Out of pure fear, I decided that going back to the Ravenclaw tower isn't the best idea at the moment. Instead, I'm hanging out with Theo in the Slytherin common room while Draco and Blaise are resting form the game. Alyssa is also with us but Finley had gone to finish up some homework, seeing he wouldn't be able to later.

"You're coming to the party right?" He asks the both of us, throwing his legs on the couch. Alyssa knocks his legs off and takes a seat beside him, earning an eyeball from the dramatic brunette.

I laugh and take a seat on the opposite couch. "I am, but I have nothing to wear."

"You've never gone to a party before?" Theo gasps and Alyssa smacks his chest at his tone, giving him a warning glare.

"I have," I roll my eyes, drumming my fingers on the expensive leather material. Slytherins really live on the classy side. "I just don't want to go to my dorm right now— if my stuff is still in there."

The duo laughs, knowing I was talking about Cho. "You can borrow something of mine, duh." Alyssa waves it off. We've borrowed each other's clothes many times before, and honestly, I probably still have half her clothes in my closet. Sometimes it's hard to tell if an article is mine or hers at this point.

"Anyway, now that doofus #1 and #2 aren't here, spill the deets!" Theo leans forward excitedly. His eyes are expectant, an urgency in them as if he was craving for this knowledge.

Rolling my eyes, I lean back in the furniture. "There's no deets to spill!" I mock, and he pouts.

"Oh really?" Alyssa quirks up a brow. "Wanna talk about that hug then?" Theo snickers, nodding rapidly.

"It was just a hug." I huff, not meeting their gazes. When I don't receive a respond  my eyes travel back to them, meeting their deadpanned looks. I sigh, fiddling with my fingers on my lap. "It was really nice, okay? I like— didn't think about it and just ran into his arms, and it was one of the best hugs I've ever experienced!" I confess, huffing. "Is that better?"

"Ran into his arms?" Theo laughs, making a 'psh' sound as he does. "Girl, you literally jumped him."

I throw a pillow at him, whining. "Shut the fuck up, Theo!"

"It was really cute though," Lyss hums with a knowing smile. "Where's Colin Creevey when you need him?" She jokes, winking in my direction.

"I hate you both." I mumble, bringing my knees to my chest.

Recovering from his attack of laughter, Theo wipes away a tear. "Don't worry, I bet Draco is in his room right now caressing wherever you put your arms around. Wait, shit— I didn't mean it like that!" He bursts into laughter once more when he realizes how his sentence could have been interpreted.

I roll my eyes again, but a smile grows on my face. After a while, Alyssa and I head to her dorm to get changed. She gives me a black silky dress, that runs to my mid-thigh. It seems fitting for a Slytherin party. Alyssa's wearing a fitted gold dress, which compliments her body nicely. Slipping out of the Hufflepuff common room, we don't run into any trouble.

The Hufflepuffs could be my favourite house, just because of the comfort in the air when I'm in their presence. They're the least judgemental in the school, they're kind and fair to everyone. I think that Hufflepuffs are under appreciated.

We walk into the Slytherin common room, the previously quiet room now transformed into one filled with music and lingering scents of alcohol. There's people dancing at the center of the room, but we make a beeline to the couch— where Theo, Blaise, and Finely are sat.

On our way, my eyes search for the notorious blonde but I can seem to find him. I'm pulled away from my thoughts at the sound of a whistle, and I spin around to find Goyle eyeing me. I grab Alyssa's hand uncomfortable.

"Hey! Not too bad for a half-blood, Viotto. You too Damaris." Alyssa's eyebrows pull together and she opens her mouth to make a retort, when she's cut off.

"Shut the fuck up and don't make me repeat myself."

There he is— the rapid lights dance around his features as he glares at Goyle, his hands in the pocket of his pants as if it were a casual conversation. He's wearing a plain black suit, but wears it with such elegance, and I don't want to know how much it costs. Goyle grumbles and moves away, but I pay no attention to him.

Draco Malfoy is entirely captivating.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes," he cocks his head to the side as he observes my outfit, taking a couple steps forward.

My breath hitches. "I could say the same about you," I reply confidently, catching him off-guard. His lips pull into a smirk as he places his hand on my back, guiding me to our friends on the couch.

"Oh, daaaamn." Theo grins at the sight of us. "You guys look like a power couple— oh, hi Alyssa." He jokes, gesturing to the Draco and I's closeness.

Alyssa laughs, swatting his shoulder before sitting beside him. I roll my eyes, "shut up, Theo!"

