I sigh in relief when Theo finally struts into the common room— 20 minutes after he claimed he would. "What took you so long?" I huff as I slip on my jacket. He only laughs at me, a teasing expression on his face as he replies.

"Miss me too much, sweet cheeks?" He muses, dropping off a bag of what looks like books on the wooden table.

I roll my eyes and shove him as we exit the common room. "Never call me or my cheeks sweet ever again." I deadpan.

"Geez— I wasn't calling your cheeks sweet."

"Good, I don't want you too."

"Well, I know who you would want calling your che—"

"Theo, I swear to Merlin." I glare at him as we enter a carriage.

Theo had been teasing me about Mauve for the past few months that she and I have become closer. At first, it was just a small, in-direct banter. He would tease about shit like how I've become 'soft' around her. His teasing behaviour had only intensified after I told him about when I fell asleep with Mauve in the Ravenclaw common room, and even more so after the events that had occurred in Potions.

All banter aside, his antics had caused Mauve to be constantly red. This was the only positive that comes out of his teasing— Mauve blushing is possibly the cutest sight I had seen in my life.

I knew she was interesting when I would see her tell off people for trying to judge her, or her friends. I've watched her stand up for herself and Damaris countless times, until there was no one they had to stand up to. She was something like a Hogwarts princess— almost everyone loved her. It's not much of a surprise, either. She stands up to Gryffindors, she's kind to Slytherins. She's fiery, strong, and highly intelligent. She's a deep thinker, a deep feeler.

I admire her a lot.

Of course, none of these thoughts have ever left my mouth. Even if I wanted to let her know I admire her, I wouldn't know how to articulate it. It's not often that I feel strongly at all about anything. And there's also my father— despite hating him with almost all of me, I know he would be angry if he somehow caught wind of these feelings. I don't want him to take Mauve away from my life, and I'm not ready for him to do so.

Although, I know my mother would love her. They would have so much to bond over— they have the same favourite tea, knack of reading, and integrity. I would love for them to meet.

But I know it's only wishful thinking. Good things don't come easily, especially not to a Malfoy like myself.

"You think Fin would like a painting?" Theo brings me out of my spiral of thoughts, comparing two paintings of an unrecognizable person. I assume it's a muggle that Einar must look up to.

I shrug, "you know him better than I do." I pause when Theo puts one back onto the shelf and tucks one under his arm. I grab the one he placed back and he gives me a curious look. "What? I need a gift for him too, don't look at me like that!" I sneer at him.

He throws his hands up in defence. We go from store to store and I begin to wonder what I should buy for Mauve. She doesn't seem like an easy person to buy for, and isn't easily impressed either. I take a glance at Theo, who's inspecting a snow globe very closely.

"What do you think Mauve would like?" I dare to ask out-loud. The question seems to startle him, the flurry in the globe intensifying as he rebalances it on his hands. He gives me a smirk.

Mockingly, he replies, "you know her better than I do."

I roll my eyes. I should have seen that coming. "Well, you've known her longer." I shake my head, scowling. "Useless."

"Just ask her, bro."

I slip out my phone, typing in the password easily. 1955, the year my mother was born. I navigate through the device easily and click on Mauve's contact to send her a quick message.

To Mauve: hey, what do you want for christmas?

Her response is almost immediate, a spam of messages claiming that I didn't need to buy her anything. I roll my eyes at them, knowing I wouldn't listen anyway. When I keep pestering her to name something, she tells me she wants a quill.

A quill, of everything. A literal feather that we dip in ink to write with. I scoff, I'll get her a quill alright, along with some other things. A memory from the last time I've been to Hogsmeade comes to mind and I glance out at the window. Opalina's Jewels.

"Hey, I'll be back. I'm going across the street." I inform Theo, not waiting for his response before the bell jingles to signify my leave.

The place is as empty as it was last week, yet is one of the most successful jewelry stores in our proximity. I slip my phone back into my pocket, the threat of a smile looming over my lips as I keep the blonde girl in the back of my mind. "Hello!"

I physically jump at the sudden appearance of the silver-haired lady, a bright smile on her face despite it being a boring Sunday afternoon. "Hello," I nod curtly to be polite.

Her scarily-wide grin doesn't falter in the slightest. She almost reminds me of Mauve's friend Lovegood — always walking around smiling. "Do you need any help? You were here just last week!"

"Yes," I purse my lips. "I was. I'm looking for a gift, a christmas gift." I stand tall and confident, despite feeling overly awkward. I had never bought a present for someone before, nevertheless for someone who held importance to me like Mauve.

Opalina snaps her fingers as if a lightbulb went off in her head. "Ah! That's right! You were here with pretty girl, the blonde one I spoke to. It's for her, isn't it?" Excitement dances in her eyes and I slowly nod. How did she know?

I can't even provide a verbal response before she's talking again. "Oh, I knew I'd see you back soon! 'Specially with the way you kept looking atter." My eyes widen and I flush. I didn't know anyone was watching, nor did I realize I was looking over at her that often. Sure, Theo pointed it out a couple times, but I assumed it was just Theo being Theo.

"I— well, do you have any suggestions?" I inquire, not knowing where to start. I know I want to get her earrings, since she lost the pair that her lame ex-boyfriend gave her. But maybe a necklace as well.

Opalina leads me to a display off to the side, the same one we stood at when Damaris revealed Mauve's ex. A bloody idiot he was to let her go, but I'm not complaining about it either.

The talkative woman taps twice on the glass, my eyes dragging down to observe the silver earrings. They were delicate-looking, simple, but elegant. There was a blue jewel in the centre, surrounded by what I presume are diamonds because of the strong glimmer they produce. I make a noise of approval as I imagine them on Mauve. "She was eyeing these ones last week. It'd be a shame if she never gets to wear them— blue really shines on her."

She grins as she watches my expression, and with the flick of her wand, the pair of earrings are floating in front of me. "Beautiful, right? It's pure sapphire, lined with white diamonds and silver. She would look lovely with them on." Another flick and there's a replica of Mauve herself, but with the earrings on. My eyes are wide, feeling a tad creepy as I observe her. It all looks so realistic, it's quite scary.

"So what d'you think?" She prompts me for a response.

I nod, "yeah." I croak out, gulping as I peel my gaze off 'Mauve' to look at Opalina. "I'll take it."

"Perfect!" She cheers, bagging it easily. I pause when I look across the room at the shining necklaces.

"What about a necklace?" I ask, moving towards those stands. Her head perks up in excitement, a pep to her step as she follows me.

I eye the pieces carefully, trying to think of what she'd like. I come across a very simple snake on a silver chain. The snake itself seems to be made of white gold, and it's thin enough to be barely noticeable and could be used under her clothes without being uncomfortable. And of course, it would give me pride seeing her wear something related to Slytherin. Something related to me.

Blimey, I've gotten fucking soft.

"I want this too," I announce, gesturing to the necklace. Opalina nods, and packs it up for me too.

I hand her the money, allowing her to keep the change for her help.

"She'll love it," she promises me as she hands me back the bag. "She's lucky to have a boyfriend like you."

I flush again at the thought of Mauve being my girlfriend that I can't be bothered to try and deny it. Instead, I thank her and scurry out of the store. Mauve, as my girlfriend?

I shake my head, chuckling.

Wishful thinking, there it is again.
