Chapter 10 - Stuck Together

Bridget ran to the service station where she met up with Toni. When she got there she embraced him with a hug. She grabbed him and hugged him as he tried to push her away.

“C’mon, I know you love me Toni, why else would you have come all this way with me” She said,

“Because you are the reason i ad to go rouge, you are the reason i left my partner for dead, you are the hole reason i am in this situation” Toni replied with tears filling his eyes.

“You didn’t have to leave your partner like that, you heard this over the radio before you ran, you love me, admit it, its not just me that got you here its you that got me here to” She shouted. Toni turned around to try and shut out Bridget, he shrugged his shoulders and walked into the service station toilet to get away from her, Bridget chased him and when he entered the toilet she followed him with almost no hesitation, she entered and he had run into one of the stall.

“You really think running into the little bouts room would stop me, I’m  not little anymore, Im not afraid, and I’ll wait here till you come out, so either get comfortable or get out here now” Shouted Bridget, She grabbed the mop and began whacking it against the bathroom stalls, she kept whacking it until finally the handle of the mop snapped. Bridget took a breath, calmed herself down,

“Alright Toni, I know you love me otherwise you wouldn’t have risked your job to wait for me outside the hospital, you wouldn’t have given me a ride to the hospital and you wouldn’t have come up to comfort me when I thought I had no where to go, you love me Toni, admit it.” She waited a second, took another deal breathe and left the bathroom. 

As Bridget was walking away from the bathroom, two police officers walked past her and into the bathroom, they didn’t think much of her but they walked into the bathroom. Toni he'd decided to come out of the bathroom as they walked in, the officers gave him a nod, he nodded back, they walked up to the urinals, there was one tall officer and one short officer,

“Hey mate, how you going” the tall one said. Toni shrugged his shoulders,

“Whats wrong with ya, cat got your tongue, we’re all men here, we’re all cops, you can talk,” said the short one. There was a moment of silence in the bathroom,

“well alright then I got something to say, I’m officer James Little, and my partner here is Officer Martin Kershaw” said the big bloke. Toni looked up at Officer Little and nervously nodded.

“And you are?” asked Officer Kershaw. Toni looked around, he opened his mouth as if to say his name, and then grabbed his battion he keeps in his belt and whacked Officer Kersahw in the nuts, Officer Little approached Toni and Toni went to swing his batton, however Officer Little began screaming and pleading with Toni not to hit him, Toni dropped his baton and bolted out of the bathroom, he jumped into the car, he looked over at the toilets to see the officers just running out in pursuit of him. Bridget was standing next to the car staring at it while shaking with tears flowing from her eyes, she was suppose to filling it up with petrol. Toni looked at Bridget as he reclined his seat to hide himself from the pursuing officers.

“get in” he loudly whispered at her. She remained still and almost like a statue as if she was in shock,

“C’mon Bridget get in the car” Toni said, He saw the officers go into the service station check in so he got out of the car hid behind it, he watched the officers and when they   both weren’t looking he stood up

“Bridget, wake up and get into the car” he shouted. The officer turned around and raced outside, Bridget shook her head and looked at Toni as he grabbed her and threw her into the car and speed off. 
