Dares #14

Back again with dares from @Playni!!

Me: Hey, Guys. I have more dares! I hope y'all don't mind.

Jessica: It's alright...

Lukas: It's good. They're fun when it's a prank or anything funny.

Dare #1: Petra, Stacy, and Nell: Bungee jump!

Petra: What's Bungee jump?

Me: When a person jumps from a great height with a type of stretchy rope attached to them.

Nell: Eeeehhh... I'll pass...

Me: *turns into dark mode* YOU ARE DOING IT, NELL.

Nell: *jumps due to surprise* Okay! Okay!

Me: *turns back to normal* Stacy, you're not getting out of this either.

Stacy: *had been creeping toward the door* 🙁

Petra: Let's just get this over with...

At the top of a mountain

Petra: I'm a little nervous.

Radar: You got this, Nell!

Me: Stacy, if you do this, I will give you all the cookies you want.

Stacy: O-Okay...

Me: GO!

After Bungee Jumping. I'm lazy... sorry.

Stacy: Irene. Cookies. Now.

Me: Here. *summons a stack of cookies*

Stacy: Thank you.

Petra: That was actually very fun.

Nell: It was. Now, I have to leave. Bye!

She leaves with Stacy, who has her cookies.



Me: That will be at the end of the chapter.

Dare #3: Meet heroes of other games

Me: I don't really know a lot of other games, but I can do Fran Bow, Sally Face, and a few others.

Petra: Who?

Me: *waves staff* WELCOME!

Sal: Hi...?


Misfortune: Hello. Do you know where Benji is?

Frisk: (speaks in sign language) Hi!

Me: Wait, I forgot some people... *claps hands and twirls staff*

Larry: What Just happened? I was in the tree house, then suddenly I'm here.

Sal: LARRY! *tackles Larry*

Me: I took the liberty of reviving Larry for this dare.

Sal: Thank you...

Misfortune: BENJI!!

Benji the Fox: *smiles at Misfortune*

Fran Bow: Kitty! Itward!

Mr. Midnight: Meow! (Fran!)

Itward: Dear Fran, Thank goodness that you are safe!

Sans: Heya, Kiddo. Frisk, Tori's gonna freak if we don't return after 24 hours.

Larry: *quietly talking with Sal*

Me: Anyway, Jessica, Lukas, Jesse, Petra, Olivia, and Axel. This is Sal "Sally Face" Fisher, and Larry Johnson from the Game Sally Face, Benjamin the Fox and Misfortune from Little Misfortune, and Fran Bow, Itward, and Mr. Midnight, Fran's cat, from the game Fran Bow. Also, this is Frisk and Sans from Undertale. Sans is a very... HUMERUS guy.

Sans: I like you, Kiddo.

Me: Frisk, can you please open your eyes for a moment?

Frisk: *opens eyes to reveal a one blue eye and one red eye*

Me: *talking about the red eye* Hello, Chara.

Frisk: (Chara actually speaks, Frisk talks in sign language) Hello...

Me: Let me just... *taps Frisk with staff*

Chara: What the-?!

Frisk: *now has two blue eyes* (signing) Chara!

After fifteen hours of chatting and hanging out. Also if me and Sans saying puns together.

Me: I have to send all of you back now.

Sans: I'm gonna miss ya, Kid.

Frisk: *talking in sign language* I hope that we can meet again one day.

Chara: Thanks for the chocolate!

Me: No problem! Time to go back... *taps Chara, then Frisk*

Frisk: *back to having one blue eye and one red eye*

Misfortune: Me and Benji also have to return. I still want to give Mommy the Eternal Happiness!

Fran: We have to return to our world and Palontras.

Jessica: Bye! We'll see each other again one day.

Lukas: *nods at Benji* See ya later!

Petra: I wanna meet this Palontras!

Axel: I wanna meet this Undyne!

I teleport everyone but Sal, Larry, and the New Order away.

Me: Sal? Larry? Is something wrong?

Sal: I don't wanna go back...

Larry: Me, neither.

Me: Well...

Sal: I don't wanna go back to the electric chair room... I don't want to be alone...

Me: *sighs* There is something I can do to fix that...

Sal: *stands up* REALLY?!?!

Me: But there will be consequences.

Larry: *carefully hugs Sal in a brotherly way* What type of consequences?

Jessica: Irene? What are you planning?

Me: The consequences will be that Sal will be turned into a girl, and that Ashley Campbell and Todd will not exist. Also, your parents will have never met, nor marry...

Sal: Why will I be turned into a girl? And why can't Todd and Ashley exist?

Me: My magic can only teleport people if there is always one girl and one boy unless the person is alone... I'm sorry... Besides, I can't fix Todd, but I can try to teleport Ashley with you... but I don't know if it will nullify turning Sal into a girl.

Larry: ...

Sal: ...

Me: However, you both will be alive and Sal won't be hurt by anything, but you can keep your mask, Sal...

Larry: Your move, Sal.

Sal: *takes a deep breath* We will be together... right?

Me: Yes.

Larry: And it won't hurt?

Me: It will only feel like you're falling asleep, then you'll wake up...

Sal: *swallows* I accept the consequences if you can't teleport Ash with us...

Me: *nods and twirls staff counter-clockwise, while twirling myself clockwise*

Sal and Larry vanish, but we all see Sal turn into a young woman with long hair.

Jesse: Where did they go?

Lukas: Is this 'Ashley' with them?

Me: *sighs while sitting down* I managed to teleport Ashley also, but the consequences changed Sal anyway.

Petra: But where are they?

Me: They are in a haven that I made beforehand. It seems like their world, but some things are different. Now, let's continue.

Jesse: *somewhat dazed due to everything* ...I'm gonna go take a nap.

Dare #4: Petra: sneak into Jesse's room and lay next to him.

Petra: WHY?!

Me: Just do it, Petra...

Jessica: Just so you know, Petra: Jesse is a heavy sleeper.

Petra: *grumbles as she goes up the stairs, the rest of us following her*

We watch as she slips into Jesse's room and creeps over to the bed, and lays on top of the covers next to Jesse, who is under the covers.

Suddenly, he hugs her to him.

Petra: *whisper-yelling* Irene! Help me!

Me: I can't! My magic will wake him!

Petra: *tries to struggle free*

Jesse: *sleep talking* Don't move....

Petra: *continues getting free, but more carefully*

After about six minutes, Petra manages to get free, and we all quickly return to the living room.

Petra: Never. Again.

Me: Now to wait for him to wake up for the singing battle...

Four hours later, Jesse wakes up

Jesse: I'm back!

Me: Singing battle time! And to make it even...! *teleports in Jeff from the creppypasta * Jeff, go first! Also, NO KILLING!

Jeff: *grumbles* (Boys side)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Me: *teleport Jeff away* I'm next! This is for all the single parents who face all hardships with determination! (Girls)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Axel: I'm next, I presume. (Boys)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Olivia: I'll go! (Girls)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Axel: Beautiful, Babe!

Olivia: Thanks, Axel! *kisses Axel's forehead*

Jesse: I guess I'll go... (Boys)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Petra: You're on! (Girls)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Lukas: I guess it's my turn... This is for everyone who was hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend who cheated. (Boys)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Jessica: I'mma about to end all these boys careers...! (Girls)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Me: Please leave your votes in the comments below for who won! We'll see you next time! Please also leave any dares or questions you have in the comments! Soar high, my fledglings!

1,246 Words!
