Chapter Nine: Scarlett

I did some research on what it would take to change my name. There was an entire list on things—legal documents—I had to bring in just to begin the process. Then I had to take some photos for I. D.s, practice my signature—my new signature until I got it down. Then I had to sign, and sign, and sign. It took a few days, but I was finally able to call myself Riley Moore instead of Scarlett Rennal.

But of course, Chase still called me Scar.

I decided to bleach my hair so it was blonde, then I dyed sections of my hair, trying to get as much space from Scarlett as possible and get closer to Riley. By Wednesday, I had blue, orange, and white streaks in my hair and I had a new wardrobe, one that seemed more Punk than subtle.

On Thursday I drove back to San Bernardino to visit Stella and Mom. Mom didn't quiet recognize me when I showed up at her doorstep calling myself Riley, not Scarlett.

"Scarlett, it's so good to—"

"Riley." I corrected. "Call me Riley, Mom. That's who I am now." I sat down on my couch.

She took a deep breath. "Did you tell Stella that you were going to be in town?" She asked, sitting down on the cushion beside mine.

I nodded. "Yeah." I thought about what I was wearing—a tight shirt with a big skull on it, black and white checkerboard pants, a chain hanging from them, and torn up converse. My eyes smeared with mascara and eyeliner. This is a lot for her to take in. "Just, don't call me Scarlett in public."

She smiled. "Okay Scarlett."

I had a good reunion with her. Talking about Palm Springs. After two hours with Mom, I went over to Stella's. We had to convince her mom that I wasn't going to take Stella out vandalizing in order to just step through the door. I guess I was pretty unrecognizable.

We laughed in her basement, reliving the good times. She asked about Chase and I told her that the farthest we've gotten was an almost make-out session that was interrupted by Homeland Security agents. Then I remembered that I never told her about the agents.

I told her that the agents was the biggest reason to change my name and style.

Then after three of so hours with Stella, I left.

I left my home town for a long time. I paused when I passed the sign outside of the city limits that read: NOW LEAVING SAN BERNARDINO. COME AGAIN!

I set a timer on my camera and angled it to take a picture of the sign. I pressed the button to take the photo and counted down in my head, running under the sign. I stood tall, looking up at the sign, a small smile on my face.




I ran back over to my camera and looked at the photo. Something about the look on my face gave off the feeling of a new beginning, not an end.

I got in Chase's car and drove to my new home in Palm Springs.

I was back home in Palm Springs by five-thirty and back home by six. Chase had already started making dinner. Burgers.

I sat down on the couch and turned on the news.

"Riots are sparking up in Britain. Tear gas was used to contain the people." The same perky blonde was broadcasting. She turned to her co-anchor. "What's causing these riots? This isn't something that's randomly happening."

"From investigation, police think that the riot was caused by a group of Unscripted people and Unscripted supporters." He answered, swallowing hard.

"Is there any chance that the riots could spread to the U. S.? Britain is a close ally to America. Who's to say that the riots won't spread?"

The co-anchor shrugged, almost. "It really is possible. Local police are giving the advice to report and riot-like activity and to stay away from anyone suspected to start a riot."

I turned off the TV. "Chase, people are rioting over this,"

Chase nodded. "I know. It's crazy. I have no doubt that it won't come over here. I wouldn't be surprised to see more and more riots."

"I wonder who's leading them..."

"Well, no one really leads a riot. There's too much chaos. But, leaders will rise out of riots."

I nodded. Taking that into consideration...

After we ate dinner, Chase and I—Riley/Scar/Scarlett—sat on the couch. Candles were the only light aside from the dimming day. I leaned on Chase with his arm around me, holding me close.

"I know what you're thinking," He whispered.

That I wish I never met Chase so I would have just met Levi and been happy? I wish that I never loved Chase so that I could just marry Levi and stay in San Bernardino? That the public still knew me as Scarlett Rennal, the girl with a bear?

