Her ruined life..(pt.12)

(It's evening now and jk is sitting on the sofa in living room with his dad..)

J/d:- so son, how will u marry y/n now..!?
Jk:- just wait and watch dad.. y/n has to marry me..! No matter how..!

J/d:- I can't understand what is ur plan..!? What is in ur mind jungkook..!? What are u gonna do..!?

Jk:- i have a fantastic plan to make her mine.. I will use jimin..!

J/d:- ohh yes..! Y/n will surely say yes to this marriage if it is on jimin..

Jk:- just not this marriage y/n will also say yes to her fate..! Y/n will surely accept her life with me..!*smirks..*

~ok Dad I am going now for some work..!

J/d:- ok son by..
Jk:- hmn..

(Jk hummed in response and went away..)

At night:-
(Y/n was in her dreams (sleeping) after eating her dinner just then jk entered the room being fully drunk..he went closer to y/n and touched her face..)

Jk:- y/n..! I love u y/n.. can't u see my love for u..!? Can't u see how much I love u..!? Why are u doing this to me y/n..!? Why..!? I loved u truly..! I did everything just to make u mine..! But still.. still u want jimin..!? I have everything y/n..! Money, power, status everything u want..! What does jimin have that u love him so much..!? Try to love me once
y/n..! I promise I will make u world's most happy woman to ever be existed..! U will be treated like Queen here and I will be the King..! I promise my love..! I promise..!

(He was saying all those words not knowing that y/n was hearing everything..! But she did not let him know that she is awake nd listening all his words dedicating to y/n.. while he slept with her after saying all his true feelings towards her..)

In the morning:-

(Y/n found herself on the bed all alone.. then she remembered last night.. and a little bit smile appeared on her face..)

While jk(pov) of morning:-

Jk(pov):- I woke up in the morning with a huge headache.. I don't know why.. I don't remember anything from last night why..!? Do I did something to y/n..!?*panicked..

(Thinking this he panicked as if he did anything to y/n..!? when he was drunk.. then he found y/n sleeping beside him peacefully.. seeing this that she is wearing her clothes means he didn't did anything bad to her last night.. he sighed in relief.. and checked the time and it was 4:00 A.M then he went to the bathroom and did his moring routine while y/n was still sleeping..)

Y/n(pov):- I got up from the bed and saw him shirtless standing in balcony admiring the nature..!

~a cigarette was in his hands and his mouth was releasing dangerous gases that I coughed bcz of that.. he turned to me and saw me coughing.. but didn't showed any expressions and countinued what he was doing before.. I sighed and went to do my morning routine just when he said something and the ground slipped from my feet hearing that..!

Jk:- today is our wedding don't make any drama again..!

Y/n:- w-what..!? And u didn't tried to ask once to me..!?

Jk:- why would I ask u..!? It's not necessary for me..

(She went close to him in anger and said..)

Y/n:- what u said..!? It's not necessary for u..!? What do u think of urself ha..!? U will decide anything by ur own..!? Listen I will not marry u in this life..! Not even in this life, I will not marry u in any of my life..!

Jk:- huh.. say whatever u want but.. u have to marry me only me..! By hook or by crook..! Now go and do ur morning routine and I will send some beauticians to ur room, they will make u ready..!

Y/n:- a-
Jk:- noo nothing..! Just do what I said..! I will not listen to u anymore..! If u disobeyed me then I will make u get ready by myself..!*almost growled..

(He said and went out from the room without listening any word from her mouth.. while she sighed..)

Y/n:- argh..!! Stress..!! Huh..! I. Will. Not. Marry. Him. That's it..!! I should take a shower for taking this stress out of my head.. After all I am not going to marry him at any cost..

(Saying this she went to take a shower..)

Y/n(pov):- I went out of the bathroom After getting a fresh shower.. then I saw some girls in my room.. seems like they were waiting for me to come out of the bathroom.. they looked at me and sighed in relief that finally I came out of the bathroom.. I don't think that i took this much time.. it's just 45 min..🙄

Girl:- mam come we will help u to wear wedding Dress..

(She smiled a lil bit after saying those painful words who just teared y/n's heart.. but y/n said..)

Y/n:- see I m not going to wear this wedding Dress.. tell ur master to take this dress out of the room or u take it out..!

(Saying this u went to the makeup table to dry ur hairs by hair dryer.. while those girls were looking at each other's face thinking.. "Now what..!?" But then door opened revealing jk.. and every beautician leave the room immediately giving them some privacy..)

Jk:- now why are u making drama Y/n..!?
Y/n:- what could I do then to make this wedding not happen..!? Will u help me to get rid of this wedding..!? No right..!? So I am taking this sh!t in my way..

