8~ Depressing News

Hi everyone!

I decided that I was getting kinda bored with Cinder's POV, and thought that I would switch between the other characters for a while.

I hope you enjoy the story!


POV- Cress

I walked outside into the icy, cool air. Finally it was Monday, and I was allowed out of the house. Sybil had left about an hour ago, leaving me to finish my work on the computer.

That's another thing, I'm constantly having to do her work for her — with no reward whatsoever. I'm not complaining or anything, I just wish that my dad was home more often. So that I didn't have to live with that monster.

Let me explain how I got her as a caretaker; when my dad was a bit younger and worked at the lab full-time, and I was a small child my mom died. Since my dad was so busy with work he didn't have much time to take care of me. His solution? Hiring Sybil as my caretaker. She was looking for work at the time, after leaving her job at the lab. When I started middle school she got a job at the high school, so she could still take care of me when I was out of school.

Only one problem — she is a complete nightmare.

She noticed my talent for computers when I was younger, and then decided "Hey, I can get her to do all of my computer work for me, so my jobs are super easy!"

Yeah... Fun, right?

I walked quickly to the school, as quickly as I could with my heavy bag (filled with books, if course). Peony had asked to borrow a series that I had the other day, so I had all five books in my bag. It was my favorite series, the author Marissa Meyer was awesome!

I reached the school, heading to the library to meet Peony and give her the books.

Turning the corner I saw Cinder and Scarlet, grim looks on both of their faces. "Hey guy," I said, greeting them. "What's wrong?"

Cinder looked up, her face emotionless and dull. Scarlet looked as if she where holding back tears. "Where's Peony?" I asked, "I brought the books she wanted to borrow."

Scarlet looked at Cinder, "Peony's not coming." Cinder said, her voice completely emotionless.

A confused and worried expression creeped onto my face. "Why?" My voice was shaking from fear, expecting the worst — unfortunately my expectations where correct.

"She's going to die..." Cinder's voice cracked. "She has Letumosis, Peony is going to die!" Her voice was filled with pain and disbelief. She whisper-yelled the last part, making her statement sound more like a question.

My arms went weak, my bag slipping out of my hands.

"H-how?" I asked no one in particular, slipping to the floor on my knees. "She can't die. She was one of the only friends I had."

I looked up at Cinder and Scarlet. "Does Iko know?"

"Yes." Cinder said, shaking from the sobs that weren't there. "I sent her a text yesterday, I don't think she's coming to school today."

There was a long pause.

"W-will we be able to see her again?" Scarlet asked, breaking the harsh silence.

"I was going to go with Iko to the hospital to see her after school, you two can come as well if you want."

I nodded slightly, "Yeah, that would be nice."

"Come on," Cinder said, grabbing my hand and pulling me up. "Lets get to class."


The day passed in a blur. In the few classes I had with Peony (second and sixth period) the teachers asked where she was — and I started crying all over again.

After school I met up with Cinder and Scarlet in the front of school, under a leafless cherry tree. Iko was there too, she probably just arrived at school late.

We all got into Scarlet's car, with her briefly mentioning not to get anything on the seats or her grandmother would kill her. We all knew she was trying to lift the mood, but it wasn't helping.

We arrived at the hospital with grim faces, and stood silently behind Cinder as she got Peony's room number. We followed her up the stairs, not bothering to take the elevator, and down the hall; walking until we saw the name "Peony Linh" scribbled neatly on a paper right under the room number.

We walked in, Iko and I immediately running to the sleeping girl's side.

"Peony!" I cried, burying my face in the blankets piled on top of her.

She moaned sleepily, trying to push herself upright in bed. "Cress, Iko? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"We're here to see you of course, silly!" Iko threw her arms around Peony's fragile figure.

"Th-thanks, I guess." She smiled.

"Peony, has Adri or Pearl come to visit you yet?" Cinder asked, sitting on the side of her bed.

"Only mom, a little earlier today. She asked what I wanted to do with my homecoming dress, since I can't really go anymore." She had a sad look in her eyes, and I knew why. Peony had never been to a dance before, the middle school she went to didn't hold them and she was only a freshmen. She had talked almost nonstop about it (when she wasn't going on with Iko about their ships).

"What are you going to do with it?" Cinder asked, caringly brushing a piece of hair out of her face.

"She brought it with her, and I asked to keep it here. I want you to wear it to the dance."

"Wh-what?" Cinder asked, shocked as Peony pulled out a box that contained the delicate silver dress.

She smiled. "I want you to wear it when you dance with Kai Prince!"

Iko laughed. "Looks like your still the same Peony, shipping and all."

Everyone sat there in a long, peaceful silence. Happy at seeing Peony's smiling face — and sad at the fact that we might never see it again.

Scarlet sat down next to her on the bed. "Don't worry, Peony." She said. "We'll make sure Cinder dances with Kai. And don't worry about yourself either, my grandmother said that she heard a rumor of China discovering an antidote — you're going to be just fine!" Tears where forming in her eyes, along with mine and everyone else's.

We all hugged Peony then, a sad but happy scene unfolding. Peony started to cry too, but a smile broke through. "Don't cry! You just said I would be fine, right. What's the point of crying if you know I'll be alright, huh?" She asked, tears flowing down her face.

Even then her smile remained strong.

It was the last time I ever saw her smile.


That's the chapter! I know, another depressing one. Sorry ( ' ▽ ' )ノ

I'm trying to get most of the depressing chapters out of the way, but there will be a whole lot more in the future. What can I say, there are depressing parts of The Lunar Chronicles!

So tomorrow on Halloween I'm going to post a special one-shot, taking place before the story on Halloween. I'm actually going to start on it right now!

It's Wednesday though, so...


I'm going to post a special extra-long chapter on November 10th, I might add Winter and Jacin into the story too, but idk.

Peace out Lunaratics! (I probably misspelt that)

(Additional note- I'm posting this chapter a day early because we're going to the beach for my mom's work tomorrow after school and I don't know if I'll be able to update)


