Author's Note

Hey all! This was my first novel, and I know it still needs some love. I have not edited this much since finishing, so I understand that there are errors and other things that are off. But that's okay, because it's my first draft of my first novel.

I really hope you liked reading this, I'm so thankful to everyone who stuck all the way through. I know at spots it was a little rough... hehe...

Anyway, here's a list of my other novels, all of which you can get on Wattpad:

One Minute Till Tomorrow

Wendy is Gone

What's Bothering You, James Asher


The Saer Effect (Posted as May Death Never Stop You)

Please, please, check out the bolded novels, those are the ones I'm most proud of.

I'm also writing a short story to what happens after Scarlett goes back into the real world with Austin. Please go check it out!!