Jk:- since when u learnt to talk back this much to me ha..!? Do u want me to make u wear this wedding dress..!?

Y/n:- yesterday's night u were saying that u love me a lot..! And u will treat me like a queen right..!? Where is ur those words now..!? Where is ur that care now..!?

Jk:- I-I said something like that to u yesterday's night..!?

Y/n:- yes..! U said..! U were confessing all the feelings u have for me yesterday while being all drunk..! And I know u were saying all truth in drunk state..

Jk:- after all I was drunk yesterday's night so it might not be true.. and i-i don't love u.. I am just taking my revenge on u.. that's it..!

Y/n:- even if u r hiding ur true feelings from me.. then I really don't even care.. if u really love me then I don't fuck!ng care..! I can't love u back.. don't expect that from me.

Jk:- ENOUGH IS ENOUGH..!! Now go and change..!

Y/n:- NO I WILL N-

(before she could complete her sentence she felt a sharp pain on her left cheek she found her cheek burning and she immediately put her left hand's palm on her cheek.. and yess jungkook slapped her..)


(She felt a tear just left her eye.. and she rushed to the bathroom and locked herself in.. while jk sighed..)

Jk:- change quick..! I don't have much time for u..!

(After 15 min. She came out of the bathroom being fully dressed up.. looking so stunning even without makeup.. and he just stared at her for a pretty while..)

Jk:-uhmm.. ohk now hey..! U all girls come.. and do her makeup.. fast..!

(He shouted and all the girls came.. they made y/n sit on the dressing table and started doing her makeup.. while jk went out from the room as he has to do many more things in the wedding..)

After an hour:-

(Some of girls took her to the wedding hall where jk was standing with some of his frnds.. there were not many ppls bcz jk knew that y/n will surely do any drama there..)


pendant and earrings:-



Tae:- see.. our sister in law and ur soon to be wifey has came.. *smirked..* now go jungkook..!

(He said and pushed him causing him to almost fall on the ground but he managed himself somehow and didn't fell..
then he saw y/n who was looking so damn f*cking beautiful in the wedding dress..!
He then went closer to her and offered his hand to y/n but she hesitated to give her hand on his hand but looking him glaring at her being a little angry on her made her to give her hand to him..and he smirked in victory then took her to the stage..)

Jk:- hey.. u priest start..!

(He said being a lil rude to the priest.. the priest started the wedding after hearing what he just said.. and y/n closed her eyes in fear of being his for rest of her life..)

Priest:- dear jeon jungkook..! Do u take park y/n as ur lawful wife for the rest of ur life..!?

Jk:- first of all she is not park anymore..! U can call her Mrs. Y/n.. and

Yes I do..!

Priest:- sorry for the mistake mr. Jeon..
So dear Mrs. Y/n do u take jeon jungkook as ur lawful husband for the rest of ur life..!?

Y/n:- uh.. I-I... do not..!
Jk:- y/n..!!
Y/n:- I said I do not..!

(He then held her forearm and said in anger..)

Jk:- y/n I told u before wedding to not to make any scene here..!!

Y/n:- did I did anything wrong..!? The priest just asked me and I answered him that's it..!!

Jk:- I knew that u will not be ready If I will just ask u..! Soo I have a huge surprise or i say wedding gift for u my dear wifey.. and I know u won't deny anymore if I showed it to u..!

Y/n:- what is it just tell don't waste time..!
Jk:- oh so u r that excited to see ur wedding gift..!? Ohk so just wait a lil bit more than u will be shocked as hell..*smirked..

(He smirked and clapped.. all the bodyguards immediately appeared in front of him.. and asked..)

Man:- yes sir..!?
Jk:- go and bring the wedding gift of our soon to be Mrs. Jeon, show her the most beautiful and precious gift of her life that she ever received..*smirked

(The man went out from her eye sight for a while.. just when jk said..)

Jk:- I am sure that u have never got this type of gift ever in ur life..!


(I listened what he said.. just then I heard a very familiar voice of a man.. guards were bringing a man whose face was covered with a black cloth.. he was saying something and I am sure that I heard his voice somewhere..! but where..!? He is someone I know..! But I can't see his face clearly..)

Jk:- Babe..

(He said and I looked at him with a confused look then he said..)

Jk:-guess who is he..!?
Y/n:- uh..!? W-who..!?
Jk:- come on u know him..! Just try to remember him through his voice..!

(Then a guard removed the cloth from that man and that man said my name..!)

??:- y-y/n..!?


~Who is that man..!?
Know in nxt part..~
I have completed this chapter a few days before today..
but i did not uploaded it as
I told u all that
will upload every Saturday or Sunday only..😁..
nxt chapter will be of my second story 'twin rival's one love'

stay tuned..🤗

love u all..💜

Thnx for reading..!
