
⚠️Tw! Gore⚠️

It had been a few days since cabby had been taken to the lab. Test tube had been visiting cabby for hours, starting to even enjoy the other's presence, it felt welcoming almost..

"Hey how about... we play game? "
Cabby knew she wasn't going to be hurt from test tube, reading her like an open book.

"Hmm, what game" test tube put her head in her palms

"How about 20 questions?"

"Sure, seems easy enough.."

While test tube was with her subject, she started to let things slip, which led to the questions getting deeper and eventually the question of
"What's your motivation for testing on me?"

Test tube hesitated

"Hey, it's okay if you don't -" cabby tried to manipulate test tube

Test tube sighed and brushed her hand along the dirty tile
"I honestly don't want  to do this anymore, why would I want to in the first place? what was I thinking?"

Cabby nodded
"Then why are you doing this?"

Test tube brushed her hands through her hair, trying to remain composed
"I had been complaining about not having subjects.. and eventually fan decided he could just.. kidnap someone for me to use!"

"Huh, he doesn't seem like the type to do that?" Cabby said, shocked

"He wasn't, not until he drank my-"
Test tube paused before quickly picking cabby up and walking out to her lab
"I've got to fix this.."

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to let you go. I just need to do some things first.."
Test tube grabbed another experiment, a memory eraser.
She erased cabby's memory of being trapped here.

Then as an apology, she decided to give cabby some mechanical legs ((kinda like idk exoskeleton that moves her legs the way she wants? Idk))

"Here, I thought it might give you these so you won't have to struggle with walking "

"Oh! Well thank you test tube this is really thoughtful" cabby hugged test tube
As cabby exited the lab, test tube had only one thought, how could she set this right?
She left her lab in search for advice. Specifically from knife, he was always blunt enough to get to the point, and that's all she needed

She told him the story, obviously leaving out the things she had done

Knife paused
"Well, he'll be fine for a while. But on your part, just make a goddamn antidote."

His advice wasn't even really helpful to her
"Thanks for the advice?
She stood awkwardly for a moment
"I'm gonna go talk to lightbulb."
Test tube walked over to lightbulb, who seemed to have been zoning out for a while

"Hey, it's been a while"

Lightbulb looked at her, without words to say. Lightbulb looked like she would crumble at any moment, like she had everything taken from her.

She thought that she'd be happy in the final four, yet here she was. She gave another glance at test tube, before she burst out in tears, hugging her friend tightly as sobs wracked her body.
Test tube hugged her back, trying to calm her down by just being there.

"He's gone." lightbulb said, her voice uncharacteristically quiet


"He's not hosting, we've been out here for so long.." she shivered from the cold

Test tube sighed and hugged the dull light tightly
"How about I ask oj to let you guys in the hotel huh?"

Lightbulb seems to calm down
"That'd be nice"

Fan sat at his desk, which had been lit up only by a dull lamp, it flickered as his pen drug across the paper.
Anger and jealousy coursed through his veins as he wrote the letter.

he put it in his pocket along with another letter he had written earlier. he looked out into the hallway, making sure nobody was roaming around, he grabbed the letter from his pocket and slid it under the door. After that he dusted off his hands and went to check on test tube . He walked up to the vending machine and punched in the code, before he was sucked into the lab.
He landed on a leg this time, but he quickly fell to the ground as he rolled his ankle.
He picked himself up with his arms
His only focus was test tube, and what she would want from him
He looked around the top floor, ignoring the buzzing of all the electronics around him. Eventually he had made his way back to the lab

He called out for test tube while walking to the lower level of the lab.
The tile looked as if it would crumble under him and the scent of dust stuck in the air. He checked in on cabby's room and then it hit him. Nobody was there.

She escaped, and it honestly pissed fan off. He had given her the opportunity to help test tube, the opportunity to further science, to finally be of importance, and she had the audacity to refuse, and run away?

He ran upstairs and grabbed a bottle of acid, or that's what he assumed it was since it fizzled into smoke and had a sorta burning scent..
He ran out of the lab, and that's when his search for cabby started.

He walked around the field and checked behind various things. he saw test tube talking to lightbulb and his heart immediately skipped a beat his mind was flooded with thoughts, what if she saw him?? He quickly ran off behind the hotel. He walked around there for a minute or two.

He heard something rustling in a bush against the hotel and his head snapped towards the sound.
He slowly stepped towards her, gripping the vile of acid tightly in his hand.
He saw her.
He grabbed her by the collar of her shirt causing her to scream out of surprise as she was pulled out of the bush.

"Oh! Fan, uh- hi?" Cabby said, she searched her brain for a solution, a way to escape. He had her cornered.
Fan took the top off of the vial the acid had been in, and he poured it on her.
She screamed out in pain as her skin bubbled and boiled, and her flesh started to fall from her bones.
Smoke rose from her bubbling body,
Fan figured, she deserved it.
