
(As yn took files from him she started to check them but when she checked the third file she noticed that it was jk's information file, then she started to check it also)

Yn:- oh this file is about boss. Umm.. should I check it..? Yeah I will check it also.

(Then she started to check it. on the other hand jimin was going somewhere as he get up to the bus he noticed that there was nobody in the bus. He ignored it and sat on the bus then some 3-4 mens came to the bus. Bus changed it's direction. When jimin noticed it he stood up)

Jimin:- hey..! Driver this is not the root of-

(As he was about to say something the mens who were in the bus wrapped a cloth around his mouth. Jimin struggled to get escaped but can't. He became unconscious. One of the men called his boss)

Men:- boss we did it. We are coming to the place.
??:- ok come fast..!

(On the other hand yn gets really shocked and scared at the same time as she got to know that her boss is mafia king in underworld)

Yn:- whattt...!? No this...

(She checked his all information and thought that it may be a mistake by him...but jk did that intentionally...!)

Yn:- I-I should give it to him and will pretend like I didn't check it as it was his personal file..

( she went to his office and knocked at the door, he allowed to come in)

Yn:- s-sir...
Jk:- yes yn did u checked them all?
Yn:- yes sir but one of them was your p-personal info file so I didn't check that
Jk:- oh thankyou. It means u r a loyal employee.

(He smiled)

Yn:- t-thanks sir..
Jk:- ok you can go now...

(Yn bowed and went back)

Jk:-oh my ynieee I know that u checked it.

(He smirked)
On the other hand jimin got himself tied on a chair...

Jimin:- wtf..? Where I am? Who bring me here? What you want from me...?

(He yelled..! He listened someone's footsteps coming towards him)

??:- hii soon to be dead..!
Jimin:- who r u? Why u brought me here? What is this place?
??:- oh dude relax relax..!
Jm:- how can I be realx when I am in this type of situation..?
??:- I brought u here for some work.
Jm:- which type of work?
??:- you will know it soon
Jm:- no I won't do ur any work just leave me..!
??:- ohh I can't leave you but once your work will get finished u can leave from this world..! (He laughed)
Jm:- I said let me go..!
??:- as i said i will let you go soon.. ( He smirked)
Jm:- you bastard...!!! I will-

(He was about to say something but can't because he felt something strong on his head...!)

??:- ohh see someone wants to go...

(He bursted in laughing)

I hope u liked it so plz comment and vote...🥺
If u hv any question so plz let me know in the comments..🙂
