Saying Goodbye #10


I awoke to find myself in the medicine cat den in my moss bedding, everything was quiet except for the soft chirping of green-leaf birds.

"Phew! It was just a dream" I mewed aloud, "But where's Dewpool?"

"Dewpools gone..." I heard a familiar voice mew softly.

I lifted my head to see Rosecloud standing and stretching. From the looks of it she had been sleeping in Dewpool's nest.

"So... It wasn't a dream..." I mewed, grieve filling my eyes once more. I wanted Dewpool back so desperately.

"You better get some traveling herbs to go to the Crystal Caverns" Rosecloud mewed softly.

"Oh... right" I meowed quietly and went to get the sour tasting herbs.

"I'll leave you alone... Dewpool's body is in the clearing in camp you can pay your respects to him before you go" Rosecloud meowed.

"Okay... thanks Rosecloud" I meowed as she left the den.

I slowly got up and left the den. I saw Dewpools limp body in the centre of the camp his coat was ragged and dull.

He looks so different from the lovely shiny coat of Dewpool that I know and love. I thought.

I slowly walked towards Dewpools body and sat down next to him licking his ragged coat.
"I will do my best to look after this clan" I whispered to him "I promise I will not let you down..."

I felt hot tears pouring from my sad amber eyes I looked at my dead mentor and howled from grieve. Than I felt anger start to boil up inside my ginger coat.

I will avenge you Dewpool I thought I love you... I will never forget you... No one will ever replace you in my heart... Goodbye...
