Chapter 12 - A quick get away

Bridget and Toni leant back on  and took a breath. The looked around.

“Be quiet for a second Toni. Do you hear a siren” asked Bridget

“No I don’t hear…. hang on.” Said Toni. The sirens became louder, Soon The two could see red and blue flashing lights come around the corner, Toni jumped into the car, however, Bridget refused to get back into the Mustang. She was shaking, she kept shaking her head

“no, no, no, no” She repeatedly said. The police car came closer and finally Toni jumped out of the car, grabbed Bridget and threw her into the car, Toni jumped back into the car and he gunned it, he put the pedal to the metal and raced off, they raced off and forgot to remove the fuel hose from the car, they ripped the hose out of the pump, leaking and spraying fuel all over the service station and dragged the hose down the road for a couple hundred metres until it fell out of the hole. A smoker and service station attendant up to the leaking fuels pump, they attempted top stop the leak, however, a rush of fuel shocked the smoker and he accidentally spit out his cigarette, igniting the fuel all over the ground and as the police car pursuing Bridget and Toni drove past the service station exploded, blowing up the police car along with it. Shocked by the blast Toni was swerving all over the road.