Which was it?

"What am I thinking?" I asked, terrified of all the possible answers.

"You're thinking about leading the Unscripted..."

I shuddered. "What makes you think that?" The fact that being Unscripted got me into being an adult way before I was ready?

"You're so curious about the riots. It's almost obvious." Chase smiled at me. "I know you could do it. You could lead a new generation of kids who are sick of these tattoos running our lives."

"That's a lot of pressure all of a sudden," I looked into Chase's eyes that illuminated the darkness.

Chase looked at me. "You're so beautiful. But I wish you wouldn't mud up your face with all that make-up. And dying your hair..."

"I've actually always wanted to have highlights like this," I said, Chase twirling a piece of white hair in his fingers. "Riley just gave me the chance to."

"Although, I do love how much your eyes stand out know,"

I thought about my green eyes. Very green. Almost like an emerald. "Your eyes stand out all on their own. Blue and all,"

Chase leaned over and gave me an unexpected kiss. "Scar, I love you. I love your eyes, I love your hair, and I love you as Riley just as much as Scarlett. I love your outlook on life."

I kissed Chase back. "Chase, I love you. I love your eyes, I love your art work, and I love you as Chase the sky new kid as much as Chase the guy who screams on roller coasters. I love your outlook on life."

 Chase kissed me again, a smile under his lips.

I woke the next morning, a dull Friday for Palm Springs. Rain hit the windows with the slight rumble of thunder. Chase was in the bed beside me, still asleep.

I got up, got dressed in shorts and a Green Day graphic-t. I slid on my black converse and wrote a note to Chase: Woke up early to rain. I needed to go out, do some stuff. Call me if you need anything. Don't know what time I'll be back. I took your car. Love you. –Scar.

I grabbed my purse, Chase's car keys and locked the apartment door behind me.

I didn't know where I was going to go. I just needed out.

I decided to go to a coffee shop. I ordered a latte and sat down at a table by the window. I watched the rain pour down. I thought about what Chase said last night...

"Bad storm, right?"

I looked away from the window and to the unrecognizable voice of Homeland Security agent, Dallas. "Hello Dallas." I turned back to the window.

Dallas sat in the chair across from me. "Good morning Miss Scarlett Rennal."

"I guess you didn't get the memo." I said with a smile.

"What? You got married and now you're Scarlett Sprier? I can see the way you look at that boy, and I must say, I'm not surprised."

I rolled my eyes. "You can't be so quick to assume Dallas. Actually, the name's Riley Moore. I got my name legally changed."

He smiled. "And why did you do that? Are you running from something? Did Scarlett do something that is... Unscripted...?"

"I don't have to answer to you until you flash me your special badge."

"You're right. Good thing I'm not here as an agent. I just happened to be out getting a coffee when I see you sitting here all alone."

I laughed. "And I suppose you just happened to be outside my mom's house when I visited yesterday too?"

"You saw me?"

I nodded. "You're very unrecognizable."

"Is that a compliment?"

I smirked. "No. It's simply a fact. You tend to leave an impression when you show up at my house and question me, examining my apartment like I was hiding a fugitive."

"Are you hiding a fugitive? As an agent in the government, I'd have to report you."

"He only murdered a few guys, no harm there." I smiled. "So, do you want to tell me what you're doing following me around?"

Dallas smiled, charming. "Not really."

"Then stop following me." I started to stand but Dallas grabbed my hand, pulling me back to my seat. "Look, Dallas, I understand that I'm very beautiful and that it's hard to get away from my beauty, but you just have to stop following me. It's starting to bother me."

He smiled, strained. "I think someone is after you. To kill you."

I felt my stomach drop. "Oh, sorry, I have to take this," I took my phone out of my pocket and acted like I was on the phone, walking away, leaving Dallas with my latte.

Once out at Chase's car, I called Chase.

"Hey Scar,"

"Hi Chase. Did you see my note?" I asked, starting the car.

