15~ Princess Winter

Hey guys!

Here's the chapter. I know, it's really late today😅

As soon as we got home from school we took a two-hour drive from our house to my Aunt and Uncles for a Christmas light show, and then drove home. This entire chapter was actually written on the drive there and back. So yeah.

I spent the whole drive on Wattpad and listening to Angel Beats! music.

Most people would say I have no life. They're jealous, I just know how to have fun on car rides without a phone or wifi💁 (I'm on my iPad)

I got tired of waiting for the Cresswell parts, so I'm kinda doing the end of Cinder, al of Scarlet and Cress, and the begging of Winter right now😅

Way to go Kiki! Make things complicated for yourself!👏

Funny Story- The sing I was originally putting as the media was going to be this awesome song called Shine Days, so I searched for an english cover... And the only one I didn't like😭

And the translation fit this part perfectly! (In my opinion)

So I decided to to Snow Fairy instead! (I'v literally listened to this song on repeat for hours several days in a row at a time and I'm still not tired of it😅)

Song- Snow Fairy, English Cover by The Unknown Songbird



I stumbled backwards, falling to the floor before I could run into the beautiful girl.

"Are you alright?" She asked, hovering over me with an alarmed look on her face. Her pretty face that held three long scars from her left eye to her jaw. Her chocolate-brown eyes where filled with worry. Her long curly black hair framed her face and fell down her back. She held out her hand, I took it and she helped me up.

"Thanks," I said, looking down.

"You're welcome!" She said smiling. Suddenly — without warning — she took a lock of my hair in her hand, studying it. "Your hair is red, is it burning?" She bent down slightly to smell my hair.

Normally that would have been wrong, creepy, and maybe a little bit perverted. But the way she did it, it was so graceful, so sweet, so innocent. I couldn't bring myself to nock her away.

"It does not smell like burning, that's good." She looked back up at me, smiling. "What is your name?"


"Like the hair!" I saw the blonde guard behind her, glaring cooly at me as if to say 'Lay one finger on her and you're dead.' "It was nice to meet you, Scarlet-Friend!"

I nodded as the guard grabbed her wrist and dragged her away down the hall. I was still dumbfounded as I quickly went to grab my bag.



"She did what?" Iko whisper-yelled.

I sighed, leaning in on my desk. "She sniffed my hair, called me Scarlet-Friend, and left."

"Wow. You where called a friend. By a princess?!"

"Am I the only one who thinks that sniffing Scarlet's hair is — I don't know — creepy?" Cinder asked from her desk next to me.

"I don't know, the way she did it wasn't creepy. It was more... Graceful?"

She laughed, "I'd love to see someone sniff your hair gracefully."

"I would too." Iko agreed.

Suddenly Mrs. Benoit called everyone to attention, starting class. I hadn't noticed it before — but there was Winter and her guard at the front of the classroom.

"We have two new student's in class today, and I'm sure you all know one of them. Please make Miss Winter Hayle Blackburn and Mister Jacin Clay feel welcome." She then turned to them, and I could barley hear. "Winter, dear, why don't you go sit in front of my grandaughter, Scarlet. I'm sure she and her friends would be happy to help you if you asked. And Jacin, I'm afraid I don't have seat open right next to her, but why don't you go by Émilie. That's only a few seats away." He looked like he wanted to protest, but Winter took his hand — smiling at him as if to say 'It'll be fine.' And Jacin reluctantly took his seat. Winter then headed to the back, sitting in front of me and turning around in her seat.

"Hello, Scarlet-Friend!" She said, smiling happily before turning her attention to the front. As she did so her attention snagged on Cinder. Then, in a voice so faint I'm sure I was the only one who heard, "My Selene?"

The voice was soft, yet filled with sadness and question, as if it where just a mirage that she was afraid of fading.


I was walking home from school when it happened, I'm still not sure exactly what it was. But I was sure that it should have happened to someone else.


The voice shouted from behind me, approaching quickly. I was about two miles from the school at the moment, walking on the side walk quickly to try and get home before Sybil's curfew.

"Cress! Wait up!"

Keep walking, I thought, It's just your imagination, he's not there.

"Hey," A hand grabbed my shoulder from behind. "Wait up for a minute, will you?"

Standing there, towering over me, was Carswell Thorne.

"Um..." I looked down, not knowing what to say.

"Cress, I was sorta wandering... Maybe... If it's not too much trouble, if you could possibly come with me to a café or something? To hang out."

"Oh," Was all I managed to say. "When?"

"Um, right now, actually..." He laughed nervously. "So what do you say?"

"I-I'm sorry, I can't. Not now." I tried to pass him, quickly checking the time on my phone in my jacket's pocket. 4:16. Stars above, I had to be home by 4:30 — and I still had two miles left to walk home.

He stopped me. "Tomorrow then?"

"I'm really sorry Mr. Thorne. But I can't." I attempted to pass him again, with no success.

"Any time this week?"

"I'm really, truly sorry Mr-"

"Just Thorne, or Captain. It's what my friends call me... Well... Not Captain, but it's only a mater of time!"

"Captain, I wish I could, really. But I just have so much work to do. I'm sorry."

His smile wavered into a weak grin. "Maybe lunch then?"

I returned the weak smile. "Sure, as long as it's on campus."

The grin strengthened. "Yeah."

He let me walk away then, and I could hear from behind me a huge "YES!"

I laughed slightly, checking the time again on my phone. My eyes widened. 4:24.

I started sprinting along the sidewalk, hoping I could at least make it without being too late.


"Where where you?!" Sybil shouted as I set my bag down, panting heavily.

"I'm sorry, I just got a bit sidetracked!"

"Sidetracked? I bet you where off playing with your band of misfits!" She gathered a pile of papers from a desk. "Take these up to your room and make files on them, secure. I don't want some stupid student getting cocky and trying to hack the program and change the grades."

"Yes, Mistress." I said, taking the papers and heading up to my room. It wasn't very big, but it was usable. Half of it was filled with computers, so usually it was pretty hot — forcing me to open the windows in the winter.

I set the papers by a keyboard, sighing.

"I was only one minute late, you'd thing she'd go easy on me..." I looked at the stack of paper, it was at least one foot high. It would be another all-nighter, but I could do it.

I flicked the power button on my computer, watching the screens flicker to life. I opened a tab, going onto Soundcloud — I hated the constant ads on Pandora (No, I'm not hacking the website. I'm not a criminal). Clicking on a playlist, my opera music started playing.

I started working, going late into the night. Still filled with joy from Thorne.


Next Time- On Top of the World

So there's the chapter!

I hope ya'll enjoyed the Cresswell! *whispers* I did...🌚

So I was all happy today because WEEKEND IS FINALLY HERE!

Then I realized... Tomorrow's Saturday... After Saturday is Sunday... After Sunday is Monday... School's on Monday... I have a play in drama after school... I play an insane mom...

(School=Bad Word)

So that's how my mind works!

Q- Are you in a relationship or stalking someone (aka, have a crush currently)?

A- No, but my best friend has a had a really big crush for a while now. And today in lunch some jerk guy that hangs around one of her friends (who hates him) said that he didn't like her and was creeped out by her. She spent thirty minutes crying in the bathroom corner, the whole second half of lunch. I felt so bad, not knowing what to do. I offered to buy her ice cream or a cookie, but she didn't answer... I feel so bad for her, especially since the guy was most likely lying...


