5~ The First Day (Part 4) The Volleyball Game of Doom

Hey guys!

I am probably going to have waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much fun writing this chapter. I mean, a chapter called The Volleyball Game of Doom? It's gonna be awesome! Oh, did y'all see the new cover for the book, what do you guys think?
Oh, and funny story. Like, my only two friends and I where walking in the hall during mega lunch. And both of my friends are pretty short — compared to me at least, I'm freakishly tall for my age😅. Anyway, the shorter one (I'm just going to call her Kinzie) was walking close to the left wall, and we where about to walk past a stairwell (because my high school is two stories). And all the sudden this really tall guy comes around the corner from the stairs — seriously though, he was like twice Kinzie's height. Probably a senior! (We're only freshmen) And he just runs into her, like as soon as he turns the corner. And she squeaked! And it was really awkward, he had one or two other guys with him and was like "On my god! I'm so sorry!" before we moved along and started laughing because Kinzie squeaked. And the funny thing is, she sounded the same way I imagined Cress. And I told her "You sounded just like Cress when she saw Thorne on the netscreen at the beginning of Cress!" And my other friend (let's just call her FireHeart because she loves Warriors) just looked at me like "Of course you bring The Lunar Chronicles into this." And I just looked at FireHeart like "Don't you know me? I always bring TLC into 'this',"
Yeah, so that happened.
Anywho, lets get back to this awesome story!

P.S. I don't really know how to play volleyball, or anything about it other than you have to hit the ball back and forth. The closest I get to playing volleyball is hitting a beachball over a volleyball net at a beach, so sorry to all of the volleyball players out there

Song- Ft. English cover by Unknown Songbird


POV- Cinder

I got into the starting position for the first round. I was the one serving this time, so I had to make it perfect.

"Ready Kai?" I asked, about to toss the ball into the air.


I looked at Cress through the netting, she slightly nodded — making sure I knew that she was ready. The poor girl looked so awkward and out of place in the court.

I tossed the volleyball into the air, hitting it over the net with my opposite hand. It flew through the air for a few seconds before Thorne spiked it, giving Kai only a few seconds to react. He managed to hit the ball, but at an angle so that it bounced off the net.

"Ugh," He mumbled, running his fingers through his hair. He was obviously frustrated by losing that shot.

Thorne snickered, walking grab the sphere from where it rolled. "Our turn to serve!" He called, then moved to the position needed to do so. He threw the ball into the air, throwing his hand down on the pitiful object with full force — sending it flying over the net.

Rushing to the side, I responded quickly by diving to the side and smacking it back over the net. Cress squeaked with fear as the ball came towards her, she held up her hands to try and block the incoming asteroid. I mentally cursed myself for hitting the thing towards Cress. She caught the ball, preventing it from smashing her nose in and giving us a point.

"Are you okay Cress?" I asked.

"Yeah!" She replied, tossing the ball back to me.

"Kai, wanna serve this time?" I asked, holding the volleyball out to him.

"Sure," He said, taking the ball. He then tossed it slightly into the air, the spiked it as hard as he could over the net. The only problem was that he hit the ball awkwardly, causing it to fly towards Cresses side — again.

Not-so-fortunately Thorne knew better than to stand by and let Cress handle it, so he quickly swooped to hit it. He did do as he intended, but because he went so fast he ended up losing his balance — falling right on top of Cress. I put my hands over my mouth to stifle my laugh. Yeah, I was worried about my friend — but the situation was so awkward and cute... No. Stop Cinder. You can't turn into Iko — who I could hear squealing like a dying animal from the crowd of girls.

When Thorne and Cress realized their position (Thorne, laying across Cresses stomach. Preventing her from moving.) they both blushed a deep red, Thorne quickly removing himself from on top of the small girl. They both sat there for a few seconds, there faces redder than tomatoes. Eventually Thorne stood, holding out his hand to Crescent. She shyly took his hand, standing back up.

"Umm," Kai said. "I think that's enough volleyball for today." He held in a laugh.

"I agree," Sybil then came out of her office.

"Alright, the bell rings in ten minutes. You can all go get dressed now." After that she went straight back to her office, to play on her phone or something.

I started to go towards the girls dressing room, and Kai started going towards the guys. But I heard his footsteps stop, then come quickly closer to me. He grabbed my wrist.

"Um, Cinder?"

"Hm, yeah?" I asked, turning around.

He was blushing! "Um, would you like to- maybe, go out sometime this weekend? Tomorrow possibly?"

Today was Friday, a really odd day for me to start school. But it was more of a day to prepare myself for the rest of the time I had to spend here.

"Oh, um. Sure, I guess." This was getting awkward, but he smiled sweetly when he hear my answer.

"Okay, how about we meet at about nine in front of Sertinio's to arrow morning?" He asked.

I smiled, Sertinio's was my favorite coffee shop, it was locally owned and the owner had the same prosthetic limbs as me, only just her right leg.

"Sure," I replied. "Sertinio's is my favorite!"

We shared a small smile, before turning away and heading to the locker rooms to change for sixth and seventh period.


"He what?" Iko asked excitedly as she followed me down the hall. "You have a date with the most popular guy in school! He could be royalty for all we know!" She was having one of her moments, suddenly leaning dramatically against the wall and putting the back of her hand to her forehead. "I feel faint, one of my OTP's is finally becoming canon!"

"Calm down Iko, it's just a small date. I hardly know him!"

We eventually arrived at my classroom, I had health with Mrs. Rockbell. It was a specially class that my doctor came to the school for — to make sure that my prosthetics where functioning properly and I was taking care of them. That class passes quickly, soon it was seventh period. The class I had everyone in.

It was theater, I know. Cliché class for everyone to be in together. But it was a [kinda] required class. We all had to take a class for Art credit, theater was one of the Arts.

Only one problem, everyone but Peony was in this class — including Pearl.


Sooooo there's the chapter! I was bored so I thought I would update this today. Anywho, there's school tomorrow...😑😫😖
Someone save me from that hell on earth! It's filled with idiots!

So I'm writing that Luna Beach thing, idk if anyone will read it though, so I might not publish until I have a whole bunch of chapters done.
And I'v been thinking about doing this book that I'v seen a whole bunch of people doing, it's kinda like my authors notes (the either extremely boring or incredibly awesome parts at the beginning and end of the chapters)
It's a book that you can read that's filled with me fangirling/ranting/making theory's on books and TV shows/random interesting things that happen to me. I kinda want to make it, it would be called something like The Life of a Teenage Fangirl or The Randomness of Me or something weird like that.

Q- Should I make a book like that?

A- idk, honestly. It seems like it would be fun though.



P.S.- I updated early because why not?

P.P.S.- For some odd reason Wattpad decided to change this story's language category to Japanese.....?
