The wedding day..!

Yn:- who are u..!?
Girl:- we are ur stylists.. u have to be ready before 10

Yn:- w-why..!?

(Jk opened the door and said..)

Jk:- for our wedding Babe..!
Yn:- I told u that I don't wanna marry u..! Can't u understand..!?

Jk:- will u wear wedding Dress or I have to make u wear it..!?

Yn:- j-jungkook please.. try to understand..! I-I can't

Jk:- SHUT THE F*CK UP...!!!

[When he shouted all girls(maids) including yn flinched..!]

Jk:- just make her wear this dress and do everything I said..! And don't u all dare to step out of this room without my permission..! If she ran away I will surely cut ur legs..!

(He said to all girls and left..)

Girl:- Mrs. J-jeon..
Yn:- do whatever u want I will not marry him at any cost..! I am not scared of him..!*angrily

(All girls made an eye contact after hearing yn.. and then two of them grabbed her both hands and one started to make her undress. Yn was screaming with all her energy that some girls were
Feeling pitty for her..)


(the girls made her wear the dress and then It was time for her makeup but they all know if they did it forcefully, the makeup will not be good and jk will punish them.. yn was crying sitting on bed.. then jk entered)

Jk:- yn is not ready yet..!? It's fucking 9:30...!!! Do fast..!

Girl:- sir if we did her hairs and makeup forcefully, it will not look good that's why..

Jk:- she don't need makeup she is already beautiful..! *smirked* and about her hairs..!? I will do it..

(Then jk pulled her by her waist and made her sit infront of the mirror while she was sobbing silently looking down to her laps.. he made a simple half hairs clutch.. but as it was not looking good he said)

Jk:- do this hairstyle more good..! I am here she will not do any stupidity..

Girl:- o-ohk sir..

(The girls made it more beautiful)

Jk:- ahh.. I think I will faint seeing this beauty of yours..

Ur look:-

Ur Earrings:-

Ur Necklace:-

Ur Bracelet:-

Jk:- ohk take her to wedding spot in 15 min. Understood..!?

Girl:- y-yes.. mr. Jeon..!

(He then left from there.. *time skip* it been 5 min. Since he left.. and yn was thinking to run away..)

[Yn(pov):- You saw the window and went to see the view from it and saw its not that high.. it's just 2nd floor u can jump from here.. but as ur gown was heavy u will not be able to run so u made a full plan and went to washroom. U knew there is a scissor ✂️ so u cutted ur half dress *a lil lower from ur knees*]

*Now u were looking something like this*

Yn:- ohk yn remember the plan and do it too fast..!

(Then u immediately ran from bathroom to window and jumped from there all the maids were shocked of ur sudden movement..!)

(When u jumped from there u saw the wall and u Hanged on it after breathing for some moments u climbed on the wall and leaves the mansion. U ran as much as possible.)

(Otherside when jk enters the room as 15 min. Were finished he saw girls were watching something from the window and breathing heavily as something made them scared so much.. he then noticed yn was not there)

Jk:- where is yn...!!!???

(All the girls turned to face him..)

Girl:- s-sir Mrs. Jeon s-suddenly-

Jk:- I SAID U ALL BEFORE WHAT WILL I DO TO U IF SHE RAN SO HOW..!? ARGH...!!! u will stay in this room until I come..!

(He then called jin and tae)

Jk:- v hyung plzz tell everyone to leave. This wedding will be on some other day and I will inform everyone..and tell all the guards to cover all the leaving ways of the city.. and to find her all over the city.

Tae:- ohk..! *leaves

Jk:- Jin hyung track location of tracker I putted in her dress..

Jin:- okh..

(On the other hand u were in a closed factory and there was no one..)

Yn:- w-where should I go now..!? There is no one in this world for me..! If I go to the police station there can be his guards..! Tch..! What should I do now..!?

(Jin was tracking ur location.. soon they saw u r in ur room..!)

Jk:- w-what..!?
Jin:- she is in her room..!?

(Jk went to her room and saw there was no one.. he went to bathroom and saw her half cut dress there..)

Jk:- what the heck..!? She cut her dress..!? Does she knew abt tracker..!? Argh...!!!

(Then he went to jin..)

Jk:- jin hyung, can u plz do me a favour again..!?~~~

Jin:- yes ofc..!

(After a while of running u went to a cafe and sat on chair. Cafe's tv was on and there u saw a thing on tv that made u fully shocked..!)

Yn:- j-jimin..!?


Ohk guys I hope u liked it and don't go anywhere there is a lot of things to happen..! There is mystery, suspense, dark romance and a lot of things to write..! I think this will go about 25 chapters to end..

Thnx for reading..!