Draco and I snap our heads to each other, laughing when we realize we spoke at the same time. The only seats left are beside Finely, who grimaces when he realizes he'll be sharing a seat with the two of us. I sit on the comfy leather, tugging the ends of my dress down slightly.

"Do you guys want a drink? I won't get up but there's some there." Theo points somewhere past the makeshift dance floor. I roll my eyes at his laziness.

The question is suddenly repeated in my ear before I can even respond. "Do you want a drink? I can go get you one." Draco offers quietly. I pause before getting up and smoothing my dress once again.

"I'll come with you," I tell him. Looking at Lyss, I ask, "regular?"

She nods and tosses me a wink. "You know it."

Draco and I walk towards the drinks, he pours himself one while I get one for Alyssa and I. Holding the two drinks in my hand, I turn to find him intently staring into the crowd.

"Whatcha looking at?" I ask, bringing my gaze to his pointed one. He leans closer to me, subtly pointing to a couple in the corner.

"He's asking her out." He says simply.

My eyebrows raise as we watch the duo interact. The girl talks animatedly, then scratches her neck in an awkward manner. "Yikes," I mutter under my breath. "She's rejecting him."

Draco turns to me in confusion, "how do you know?"

"Look at her body language," I whisper, as if they could hear us from our spot metres away. "She keeps darting her gaze elsewhere and she's fiddling with the cup in her hand. She's awkward."

He hums as we continue to observe them. "Should we step in then?" I shrug, watching them closely. She's not in any danger per se, but she does seem fairly uncomfortable. I'm about to agree when I notice another party.

Suddenly, another girl comes along, and slaps the boy. "Oh shit!" Draco stifles a laugh under his breath.

The boy walks away angrily and the girl turns to the other. She mouths something that looks like "are you okay?" before pressing her lips on hers. Draco and I look at each other surprised.

"Well did you see that one coming, Ms. Know-It-All?" He teases, still whispering. We must look silly in our close position, whispering during a full-out party. His breath fanning on my skin is beginning to cloud my thoughts.

I roll my eyes, nudging him with my arm. I'm careful not to spill the contents of the drinks on his pretty suit. "Shut it," I huff. We walk away to our friends, who barely noticed our absence. Besides Alyssa, of course. She gives me a knowing look as we sit back down.

"Long line?" She asks almost teasingly.

"Something like that," I mutter in response, drinking from the plastic cup to avoid answering any questions. I don't usually have much fun at parties, but this one is different. I spend the night laughing, huddled up with my friends. At some points, I'm afraid that I'll lose my voice from how much singing and laughing I've been doing.

At the end of the night, I'm still reluctant to go back to the Ravenclaw tower.

"You're gonna have to go back eventually." Finley tries to convince me.

I groan, "I know, but she's gonna know where I was just now and be even more mad!" I complain, throwing my arms into the air. "Do you think it's too late to change dorms?"

They give me a deadpanned look.

"You can sleep in my room if you want," Draco whispers in my ear. What is up with him and whispering today?

"But where would you sleep?" I frown, concerned.

He shrugs, "I can sleep on the couch." He points to the common room couch. It's comfy, sure, but I know he would prefer sleeping on an actual bed.

"Why don't you just sleep together—"


"I DIDN'T MEAN IT IN A SEXUAL WAY YOU SICK FUCK." Theo huffs, crossing his arms. I don't miss the slight smirk he gives me.

I turn to Draco with an eyebrow raised. "Alright, it's settled." I begin skipping to the dorms, "good night, guys! Love you!"

I don't waste any time slipping into Draco's silky sheets, hearing him enter the room a few minutes afterwards. He chuckles when he finds me already in his bed.

"Someone seems to like my bed more than her own," he muses, digging in his closet. He throws me a hoodie, the soft material landing right on my face. His scent is almost overbearing.

I blush when I realize that he gave me his hoodie to wear, and slowly peel off the sheets to change in the bathroom. In the mirror, my reflection almost feels like a mirage. I try to control my rapidly beating heart before leaving the small room. "Thanks for the hoodie, I might keep it." I act nonchalant as I saunter out.

Draco, now wearing a white T-shirt and gray sweatpants, takes an extra second as he gazes at me. He makes a noise of approval, waving it off. "You can keep it."

He's never getting this hoodie back. We slip into bed, almost awkward as if we've never fallen asleep together. But this is the first time we're sleeping together in an actual bed.

"Why are you so far?" He mumbles tiredly, hooking his arm around my waist and flushing our bodies together. He's close enough that he's breathing on my neck, and at this point, we're basically spooning. "Good night, Mauve."

"Good night, Draco."
