Dares #15

Dares were sent in from @Nilla_Beann! Please enjoy the chapter! And go check out Nilla_Beann!!

Me: NILLA_BEANN SENT IN DARES, GUYS! *teleports the Blaze Rods in* Wait... *checks list Nilla sent me* CORRECTION: One Dare and three Questions!

Jessica: *currently hugging Maya* It's still gonna be fun!

Petra: Yeah!

Olivia: Gill, how's your shop doing?

Gill: It's going great! I actually have a job to supply vases and flower pots for a wedding! The couple is in unknown for now, as they want to surprise everyone.

Jessica: What about you, Maya?

Maya: I got a job to sing at the wedding!

Me: Okay, Guys! It's time for dares!

Aiden: *currently crying in the corner* (all around me are familiar faces, worn out places, worn out faces~)

Question 1: For the Blaze Rods, What is your least favorite trait about yourself  and the other two Blaze Rods?

Gill: My least favorite trait about us...? That I was always just going along with whatever I'm told to do. I didn't like how Maya always put herself down and told herself that she wasn't pretty enough. Aiden.... That he imagines that he is the most handsome.

Maya: My least favorite trait? Well, I didn't like that I made myself not follow my heart and I made bad decision because of it. Gill always made himself annoying, just for attention, and I don't like how Aiden is a player. I know Gill changed, but I don't know about Aiden...

Aiden: I don't like that I'm a coward unless angry. Gill always was annoying when he actually was just really excited about the group name. Maya always was like a sister to me, but she never really opened up to me about her feelings.

Maya: Aiden, I did open up to you.


Gill: Please. Let's not argue...

Me: Yeah, please don't argue. Next question!

Question 2: Blaze Rods, What is your birthdays?!

These are my thoughts on when they were born.

Maya: Mine is actually today!

Me: Happy Birthday, Maya! *summons a birthday cake*

Everyone else: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAYA!

Maya: Thanks!

Aiden: November 22nd.

Gill: I'm actually a Valentines baby.


Gill: REALLY?!

Me: YEA.

Aiden: When is it?

Me: Not tellin'! (Insert Lenny Face)

Aiden: >:(


Question 3: Do YoU lIkE aNyOnE?! If yes, say who it is!!

Gill: ... *whispers to me* Maya...

Aiden: Nope.

Maya: ... *blushing hardcore* Do I have to say it?!

Me: *points staff at her* YES! Now, say it before I make you say it!

Maya: OKAY, OKAY! It's Gill!

Gill: ...

Aiden: Gill? You okay?

Gill: *falls over* Gill.exe has crashed.

Me, Jessica, and Olivia: SSSHHHHIIIIIPPPP!!

After Gill recovered.

Maya: You doing okay, Gill?

Gill: Yeah... I just got over the shock of realizing that you like me too.

Maya: What?

Gill: What? *realizes what he said* einejdhkshisn...! You know what? Forget it. *kisses Maya*

Me: *inserts Windows crashing sound* Imma just... *starts glitching*

Jessica: You Okay, Irene?

Me: Y-y-y-Yeah. J-j-just give a-a-a-a m-m-m-minute.

After about two minutes of glitching on my part

Me: *Windows wake up sound* I'm better.

???: *loud banging at the main door* FBI, OPEN UP!

Me: Who-

Nilla_Beann: *smashes door in with Stella and Nell behind her* I SMELT A SHIP ALL THE WAY FROM MY UNIVERSE.

Me: Oh, God. Please, save me.

My dark side: *comes out of me as a spirit, but all can see it* WHO SUMMONED ME?!?


After a good three hours of havoc.

Me: Let's just get to the final thing...

Dare 1: Jessica to dress up as one of the Blaze Rods and act like an idiot and embarrass the person who she dressed up as.

Jessica: I like this. This I like. This like I. I this like.

Me: The clothes are in your room, Jess.

Jessica: * runs out of the room and comes back dressed up as Aiden* My NaMe Is AiDeN! I'm ThE lEaDeR oF tHe BlAzE rOdS!

Lukas: *wheezing*

Everyone else except Aiden: *hyena laughing*


Jessica: JeSsIcA, wHaT aRe YoU dOiNg?!?

Aiden: *blushing* STOP EMBARRASSING ME!

Jessica: StOp EmBaRrAsSiNg Me!

Aiden: >:(

Jessica: >:)

Lukas: *lying on the floor crying due to laughter*

Maya: She's hitting it on the head!

Axel: *currently coughing* I'm gonna go get some water!

Olivia: I'll get some, too. Because we all are gonna need it.

Me: *smiling and clutching my stomach* I love this so much. My sides are hurting so bad!

Jessica: *continues to sound idiotic as Aiden*

After three hours of mocking later (I don't know what else to make her say)

Jessica: Okay, I'm done. *leaves to change back into her outfit*

Aiden: Thank the Lord.

Lukas, Maya, and Gill: *dead*

Olivia: *asleep, leaning on Axel*

Axel: *quietly hugging Olivia to his side, with a lopsided smile*

Petra and Jesse: *smiling with tear streaks*

Me: *revives Maya, Gill and Lukas* Well, this was a beautiful day.

Lukas: It sure was.

Jessica: *comes in* Welcome back to the land of the living.

Me: Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you again for coming to be with us today! Send in any dares or questions you have for us, and we will see you guys in the next chapter!

Everyone else: *waves happily* Bye!

Me: Soar high, my hybrid fledglings!

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