1~ Welcome to Luna High!

Hey peoples! Welcome to my small little fanfiction, I don't really have much to say right now😅

(I'm sorry!)

So usually I put a small authors note at the begging and end of each chapter, since this is the very first chapter I really don't know what to say. (I already said that, didn't I?)

I also put a song at the beginning so ya'll can listen to music I think suits the story.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

I put a small FMA reference in this chapter, so that's where the song comes from. (Btw, you should totally watch that show!)

Song- Again, by Yui (English cover)



I woke to an incredibly excited fourteen-year-old bursting into my room, her chestnut curls bouncing around her pretty face.

"Cinder! Are you awake yet?" she whispered quite loudly.

"Now I am," I mumbled into my pillow.

"Oh, I'm sorry! You where still asleep, weren't you?"

I sat up, sighing as I turned on the lamp next to my bed, "No, Peony, I was just laying down on my bed with my eyes closed and the lights off."

Though my voice was heavy with sarcasm, she hardly noticed.

"So what are you going to wear? It's finally your first day at Luna High!" Suddenly gasping, she jumped next to me on the bed. "Do you think we'll have any classes together? Oh, I hope we do! And I have to show you Kai, you'll love him immediately!"

I rolled my eyes. Kaito was the most popular guy in school — and also the son of the richest man in town, possibly the universe.

She continued to ramble as I got up, slipping on my fake leg. You see, I'm missing my left leg and hand. It happened in a car crash when I was eleven, also wiping my memory of the time before then. The prosthetics I used where this new weird thing called nerve... something or whatever. The point is that they can sense your brain waves through this small wire that they put along your arm/leg leading to your nervous system. Lots of those anime fans are calling it "the first step to Automail". It gives you a small control over the prosthetics, but the technology is still very new — so it's still filled with lots of flaws. Like the movement being a bit off, and limbs moving a bit slower than they should.

"Peony, I know your excited. But you're only in 9th grade, I'm going into 10th. It's not impossible but it's highly unlikely that I will get any classes with you."

She pouted, "Right..."

"Now can you please leave so I can get dressed?" I asked. She nodded, then happily skipped out of my room. I smiled, her optimistic nature could be contagious at times.

I looked out the window, my eyes widened. Spinning on the balls of my feet, I ran to look at my clock.

It read 3:15 A.M.


•  •  •

The school building is huge, that was my first thought as I walked down the sidewalk with Peony dragging me by my right hand. My messenger bag swung by my hip. I was wearing some plain blue jeans and a thin black jacket over my oil-stained t-shirt. I had a glove on my left hand, one similar to those fingerless ones only it covered my whole hand. I never knew why, but people always seemed to look down on those who had fake limbs.

Suddenly Peony's face lit up. "Come on, Cinder! You have to meet someone!" She led me to a young girl, she was small for a high schooler — and her platinum blonde hair was pulled into a long braid reaching just past her waist. Her skin was so pale it was snow-like. She had blue eyes and a faint splash of freckles across her nose. She wore a simple light blue dress that went down to her knees.

"Cress!" Peony shouted.

"Good morning Peony," the girl said sweetly.

"Cress, this is my older sister Cinder." Peony pulled me forward to stand beside her.

"H-hi..." Cress whispered shyly, looking down.

"Ugh, don't be so shy all the time Cress. Cinder's not going to kill you or anything." Peony scowled jokingly at her.

"It's nice to meet you, Cress." I smiled at the shy girl, and she managed to give a small grin back.

"Cress started going to school here a few weeks after the start of the year. She was home-schooled 'till then, but she's in your grade!"

"Really? It's nice to know I'll at least know someone in my classes."

"Oh," Peony piped in. "What where you doing over here, Cress? We usually meet in the library."

"Um... I-I-"

Her face turned a bright red, and a grin formed on Peony's face.

She hopped around Cress, and put a hand above her eyes as if she where on the lookout for something. "I see why you're here!" Turning to face the blushing girl, in a teasing voice she said, "Captain Carswell Thorne is right by that tree over there, looking ever so handsome!" She started fanning her face with her hand, as if she was about to faint. But I looked over, and sure enough, there was a guy — probably a bit older than us — surrounded by a bunch of girls and athletic-looking dudes.

"B-be quiet, Peony! That's supposed to be a secret!" Cress' face grew redder — if that where even possible.

"Peony, stop picking on Cress. I'd say your a hundred times worse about Kaito." I grinned at her expression. Immediately she went into fangirl mode. I would tell you what she said, but I would really like for you to be spared from years worth of ramble about how "his eyes sparkled" and "his smile was like the sun in a universe of darkness".

"Come on Peony, the first bell is about to ring. We have to get to class," I said, cutting off her ramble.

She sighed, "Fine, Cinder."

"Which class do you have first?" Cress asked me as Peony bounced off, immediately to be joined by a bunch of girls her own age. Looks like she was pretty popular here.

"Let's see..." I pulled out my already crumpled schedule, "It looks like I have English first."

She smiled, "I have the same!"

"Let's go, then!"

Suddenly the minute-bell rung, and her expression turned to panic. "Oh stars, we have to go. It's on the other side of campus!"

My eyes widened, not good. We exchanged one glance and sprinted into the school and through the halls. Then something even worse happened.

We turned the corner, and BAM! We slammed right into two people.

Something clicked in my left ankle, double not good. I could no longer feel my foot, thankfully the rest of my leg wasn't affected. But still, I'll have to go the day with a big limp.

"I'm so sorry!" Cress said, jumping to her feet to help the two guys up. Her eyes widened slightly when she saw who we ran into. I kinda felt bad for Cress, sitting on the ground in front of her was Carswell Thorne. He took her hand gratefully.

"Thanks!" he said, flashing her a smile. I thought poor Cress was about to explode.

"Hey, are you okay?" the guy who I accidentally ran into asked. He'd already stood up, and now held his hand out to me. I took it, knowing I'd need it because of my ankle.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. We should've been watching where we where going," I had to balance carefully on my right leg, and hoped it wasn't too obvious that I was hardly standing on my left one.

"I should be the one apologizing, Cadet here decided to go get something from his car the minute the first warning bell rung." He was cute, he had an Asian look about him, his black hair was slightly messing and his smile was so bright- wait... Snap out of it Cinder!

"It's Captain!" The blonde shouted.

"I'm Kai, by the way," the Asian said. I suddenly understood where all the fangirling from Peony came from. (Not that I liked him or anything!)

"Well, I'm Cinder and this is Cress," I said, doing the polite thing and introducing myself. Cress was having her own little conversation with Thorne.

"I don't think I've seen you around before."

"It's my first day," I explained.

"Well, welcome to Luna High." He smiled, "It's nice to meet you."

"You too."

Suddenly the tardy bell rung. All of our eyes widened, and we all started sprinting in the direction of ELA. I was mostly doing a very weird looking limp because of my ankle. But it appeared that I had English with Cress, Kaito and Thorne.


Next time- The First Day (Part 1)


So that's the first chapter!

I don't have any other chapters written yet, but thats what deadlines are for! I promise to have the next one published in a week!

I hope you enjoyed, especially the Cresswell and Sekai (Cinder/Selene X Kai, because Sekai means The World)

If you liked this chapter please leave a comment and favorite or like or whatever it's called!

And I put a trivia question at the end of most chapters, so here's this chapters. Leave your answer in the comments!

Q- What is Winter's release date? (Because #WINTER IS COMING!)


