Stormstar's Dead #42


A few weeks later, it was the day of the gathering and I was so excited to see Wolfstripe. My heart was pounding so fast I thought I was going to pass out, so I went out hunting for some food. I lifted my head and smelled the strong scent of a kangaroo rat. I went into a crouch following the prey scent. I saw the kangaroo rat, and was about to pounce on it when a strong pain hit my stomach.

"Owwwww!!" I yowled scaring the rat.

I fell on my side pain filling my body, but in sometime it went away.

I decided to stop hunting and go back to camp.

I entered the camp and saw Rosecloud eating a vole so I took a sparrow and went to join her.

"Hehe! You've been eating too much prey lately!!!" Rosecloud laughed, looking at my stomach.

I looked at my stomach seeing that is was unnaturally large.

"Heh! Yeah probably..." I mewed distracted, wondering if I had been eating too much.

But i've just had the same amount as usual I thought confused I couldn't be... no

I tried to ignore my belly, and try to eat but I was suddenly put off from it.

So I went into my den to sort berries and herbs into alphabetical order.

Just then I heard a familiar voice.

Wolfsripe!!! In Desertclan!!!

I rushed out of my den to see Wolfstripe standing at the camp entrance staring at the cats grief in his eyes.

He glanced at me tears pouring from his eyes. I rushed over to him, but the pain in my stomach slowed me down so I slowly padded over to him.

"Wheres Thornstar" Wolfstripe asked his eyes full of sorrow.

"In his den..." I answered.

"Stormstar's dead..." He mewed quietly lowering his head.

He then walked past me rubbing his tail under my swollen stomach, giving me an amused glance, then going into Thornstar's den.

I felt my ears turning pink.

I am having kits aren't I... I thought, But whose... they can't be... Wolfstripes?!?  
