Chapter Eighteen

"The movies? What's next, a dinner?" I looked at the movie posters, lines up on the walls of the hallway outside the showroom. "Clash."

"You were the one who said that you were in to clash dates. Or, at least 80s romance-type dates." Chase grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him.

I smiled and opened the door to the show room. We were late to the movie and almost all the seats were filled. Chase and I found two seats in the back corner. I sat on the inside and Chase sat on the outside seat.

Halfway through the movie, I felt a hand touch my shoulder. Startled, I turned around to see Dallas's cocky grin. "God damn it, you scared me. What are you doing here?"

"What? I was just at the movies and saw my good old friend, Scarlett."

"My name isn't Scarlett. And I hardly believe you were "just at the movies." I turned around in my chair to face Dallas. "Now tell me, Dallas, just what are you doing here?"

"Shh!" Some girl in front of us turned around and hushed us.

I rolled my eyes, saying, "Get over it. The guy gets the girl." I turned back to Dallas. "Like I was saying, what are you doing here?"

"Like I said, I was just watching," Dallas motioned to the screen. "Whatever this shit is."

I couldn't hold back a laugh. "You know, most people, when they see a movie, they choose one they actually want to watch. Seeing that you don't know the name of the movie, you must be here for some other reason."

Dallas leaned back in his chair. "I don't think now is quiet the best time to talk about this."

I grabbed Chase's hand stood up and grabbed Dallas's, pulling the two out of the show room. We went out a side door, to a less used section of the parking lot. "Okay. Now that we're out of the theater, why did you follow me in the theater?" I dropped Dallas and Chase's hands.

Dallas took a deep breath. "I heard about this plan for you to go to Vegas. After Vegas, you were going to travel to another state. Starting protests and spreading your word. I heard that the only thing stopping you from going... is money..."

I bit the inside of my cheek. "And?"

Dallas laughed and Chase stiffened. "And I work for the HOMELAND SECRUITY. The HOMELAND SECRUITY pays pretty well... I was thinking that..."

"I won't accept money from you."

"Why not?"

"One: how do I know the money isn't stolen? Two: how do I know that you're not going to go back to your partner and tell him all about my plans and get me arrested?"

"You don't."

I laughed. "And that's the problem." I turned around and started to walk off, Chase following me.

"Don't you think we should at least think this over more?" Chase asked me, opening the driver's door. "I mean, he's willing to help us."

"Chase, he might betray us!" I sat in the car, my arms crossed. "I don't want any money from him.

Chase sat down and started the engine. "What if I do?" He looked out the window.

I bit my lip. I can't stop Chase from accepting money from Dallas. "That's a what if."

Chase rolled down the window as the car beside us, facing the opposite direction, rolled down theirs. Revealing Dallas. "I've got the money right here," Dallas held up a check between his two fingers. "All you have to do is accept it."

Chase reached out the window and took the window. "Thanks Dallas."

Dallas smiled, rolled up his window, revved the engine and drove off, leaving me speechless. "That's it, you just took the money?"

"You don't sound too mad," Chase pulled out of the parking space. "You're welcome."

I didn't know how I felt. Happy that we have that much more money? Or mad?

. . .

I stood in line for the rollercoaster. I didn't remember how I got there or even what rollercoaster I was in line for. Better be good, I thought. The line was long and I couldn't see the end.

"Hey," I tapped the guy's shoulder in front of me. "What rollercoaster is this?"

"The Death." His voice was strained and rasp, like he hadn't spoken in years. The man slowly turned around to face me. I gasped. Half his face was rotting flesh and the other half was pure bone. He smiled, the rotting half of his mouth curling up. "Ever ridden it?"

I swallowed hard and took a step back. "No."

The man—skeleton thing cackled, holding one hand on his stomach. "Well," He wiped one boney—literally—hand under a skeleton eye. "You're in for a treat."

I felt my stomach drop and I stepped out of line, leaving the skeleton man laughing.

Flashing lights surrounded me. Loud circus music blasted in my ears. I felt dizzy and confused. I couldn't remember why I was here or where "here" was.

I looked over my shoulder and saw a tall rollercoaster. People were lined on the outside, surrounding the rollercoaster, facing out. I watched as the people—if that's what they were—climbed to the top and dropped. Screams filled the air.

"Go on it Scarlett,"

Chills ran down my back and I remembered where I was. I am in a dream, and my mother will try to kill me.

"Do it Scarlett."

"No. No. No. No. Nononono." I shook my head, stepping away from the coaster.