"Yeah. Where did you go exactly?"

"I went out to get a coffee. I just needed to get out and coffee sounded good." I pulled out of the coffee shop parking lot. "So, while I was there, I..." Should I tell Chase about Dallas? No. Bad idea.

"You what?"

"Nothing. I'll be home soon." I hung up before Chase could go on about what I did.

The rain pounded on the roof of the car. I tried to keep out of the puddles pooling at the edge of the road, but with all the rain, it was hard. I pulled up to a stoplight. No one in sight. Something felt eerie about how no one else was at the light.

I looked to the left and to the right. Still no one. I thought about just running the red light. No. Cameras on the lights. I'd get—Chase would get fined, since I'm driving his car. I sighed and looked to the left, no one. Head lights flashed in the rearview mirror as a car pulled up beside me.

You'll never guess who was driving the car.


I looked at him through the rain running down the window. He looked at me with a smile. I rolled my window at the same time Chase did. "Crazy seeing you here," I tried to sound sarcastic, instead I just sounded confused, yelling over the rain.

He laughed. "Yeah. It's like I'm following you." He yelled back.

"Funny, because not even twenty minutes ago, you admitted to following me. Or are you still following Scarlett?"

"Don't you find it weird that we're the only ones at this stoplight?"

"It's totally creepy!" I looked up and saw that the light had turned green. I pushed on the gas but went nowhere. The back tires flung muddy water behind me. I hit the steering wheel. "Damn car won't start." I'm going to regret this... "Do you mind taking me home?"

Dallas smiled. "Sure. Get in."

I gathered my stuff and got in Dallas's sports car. "Nice car." I said after closing the door. "Homeland Security pay for this?"

He shook his head. "I built this,"

I laughed, dryly. "Maybe I'll have better luck with my car than,"

He laughed too. "Maybe,"

Dallas drove me to my apartment complex and I ran up the stairs to my floor. The door to my apartment is unlocked and I walked right in. I heard water running from a shower and I guessed that Chase was taking a shower.

The rain has stopped but it was still gray out. I sighed and sat down on the couch. I turned on the news.

"As many people suspected, the riots left England and have come over to America." A new guy, one I didn't recognize remotely, shuffled papers at his desk. He looked over to a co-anchor. "Who's leading these riots?"

"No one yet Nathen, but, as we suspect, soon a leader will emerge. Word has spread that the next riot will be somewhere in California."

I turned off the TV before I could hear anymore. In the bathroom, the water shut off and Chase emerged a minute later with jeans on. "Oh, I didn't hear you come in." He sat down on the couch beside me. "What time'd you get here?"

I shrugged. "Your car broke down by the way. It's at the stoplight on Fifth and Fairview."

"How'd you get home?"

"Coincidentally, Dallas was also there—at the stoplight, I mean. He gave me a ride." I stood up, stretching my arms above my head. I walked in the kitchen in search of something I could eat for breakfast. "We were right. The riots came over here. Rumor has it that the next one will be in California."

"In such a first world country, it's crazy that we're having riots."

"Riots happen all the time. Many don't catch the attention of the government. This is it. The change we've been waiting for."

"That sounds like a lot of pressure." Chase said, wrapping his arm around me.

"Yeah..." I leaned into Chase's body, sinking into his warmth. "I didn't know your real name is Christopher." I smiled.

He nodded. "Yeah. Christopher Chase Sprier."

"Christopher Chase Sprier and Scarlett Berk Rennal. Sorry Chase, I don't think Riley likes you," I say with a smile. "But Scarlett likes you."

He smiled. "All I care about is Scarlett. I could care less about Riley,"

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. "Well, Chase, there's something I need to tell you then," I leaned in close to his ear. "Scarlett is Riley."

Chase gasped, fake. "I had no idea."

I smiled. "I know, crazy."

He smiled and I kissed him. I fell asleep watching the rain fall on the windows.
