Today, we have Double Potions with the Slytherins. After the loud, obnoxious argument that Cho and I had, we were now barely on talking terms. I assume this class might get a bit hectic if she decides to open her mouth and release the same bullshit she had been spitting during the week.

I finish breakfast with Luna, sitting a couple extra seats away from Cho. I'm glad Luna doesn't hate me, but to be fair, none of my house really hates me. The judgemental looks had died down not long after Draco's fight with the Weasley. I wouldn't be surprised if he had something to do with that.

The only people who seem to despise me are Cho Chang and Pansy Parkinson— assuming that Hermione had gotten Weasley under control now. I hadn't spoken to him since, but he doesn't glare at me like he did that day. He simply avoids all eye contact.

Hermione and I, however, have spoken multiple times. I consider her a friend now. She and Alyssa don't really see eye-to-eye, but they greet each other kindly when the other comes across.

Luna and I walk into the Potions room, with Draco and Theo already sat at the back. I wave at them, placing my bag beside Luna before walking towards them. There's still time before class starts, anyway.

"Hello," I grin, leaning on their table.

"Someone's in a good mood— who did you poison?" Theo muses, shuffling through his backpack to find his textbook. I roll my eyes, adjusting my blue robes.

"Haha, Theo, so funny." I force a serious face before my lips crack into a smile.

Draco leans forwards, plucking a red apple from his bag. "Morning," he hands me the apple. I'm not sure why, but this had become a daily thing.

"Thanks, Draco." I pat his cheek and he rolls his eyes, but doesn't make a move to push me away. Theo smirks with a knowing look. I walk back to my seat, passing by a frowning Pansy. She pushes past my shoulder and I stumble in my step, feeling someone grip my arms to steady me.

"Easy there," I hear Draco's calming voice behind me. I give him a look of thanks and Pansy one of distaste before I walk towards the empty seat beside Luna.

She observes me carefully as I sit. "I can feel a very strong aura from you," she whispers, leaning so no one else hears her. "A not-so-good aura."

I glance back at Draco, who's busy trying to peel Pansy off his arms. I sigh, "you might be right on that one, Luna."

Almost ironically, Cho walks through the door. She walks over to the desk behind me, looking me up and down with a judgemental expression as she walks by with Padma. Padma gives me an apologetic look.

I sigh, keeping my head facing the front. I so should have sat on the other side with Draco and Theo. I glance back at them, seeing Pansy twirling her hair from her spot beside Draco. On second thought, maybe not. The lesson itself is boring until we have to begin working. We're allowed to work in groups, and sadly, Professor Snape had grouped us off based on where we were sitting— making Cho in my group, along with Luna and Padma.

"Now remember, if this potion is made incorrectly, it could be very harmful. Make it right." Professor Snape reminds us with a tut.

Cho didn't take us being in a group as easy either. "So are you going to help or are you going to keep ignoring me?" She sneers, her voice loud enough to attract the attention of those in other groups— including Theo and Draco.

"I'm literally reading the textbook," I huff, gesturing towards the open book on the table.

She rolls her eyes, picking at her nails. "Yeah, okay," she scoffs.

I bite my lip to refrain from causing a fight, physically swallowing the words that would definitely get me in trouble. I get up to get the ingredients, with the help of Luna.

"I have a bad feeling," she murmurs. "I think it's the Nargles."

I don't even bother questioning her this time— I have a bad feeling as well. I can practically feel Cho burning holes in my back. A hand is wrapped delicately around my wrist, causing me to snap my neck to the person. I meet Theo's concerned gaze, with Crabbe right behind him gathering supplies.

"That seemed like a pretty heated moment earlier, you good?" He asks in a hushed tone.

I nod, sighing as I pluck out a small jar from the shelf. "Yeah, she just gets on my nerves a lot."

He raises an eyebrow, "is she still mad about you sitting on the Slytherin side? That was almost a whole week ago!"

"I know," I scoff. "She's picking through everything I do as if it's her business." We disperse back into our groups not long after, to avoid getting reprimanded by Snape for wasting time.

Padma begins on the potion, but of course, Cho just can't keep her mouth shut. "You know, that was some stunt you pulled at the game. I mean come on, you can't even have some house loyalty?"

"I am loyal," I growl, narrowing my eyes at her. "It's not even a big deal, Cho. When will you drop it?"

"When will you stop being such a whore for Malfoy?"

I slam my hands on the table harshly. "Shut up! Why are you so obsessed with me all of a sudden, huh?" I notice the extra attention in the room, but I don't comment on it. "You're such a fan of me, Cho. It's cute." I scoff, maintaining hard eye-contact with her.

She gives me an offended look, rolling her eyes. "I'm not a fan!"

"Oh really?" I cross my arms, my eyebrows widened. We had stepped to the side of the table, face-to-face now. "'Cause you sure act like one! You care about everything I do, I wouldn't be surprised if you knew all my whereabouts. What is it, Cho? You want a picture? An autograph?"

This angers her and she shoves me harshly, making me stumble on my feet. "Shut the hell up, you're twisting it all! You're just a little fucking slut for Malfoy even though he doesn't even like y—"

"Fights will not be tolerated in my classroom!" Snape's voice boomed as he broke us apart. "50 points from Ravenclaw each, get back to work!" He orders, swooping his cape and walking the perimeter of the room.

"Nice going, Mauve." Pansy snickers but I ignore her. I'm not in the mood to deal with her at the moment. Quietly, Padma, Luna, and I work on the potion. Cho just sits there.

We finish the potion and I turn slightly away from it to double check the information in the textbook, when I hear a bubbling begin to happen— which should not.

The potion turns to an ugly brown and my eyes widen, a frightened gasp leaving my mouth. "What happened?" I question, stirring the potion in an attempt to save it. Cho snickers, leaning back in her chair and my eyes snap to her. "What the fuck did you do?"

"Me?" She feigns an innocent look, placing her hand over her heart. "Why would I ever do such a thing?"

The boiling potion earns Snape's and the rest of the classes attention, but before he can properly warn me to step away, I feel a burning sensation on my wrist. I let out a sharp yell, clutching my hand as the burning feeling continues to spread. I feel it pulsating, the colour of my skin representing a deep crimson.

I feel him before I see him, his hands wrapping around my own. "Shit, you're burning." He mumbles when his hand comes in contact with mine. "Professor, may I take Mauve to the infirmary?"

Professor Snape nods, a frown on his face. "Yes, Mr. Malfoy, run along." Draco doesn't waste any time pulling me along, hastily bringing me to the infirmary. One arm is around my shoulders, his other clutching his wand out of precaution.

"Oh, dear! What happened?" Madam Pomfrey asks as soon as she sees my blotched wrist. She ushers me to an empty bed at the end of the rows.

"Potion accident," Draco tells her as he helps me lay down. "Will she be okay?"

"I'm not dying," I manage to choke on, not being able to laugh properly with the pain in my hand.

He rolls his eyes, placing his finger on my lips to physically shush me. Dramatic bitch.

Madam Pomfrey nods. "She should be, now go," she shoos Draco away, but he's hesitant to leave.

"Could I uh.. could I stay?" He asks shyly.

Madam Pomfrey is clearly shocked by his question, especially coming from someone like himself. I know that usually she's very strict on this type of stuff, but she seems to be doing some heavy debating in her head.

"Sure," she says finally, and Draco's eyes light up. If I didn't feel like my arm is on fire, I would tease him for it. Whatever Madam Pomfrey had given me makes me feel like I'm about to knock unconscious but before it does, I become aware of the soft hand holding onto my good one.
