The Attack #8


I looked behind me to see Dewpool looking happy as well and he then quietly came to sit next to me after the ceremony.

"You feeling better Maplepaw?" Dewpool mewed softly with his amazing startling blue gaze.

"Yeah lots better" I mewed knowing I could never stay angry at him.

"That's good because I think you should become a full time medicine cat soon you have done all your training" Dewpool mewed.

"R-Really?!" I answered finally.

"Of course!" He purred.

I put my pelt up to his and licked his ear.

"Thank you so much Dewpool" I mewed but what I really wanted to say was I love you Dewpool.

I then left his side and ran to congratulate Rosecloud.

"Rosecloud your a warrior now!" I purred joyfully "Guess what Rosecloud! Iḿ gonna be a full time medicine cat!"

"Awesome Maplepaw!!" Rosecloud purred.

Rosecloud then got crowded by lots of other cats so I went to congratulate Sandpelt.

"Hey Sandpelt! Nice that you're a warrior now!" I mewed.

"Yeah! Iḿ gonna be the best warrior ever!" Sandpelt meowed.

Just then a patrol ran into the clearing with wounds and scratches their eyes full of fear.

"Iceclan!!!" Dawnwillow a pretty tabby she-cat with yellow eyes hissed.

"Patchpaw! H-He's dead!!!" Sweetrose a dappled she-cat mewed grieve filling her eyes. Patchpaw was her son after all.

I raced out of camp with Sweetrose in front of me she was fast even with her wounds but I saw Dewpool easily pass both of us when we exited Desertclan.

I skidded to a stop as I saw the Iceclan apprentice Wolfpaw sink his teeth into my mentor... Dewpool. He wiggled and squirmed but then gave a lurch and stopped. Wolfpaw stepped back looking guilty. I stopped for a second and looked at the sad limp body of... Dewpool... but then grieve overcame me.

"DEWPOOL!!!" I screeched and lunged myself to his side hot tears poured from my sorrowful amber eyes.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered in his ear.
