Chapter Nineteen: Chase

I tried to keep my voice down, since Scar was still sleeping, but these days it's hard not to have a peaceful conversation with my dad.

"It's my life Dad," I was sitting at the foot of our bed, talking to my dad.

"It's disgusting Chase. I didn't raise you this way. I just don't get it."

"Chase?" Scarlett sat up in the bed, her face lit up by the bathroom light. She rubbed her eyes, tired. "Who are you talking to?"

"Scar, go back to sleep."

"Who are you talking to Chase?" I heard an edge in her voice.

"My dad. Go back to bed, Scar."

Scarlett laid back down, asleep in seconds. I went back to my dad. "Dad, listen, there's nothing you did or could've done differently to make it so I wasn't Unscripted. It's who I am. If you would actually agree to meet Scarlett, maybe you'd understand."

"Chase, it's not that I don't understand... It's just... do you know what happens to people who are open about being Unscripted?"

"Dad, if this is more prejudges I don't want to hear it."

"Chance, listen to me. You can't go to—"

"Good-bye Dad." I hung up and laid on my back, setting my phone on my bare chest. I'm surprised I didn't end up yelling at him.

"No... no... No Mom..." Scarlett flipped from her side to her back, kicking her legs and flailing her arms. The screams would come soon; they always do.

I got up and walked into the bathroom. I grabbed a hand towel and ran it under cold water. As I walked back into the bedroom, Scar started screaming.

"Scarlett," I shook her arm. "Scarlett! Wake up! It's just a dream!" She still tossed and turned. "SCARLETT!" I yelled her name.

"It's not a dream," Tears hung in her eyes. "She really did it this time. She really killed me Chase," Her voice was no more than a whisper.

"Yeah, I know she did," I put the towel to her forehead. "It'll be alright Scar," After she was silent for a bit, I said, "Do you want to tell me about it?"

Scar shook her head, looking pale in the dim light. "Not till morning."

I swallowed. "Okay." I won't ever push her, she means far too much for me to be able to push her. I got up, turned off the bathroom light and got back in bed. I fell asleep in seconds.
