FINALLY..! (pt.13)

?:- y-y/n..!?

Y/n:- j-jimin..!?
Jm:- y/n..!! What is all this y/n..!? What is happening..!?

Jk:- ohk let me tell u that i am gonna marry ur lovely girl..!

Jm:- w-what..!?
Y/n:- j-jimin..! I-

(Y/n tried to leave jk and wanted to go to jimin but he didn't let her go and held her tightly..)

Jk:- is it clear mr. Park Jimin..!? So now plzz don't interrupt and let us have our precious time..!

(Saying this jk turned to y/n while y/n was looking at jimin with tears in her eyes..)

Jk:- soo how u like this wedding gift my dear wifey..!?

Y/n:- j-jungkook I-I told u na to not harm jimin f-for this..!?

Jk:- Oops I forgot.. But I can't do anything now.. so will u say those words or should I kill him..!?

(He said being too cold in the end of the sentence..)

Y/n:- *crying..* p-plzz jungkook d-don't do this.. please..!

Jk:- just say or..

(He pointed his gun at jimin..)

Jm:- y/n I know that u don't wanna marry him..! Don't marry him y/n..! Let me die but don't marry him..

Y/n:- no jimin I can't do this to u.. I am sorry for not being ur wife..

(Y/n shifted her gaze towards jk and said..)

Y/n:- I will marry u but in one condition..
Jk:- hnn what it is tell me fast..!
Y/n:- u have to release jimin right after wedding..!

Jk:- ohk done..! No objection for my wife.. *smirked..

(Saying this priest started again..)

Priest:- ohk so dear y/n.. do u take Jeon jungkook as ur beloved husband for the rest of ur life..!?

Jm:- NOOO Y/N..!! PLZZ..!
Y/n:- i-i d-do..

(Right after saying this she bursted into crying..!)

Jm:- why y/n..!? WHY...!!?
Priest:- ohk so now dear Jeon Jungkook.. do u take Miss y/n as ur beloved wife for the rest of ur life..!?

Jk:- yes I do..!*smirked..
Priest:- now u two must exchange the rings..

(Jk didn't waited even for a second and immediately held her hands and make her wear the ring.. while y/n's tears were continuously coming out of her eyes.. then y/n unwatedly make him wear the ring.. then Priest Said..)

Priest:- I announce u two a couple from now on.. now groom may kiss the bride..!

(Y/n almost forgotten that he has to kiss her for completing the marriage rituals.. and her eyes went widen after hearing the priest..)

Jm:- hey u bastard don't u dare to even touch her..!! *shouted..

(Just then jk pulled y/n from her waist and kissed her roughly while y/n was trying to break the kiss..)


(Then jk pulled out from the kiss and breath heavily.. as so y/n did.. then she tried to come out of his grip but he didn't let her do that..)

Y/n:- u said u will let jimin go if I married u so let him go now..!

Jk:- no there's something that is gonna happen..

Y/n:- NOW WHAT...!!?

(Saying this jk held her wrists and made her walk down from the stage.. they went to the table where a big cake was placed..)

Y/n:- what-
Jk:- we have to cut the cake first..
Y/n:- I don't want to celebrate this most worst day of my life..!

Jk:- oh baby it is just the starting of ur worst life.. it's just starting..! u have to face a lot of things yet..! It will go worst and more worst and more worst-

(Y/n covered her ears with her hands and said..)

Y/n:- plzz stop talking..!!! Please..!
Jk:- then let's cut the cake now..

(Jk didn't waited for y/n's reply and went back to her then hugged her from behind.. and forced her to cut the cake.. while y/n's tears were falling down..)

Jk:- aww baby don't cry.. see ur tears can change the taste of the cake..

(The cake got cutted and jk picked some amount of the cake and make y/n eat it.. then jk gave a glare to y/n and she understood that she has to feed him.. and she did.. while jimin was sobbing with his closed eyes looking down..)

J/d:- Congrats son..
Jk:- thnx dad.. y/n he is my dad..!
Y/n:- uh.. oh.. h-hi.. um.. j-jungkook..
J/d:- I think u two gonna have some conversation so I should go now..

(Saying this jk hummed in response and his dad left them alone..)

Jk:- yes what were u saying..!?

Y/n:- now l-leave jimin..
Jk:- um.. I forgotten that I prepared a speech for u..

Y/n:- speech..!?

(Jk pulled out a paper from his pocket and handed it to y/n.. she opened it but didn't even glanced on it..)

Jk:- yeah.. take this and say all the things that is written in it.. then this wedding will be completed and I will release him..

Y/n:- u will not leave any chance to make me pissed of right..!!?

Jk:- um.. yeahh.. now fastly do what I said to u to do..

(Jk handed y/n a mic and she held it making an irritated face.. she started to read the paper without even knowing what is written there.. and just then jk smirked..)

Y/n:- h-hyy.. guyz can I have ur attention plz..!? So.. this w-wedding is gonna be over soon but before that I want to say something precious now.. I am Mrs. J-Jeon now...