Around me all the lights in the park went out. All the lights except for the one on the rollercoaster my mom wanted me to go on. I kept walking backwards, not daring to look back. I felt a hand shove my back. I didn't feel my feet move but somehow I want strapped into the rollercoaster. Just me. No one else.

I felt panic take over and I tried to unstrap the buckles but it was too late. I was already going up in the coaster. I shut my eyes and wished to wake up. "Wake up wake up wake up." I whispered to myself.

"Hello Scarlett."

I looked in the seat beside me. My mother sat, buckled into the rollercoaster, am evil smile slapped across her face. "The drop is the best part."

I felt my eyes widen as I looked at the buckles on my chest. Gone. Missing. I started to panic as the rollercoaster dropped and I went up. I screamed and screamed and screamed. I felt myself drop and drop and drop.

Opening my eyes, I watched as the ground got closer and closer.

I hit the ground.

"Scar! Scarlett! Wake up!"

I felt someone shaking me as I sat up in the bed. I screamed with my eyes closed, still not fully aware of where I was. "NO!"

"Scarlett! It was just a dream!"

I swallowed hard and stopped screaming. I took a few deep breaths. "I'm never going to a theme park again."

"Theme parks, hospitals? Eventually you'll be stuck with never leaving the house if these nightmares continue."

"If? Don't you mean when?" It was less of a question than I meant it to be. "I'm going to take a shower and try to fall back asleep. You sleep." I stood up and turned on the bathroom light. "I mean it. You need the sleep."

Chase sighed. "Fine. Just don't fall asleep in the shower."

I took a quick shower. As I got dressed into clothes for the next day, I replayed the dream over and over again in my head. I walked out of the bathroom and expected Chase to be awake, instead he was fast asleep.

I grabbed my keys and my purse. I walked out the apartment door, not bothering to leave a note.

. . .

I knocked on the door in the early morning light. I wouldn't be surprised if no one answered, it is, after all, still early.

I was surprised when someone did answer the door, but it wasn't my mother. "Uncle Frank?"

"Who are you and what are you doing at my door step so early?" My uncle crossed his arms in front of his chest, scolding me.

"Uncle Frank, it's me, Scar—I mean, Riley." I forgot that he hasn't seen me since I was younger. Now I'm older and I look much different than I did two months ago. "Hi, I'm Riley Moore. Is Carly Rennal awake?"

"How do you know my name?"

"Please, I need to see Carly." I tried to gilt him with my eyes like I used to do years ago. "It's urgent."

"Carly, there's someone here for you." Uncle Frank stepped back from the door as my mom stepped in front of him. She looked tired, still in a robe, striped pajama pants peeking out. She smiled when she saw me.

"Franklin, how could you not recognize your own niece? Sure she looks different, but have you ever seen anyone else with eyes like hers?" Mom smiled and took my hand. "Well, come in Scar—I mean, Riley."

I stepped in the doorway, closing the door behind me. "Mom, you already said that I was his niece, I think you can call me Scarlett now."

"I want to be politically correct, Riley. Sit." Mom sat on the loveseat, Frank on the recliner and I on the couch. "What are you doing out here?"

I gave a wry smile. "I could ask the same as Uncle Frank." I looked to my uncle, sitting uncomfortable on the chair. "What are you doing here?"

He looked at me, his eyes almost scared of me. "So you're the girl who started that protest,"

I nodded. "What about it?"

Frank looked away.

I turned back to my mom. "So... Did you get my letter?" Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Uncle Frank looking at me. I didn't make eye contact.

Mom nodded, slow. "Yes. I did."

I swallowed. "And?"

"I have the money."

"Money?" My uncle stood up, almost enraged. "What money? You're not giving her money are you, Carly?"

Mom nodded. "I am. And she needs the money. It's my life and my money and I can do what I want with it. Franklin, you can just stay out of it."

Frank sat back down, not taking his eyes off of me. Mom continued, "Is that the only reason you came here?"

"Well, there was more. But nothing I'm going to say with someone else here."

"Why'd you come here so early?" Mom relaxed in the loveseat. Frank still hadn't takin his eyes off me.

"It was kind of a spur-of-the-moment-type thing."

A long silence followed, my uncle never taking his eyes off of my. I couldn't take it anymore—him or the silence. "Why are you staring at me?!" I stood up.

"Because it's not right. A girl to leave home with her boyfriend—who didn't even Match her—and runaway, leaving her mother heart broken. You start a protest that could have easily gotten you killed. Weeks pass and you don't call you mother or talk to her. Then you write a letter asking for money?!

