifts in discomfort* I'm... going to get some cookies...

Jessica leaves the room

Petra: What's wrong?

Ivor: *is looking at the picture in sorrow* I think... Lukas was nearby or something when someone he knew was drowned. It kinda reminds me of a case that I took alone about sixteen years ago.

Petra: What case? *is so confused*

Me: *staring blankly, my eyes beginning to darken* Sixteen years ago,a young boy drowned due to vines wrapping around his ankle and the river just began going into high tide. Ivor was brought out to see if he could get to him in time, but Ivor didn't know the situation.

Petra: *stands up in grief and anger* WHO IS HE?!? I'LL-

Jesse: Enough, Petra. You're scaring Lukas.

*We all look down to see Lukas with tears in his eyes*

Petra: *quickly calms down* I'm sorry... Sorry, Lukas...

Jessica: *quietly comes back in with cookies* I'm back.

Petra: Why did you leave to get cookies anyway, Jessie? Irene brought cookies and put them on the table. *points to a plate of cookies on the table*

Jessica: I.... I don't know.... My head started hurting when I looked at that photo... Almost like it's something that I don't want to think about...

Me: *I'm now in my dark mode* Or  like it is a memory you don't want to remember? Many people have a memory that they don't ever want to remember..

Above is my dark mode

Jessica: Yeah, kinda like that. But I don't know why I'm disturbed...

Lukas: *points to the drawing* Scary...
*stands up and walks to Jessica*

Me: Jessica, I think he wants a cookie.

Later that day I went back to normal

Me: I don't get it.

Jessica: *sitting on the sofa, with Lukas quietly playing at her feet* What?

Me: 1. HOW IS HE SO CUTE?! and 2. How did Petra and Jesse leave without me realizing?

Jessica: 1. It's Lukas. 2. You were too busy being mesmerized by Lukas to notice.

Me: ...

Me: That's fair.

Jessica: *studying the picture Lukas drew* I still don't get why this drawing fills me with dread...

Me: *glances out the window* Oh, here comes Petra and Jesse. Also, the dare is about to be over.

Ivor: *slams door in* WHERE IS BLOND GUY?!? Also, is the dare almost over?

Me: Yep, dares over now. *transforms Lukas back*

Lukas: *immediately lays down on his stomach* It's so good to be able to talk normally again...

Petra: *walks in with Jesse* Welcome back, Lukas.

Ivor: Lukas, I need you help with something.

Lukas: Coming, Ivor! *quickly leaves*

Me: Next time will be Jessica and Jesse!

Petra: *raises her arms in relief* SHE'S NOT GONNA DO ME!! YES!!

Jesse and Jessica: *groans in disdain*

Me: Please send in some more dares and asks! See you next time, my hybrid fledglings!