(She paused for a second realising what is she saying.. then she took a deep breath and again started but her eyes were teary..)

~and this is my l-luck that I became jungkook's w-wife..

(And finally she sobbed..)

Jm:- w-what is she saying..!?*teary eyes..

Y/n:- I think I am the most l-lucky women in this whole world to have a husband like Jeon J-Jungkook..

(Then she broke into tears and closed her eyes.. and jk came to her and said..)

Jk:- aww my baby became emotional to have a husband like Meee... no baby don't cry.. come wedding is over now..

Y/n:- p-plzz let me meet jimin once..!

(She requested him joining her both hands together..)

Jk:-ohk ohk I will let u meet jimin but don't cry now..! {why u always does this..!? Ha..!? Everyone was watching now stop crying..!!}

(Jk told her in low voice that only Y/n heared it.. then she immediately stopped crying.. and wiped her tears.. then jk held her wrist and walked towards jimin..)

Jm:- y/n..!?
Y/n:- j-jimin sorry..!

(Jk loosened his grip from her wrist and guards also released jimin then y/n ran towards jimin and hugged him..)

Jm:- it's ok y/n there is not any fault of u..! Don't cry.. be strong..!

Y/n:- i-i am really sorry jimin..! Now u can continue ur life again jimin..!

Jm:- what do u mean..!?

(Y/n broke the hug and held jimin's face with tears in her eyes..)

Y/n:- I asked him to release u after wedding and he agreed now u can go to ur normal life.. go

Jm:- but u..!?
Y/n:- no don't worry about me..! I will manage to live with him, u go to ur career ur future..!

Jm:- but y/n how will I manage to live without u..!? Plz don't do this to me y/n..!
I will come to take u..! Plzz Wait for me..!

Y/n:- NOO jimin..! Plz understand don't do anything..! This is my life now..! With jungkook..! U will find a better girl than me..! Go plz we don't have much time to talk..!

(Saying this y/n again hugged jimin and started crying harder so jimin does..)

Jm:- i-i will come y/n..! I will take u with me plz wait for me plz don't loose ur hope plz I beg u..!

Jk:- is ur drama done..!? I have more works to do..!

Y/n:- y-yeah one more minute plz..!
Jm:- y/n..

Jm:- I LOVE U TOO Y/N..! Plz Wait for me..!

(Jk gave a signal to his guards and they picked jimin up.. and jk held y/n's wrist and made his way to exit..

Jk:- come I don't have time anymore..!
Y/n:- ahh..! Plz noo stop my one minute is not completed yet..! Plzz..!

Jm:- hey..! U jeon jungkook..! I will come to take her from u..! U heared..!? I will come and she will be free from ur cage..!

Jk:- let's see what will happen..!!

(Then jk took y/n out from the wedding place and informed everyone to leave then he came to his and ur room while u were sobbing..)

(He throwed u in the room Locked the door from outside. U jumped onto the bed and cried ur lungs out..!)

Y/n:- w-why god..!? Why..! What I did in my past life that I am bearing this much pain in this life..!? Let me live peacefully plz..!

(After crying u went to freshen up while on the other hand where jimin is.. guards throwed him to the other city's road and he fell down just then jk came out of a black car and said..)

Jk:- go and live ur life peacefully and don't u dare to interrupt in my wedded life..! Forget y/n and find any other girl..

Jm:- u should have find any other girl..! Bcz she is mine..! Live with her some days but when I will come to take her u will not be able to do anything..! Get this in ur head..!

Jk:- *chuckled* she is wedded now..! Wedded to me..! She is my wife and I am his husband now..! OFFICIALLY..! LEGALLY..! and in every universe she will be mine..! Only mine..!

(Saying this jk went back to the car again and sat on it..! Just then jimin stood up and said something like that triggered jk's mind..!)

Jm:- in every universe u will only TRY to make her urs but will never make it happen bcz in every universe I will be there for her..! For ur DEATH...!!!

And that's it jk pulled out his gun and shoot it towards jimin..!~~~


(It's still noon and y/n is trying to open her wedding dress's back chain.. her hands are not able to open it.. just then someone touched her back sending shivers down to her spine.. she looked back to see who is this and found it's JUNGKOOK..!)

Y/n:- w-what r u doing..!?
Jk:- just helping my wife to take her wedding dress off..

(He said more like teasing her by saying "wife" word.. like he was just reminding her that she is his wife now..! Even after she said that she will not marry him..! But she did as he said..)

Y/n:- n-no need I will--
Jk:- stay still..!

(She stayed still and let him do it thinking that after opening her chain he will go out of the room.. but after opening the chain he started to pull the dress out..)


I am not uploading with much pictures bcz of some issues..! I am not getting time for writing.. soo plz adjust for only now.. u will get normal parts from next time..

Soo.. what do u think will happen next..!?
Will jk force her..!?
And what abt jimin..!?
Did jk killed him..!?

Suspicious right..!?

Get to know in the next chapter..
Thnx for reading..💜