"Then you come visit without notice and ask for the money. Not only do you look completely different, but you also don't call yourself your real name. Scarlett. You are Scarlett not Riley.

"What do you need the money for? Another protest in Vegas?! How do we know that you're not just going to go to Vegas to gamble away all of the money your mother gave you?! We don't!"

"Stop!" I screamed. "First off, it took me a lot to even begin writing that letter. Second, I want this world to change, as in, I'm going to start protests to get freedom. I'm Unscripted! That's why I changed my name and what I look like—for my own safety. Third, I'm having a hard time just looking my mother in the eyes, that's why I didn't call. Or talk or anything. Because just the thought of my mother makes me scared."

"Why? What's wrong with your mother?"

I chanced a glimpse at my mom, she looked worried. "Because. Because I have these nightmares... But that's my problem. Not yours." I looked to my mom. "I'm sorry this visit got cut short, but I'd like the money so I can leave."

Mom licked her lips, thinking over what I just said. "Okay," A whisper. She stood up, when into her room and came back out with a stack of cash, tied together with a broken rubber band, a check sitting on the top.

"Here. Take it and go."

I took the cash out of her hand. "Thanks Mom, I'll repay you. I swear."

"No, you don't have to."

I bit my lip and mouthed "okay." I turned to my uncle. "I hope you know that you're dead to me." I walked out the door into the morning light, the sun barely peeking above the trees.

I got in the Jeep and started the engine, revving it a few times. I sped off, enraged with my "uncle."

I was halfway home when Chase called me, sleep heavy in his voice. "Where are you?" He sounded a little drunk with sleep.

"I'm about halfway home. I'll be there in... I don't know. Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just... you're not driving the car, are you?" The sleep-drunkenness left his voice, replaced by pure worry.

"Yeah, who else would be driving the car?"

"Scar, I need you to pull over. Now. Where are you?"

I slowed the car down and pulled over to the side of the highway. "I'm about twenty minutes outside Palm Springs. Chase... what's going on...?"

"I'm meeting you there."

"Chase?! What's happening?!"

The line went dead. I slammed my hands on the steering wheel. "What the hell had gotten in to him?" I tried calling Chase again, straight to voicemail.

After about fifteen minutes of sitting behind the wheel of my Jeep, I saw Chase's car pull up in front of me. Chase got out of his car and rushed over to me. "Thank God you're all right." Chase grabbed my hand and dragged me to his car.

I sat down in the passenger side. "Do you mind telling me what all this is about?" I tried to keep my worry out of my voice.

"I had another nightmare. You were driving a car and you... drove off the side of the road." Chase clutched the wheel hard, to the point that his knuckles turned white.

"How long have you been having these dreams?"

"I don't know."

"We're both insane... aren't we?" I meant it as a joke, but I think Chase took it more seriously. He pressed his lips in a firm line, not loosening his grip on the steering wheel. He started to scare me. So much determination in his eyes.

Once we got back in our apartment, I showed Chase the money. We counted up how much money we had saved up and the money from Dallas and my mom.

"Scar, this is incredible..."

"Well, do we have enough money?"

"More." His eyes were wide as he shuffled through the money. "Way more than enough."

"So we can leave." I couldn't hide the happiness from my voice. "Let's get packed!"

"We can't just... leave. What are we going to do with all the stuff?"

"Put it in your and my house. We'll leave the Jeep at my house. We'll each have a bag that has enough stuff for a week. We can wash everything we wear. Come on Chase, we can finally do this, finally change more than just California."

"Scar," Chase sat the money on the coffee table and grabbed my hand. His face was serious and my happiness left. "This is what we should do: we will pack bags but we won't pack this place up. It'll be easier to have our stuff here. I'll book a hotel in Vegas and we'll leave tomorrow. Okay?"

I bit my lip and nodded. "Okay."

That night I sent out an e-mail to all of my 'followers', telling them that Chase and I are leaving tomorrow and a refresher on my plan. I called Stella and told her that my plan was in motion.

I packed a bag and made dinner.

As I tried to fall asleep that night, I had one thing on my mind: was Stella going to be right about Vegas? Yeah the "marriage" and "gambling" was a littler far-fetched but... was "sex"? I mean, Chase and I... haven't... Also, we're still a new couple... and...

This "relationship" thing is annoying.

Grow up, Scarlett. You're eighteen, you have a boyfriend and an apartment with your boyfriend, you're out of high school and you are too old to be freaking out about human nature. After countless sex ed. classes, you wouldn't think it'd be such a big deal now...

I let out a sigh.

You can do this Scarlett.

Be an adult.
