Dares #22

I checked the comments and AU number five was chosen by @Playni! #5 is The Dolls AU. They also sent in some questions!

Me: *comes in carrying something* Hey, guys!

Petra: Hey.

Olivia: What do you have there, Irene?

Me: *shrugs* Just some Photos, and a book.

Lukas: A book about what?

Me: It's the story of one of the other AU's. I wanted to know if y'all wanted to know the backstory, too.

Jessica: It sounds interesting. Which AU is it?

Me: *carefully puts the book and photos down on the table* The Dolls AU.

Jesse: Also, is there a reason Ivor and Harper are following you.

Me: I asked them to come here before I came here.

Harper: *walks in and sits down* Hello, Jessica.

Jessica and Harper start chatting happily

Me: Onto the questions!

Petra: *just came in and sat down next to Jesse* Excuse me? What is this about clones? Also, Beverly from IT? She's one of my favorite characters.

Me: *reading of a list* Wendy is a lumberjack's daughter. Misty is a Pokémon gym leader. And finally North is a android who is very murdery due to being used. (I don't really know Pokémon 😅)

Petra: North sounds like a cool name. Wendy sounds like an awesome person to hang around. Misty.... I'm not sure about.

Me: It's your opinion, Petra. Also, Jess, how is you knee?

Jessica: *It's better. It was just a scratch.

Lukas: *turns to her* JUST a scratch? Babe, you were barely able to stand!

Ivor: Is that why the big vase in the hall is gone?

Everyone else, except Harper: Yes.

Me: Next!

Ask: Harper, is is everything in your world? Anything new?

Harper: No, not really. I'm working on PAMA's programming to make her less power-hungry.

Ask: Ivor, what do you think of Ivor x Soren ships and Ivor x Harper ships?

Ivor: Ivor and Harper ships are nice, now that me and Harper are dating.

Harper: *smiles and leans into his shoulder*

Ivor: But Ivor x Soren? We're friends!

Me: This is what I think. *stands up*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Just the older man after the kiss is my reaction (I have nothing against homosexuals and bisexuals)

Axel: Please don't. Soren is happy being single.

Me: The fandoms of games will do what they want. 😭

Olivia: Now what? Is that all the questions?

Me: Now is time for The Dolls AU backstory!

After getting comfortable and getting food, also, Ivor and Harper left.

Me: Ahem. *picks up the book and opens it*

Lukas: Why did you write it down?

Me: Because there so many AU's that I need to do it so I don't forget which backstory belongs to which.

Petra: Just start it.

Me: In the Dolls AU, there is a man who has the ability to give souls of people who weren't supposed to die at a certain age into Dolls that he created. The Dolls then grow at the normal pace and ages at the same pace as a normal person. He is usually invited to funerals with his Dolls, in case the person wasn't supposed to die.

Jesse: And what happened if they weren't supposed to?

Me: Their soul goes into a doll that looked like them, and the doll was given to the parents or to a family member. The Dolls remain the same size he made them, able to fit into pockets, when first given to them but the Dolls grow overnight into the correct size.

Olivia: What happens when they die?

Me: The soul-housing Dolls are able to live normal lives, get married and have a family. They live to the time the person was supposed to live to. When they die, the Dolls release the soul and it just turns back into the doll it was first made as. It is then buried with their spouse, if the spouse lived longer than them.

Lukas: So? Who are the Dolls?

Me: It's Lukas, Jesse, and Axel. Jessica was made an apprentice to the man, so the tradition could be continued. But the tradition was supposed to be from son to son, but the person she was apprenticed under never married.

Petra: Why was she apprenticed?

Me: She chose to be taken under his wing. She wanted everyone to live happily, and she lost her brother due to problems. She found out about him, as she had followed her brother to his workshop to check on his "health".

Jessica: But how did Lukas and Axel meet them, and how did she meet Petra and Olivia?

Me: The Doll Helper, as he was called, brought Jessica with him to the funerals of Lukas and Axel. They died on the same day, and Jesse stayed at the shop to take care of things. Jessica watched as the souls went into the Dolls. When her boss tried to give the Dolls to the parents, Lukas's parents said that they didn't have enough to take care of themselves, while Axel's parents refused to take it. So, they took the Dolls with them to the shop. Petra and Olivia were also looking for work, and came across the shop.

Axel: What happened in the end?

Me: They all became friends. Jessica is now running the shop by herself, but she was given a gift with her friends from God.

Jesse: What was the gift?

Me: They were given infinite lives, so they can die, be reborn and continue the shop if they didn't have any children that wanted the shop. They also get to keep all their memories of their previous lives.

Petra: Wouldn't their children be creeped out?

Me: No, the kids are informed about their gift, so they don't freak out. Many of the kids enjoy the shop, so they help out anyway they can. The older ones either keep an eye on the babies or they go and buy fabric for the adults. However, they don't keep their feelings for their friends each life. They have to learn their emotions for a person again.

Lukas: Huh. *gets up* I think I'm going to go to bed. I need to think on that.

Jessica: Same.

They leave the room

Me: Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please send in any dares or questions you have for us in the comments below! Also, if you want me to tell another backstory, please leave the number in the comments below!

Me: Stay safe, and we'll see you guys in the next chapter!

Everyone else in the room: BYE! 👋

Me: Soar high, my hybrid fledglings!

1,096 words
