The Spirit #38


I felt the wind in my fur as I dashed to the clearing. I leaped through a patch of ferns and saw Wolfstripe sitting waiting for me. His fur bathed in the silver light of the stars and a slither of the moon. But his fur was ruffled like he had seen badger. I quickly licked my pelt making sure nothing was sticking up, and then bounded out of the ferns.

He must of already scented me because he purred, "Hey Mapleleaf!"

"Hi Wolfstripe!" I purred, licking his ear, then sitting next to him.

He nudged me playfully back, then looked up at the night sky.

"Do you think he'll be okay with this?" Wolfstripe mewed softly.

"Who?" I wondered, tilting my head to one side.

"Dewpool!" Wolfstripe meowed guilty.

"I... don't know" I meowed after sometime, looking up at the sky too, wondering what star was his.

Wolfstripe looked past me suddenly his eyes wide with surprise, I turned around and saw a familiar face from when I was an apprentice, her fur covered in stars. Darkpaw... Wolfstripes sister.

Darkpaw circled me for a moment and I watched her black pelt glimmer with stars her muscles moving perfectly with everything else, then she sat in front of me.

"Take care of my brother" Darkpaw whispered in my ear.

I looked at her with guilt and sadness for Wolfstripe.

"I-I promise... I will." I whispered back to her.

Then she disappeared.

I looked back at Wolfstripe my eyes full of pleasure.

I then looked back up at the stars, my pelt and his touching.

I promise you Darkpaw, I will do whatever it takes to protect him... because... I love him... I thought finally realizing that I loved Wolfstripe.  
