Chapter 13 - The Dark Paddock

Toni and Bridget rushed up the road, faster and faster, they were swerving all around, getting faster and faster, until they ran off the road throng a small picket fence and into the empty paddock of a farm. They turned the motor off and sat there in silence for a moment. Toni looked over a the farmhouse and saw a women with a flashlight guiding a ma with a rifle through the darkened fields. Toni turned the car on, however the engine would’t turn over, he tried again and again it wouldn’t work. The man fired a shot across the field, missing wildly, hitting a tree and causing a branch to fall to the ground with a loud bang noise, this bang made it sound to Bridget as if there were two shooters coming from either side of the paddock, Bridget got out of the car that wouldn’t work and attempted to flee. she ran across the field towards the gate. Toni tried one last time to start the car, he slowly turned the key, the car rumbled, it huffed and it puffed and finally a loud backfire and the car started. He raced off once more, with plenty of wheel spin as he flicked his backend around as quickly as he could and pointed the Mustang towards the gate. The man with the gun fired of another shot, this one going through the back window of the car, scraping the top of the seat Bridget would be sitting in and then through the front window of the car. Toni floored it and run up alongside Bridget.

“Bridget, get in, now” He yelled. This time without hesitation Bridget jumped into the car with Toni and they again escaped together.
