
Once fan and test tube arrived at the gas station, fan split off from test tube, while she occupied herself with buying every energy shot on the shelf. Once fan met back up with her, they checked out.
100 dollars worth of energy drinks.
There goes all of test tubes money!
When the two of them got into their car fan emptied his pockets out.
Four candy bars, two monsters, a lighter, and some vodka.. somehow?


"What? I got bored waiting for you and-"


"Honestly I can't think of another reason. BUT STILL!"

Test tube sighed in disappointment
“Lets just.. Go to my lab.okay?” she asked, her patience clearly strained.

Test tube started the car and started driving towards her lab
The car ride was short and slent but once they got to the vending machine that concealed her lab, they both got out.
“When we get in there, just put the drinks down anywhere, ok?”

Fan nodded and watched as test tube punched the code in quickly, and soon enough the two were sucked up through a large metal tube
He landed flat on his face and didn't move for a few solid seconds out of shock, test tube landed on her feet in a manner that was way over dramatic for how she really acted
Fan got up, knowing damn well his face was going to be bruised. He put his drinks on a shelf of random things test tube made.

"Fan, I know this task is really going to bore you to death, but could you help me pour the energy shots in this container?"

Test tube had a huge glass container hooked up to the rats enclosure.

"Sure, what's the container meant to do though?"

"Well, first off to not have any contamination in the future, and second, they won't be drinking the shots, they'll merely be breathing it in."

"Oh, woah.. you really know your stuff-"

"Of course I do" test tube smiled

A few hours of talking and questions later and they had filled the container. Both of their hands felt sore, but it was only 10, so fan watched sleepily as test tube put a chip in the lab rat, to test it's physical health on her computer. Fan didn't know how that was possible, but at some point he was too tired to question.
Test tube hummed a tune, checking the small creatures vitals and setting timers and dates for her experiment.
Fan listened to test tubes humming, soon being put to sleep by it.

Test tube looked at fan,who was basically passed out, she felt.. warm? she decided to start the experiment tomorrow, she grabbed fans stolen items off of her shelf a lighter, two energy drinks four candy bars and a glass bottle filled with.. something. the last one was eerily close to her testless inventions, but she brushed it off.

She put everything in a basket and picked up fan, who was silently snoring, and went outside the lab with him in her arms. She felt the nearly freezing cold air on her face and looked at fan, who was about to wake up.. test tube opened her lab coat and hugged fan close before zipping it back up to make sure they could both stay warm.

Once test tube got to fans hotel room, she opened it and immediately felt her heart sink. It looked like a dump in there. Fruit flies buzzed around, and test tube decided she would let fan sleep in her bed while she got something to clean his room with.

  A few minutes of rummaging through her experiments, she found something she had made to clean up the aftermath of an experiment.

Take a picture of the room clean, which was easy because all the rooms were the same. And take a picture of it dirty, put them in the device, and throw it on the floor.
The invention would make everything the way the picture was (except for time and shit.)
She cleared out the things fan would need, his laptop, clothes, chargers, and Xbox. After everything had been cleared, she simply threw the thing in fans room and walked away for a minute.

She picked up fans sleeping frame, and brought him to his room, as she opened the door, the room was spotless. Test tube looked at fan, who was sleeping in her arms and tucked him into bed, before getting all of his stuff and organizing it neatly.

Test tube sat down by fans bed and took a deep breath. She didn't feel tired, despite it being well past midnight, and so she went back to her lab, and decided to write a schedule for her new experiment.

Fan sat up
"Lightbulb? Why are you awake."
Fan whispered, glaring at were he pretended she was.

She looked at paintbrush, picking them up
"I had a nightmare, so I'm stealing painty" she said, in a cheery tone

"Okay g'night"

After that , he realized.. something was off. He shot up and looked at his room again, it was.. cleaned. Somebody saw. Fan lied back down, thoughts racing through his mind . They fucking saw all of the mess, rot and flys in his room. They probably thought he was a hoarder.. as fans thoughts spiraled
"Distraction.. ugh think quick, C'MON-"

fan looked over towards his bedside, seeing the bottle of vodka he had stolen earlier, of course, he didn't want to slip into his old habit, but one time couldn't hurt to much right?
He grabbed the bottle, got up from his clean bed and made it to his door without having to step over anything. He put his jacket on and went outside to relax.

The cold air calmed him down, he hiked up the cliff he and test tube used to stargaze at, soon enough though, test tube stopped coming up, leaving fan alone up there.
Fan opened the bottle and started taking quick drinks, it stung his throat, making the air feel freezing on his throat. He hummed out a song. Throughout the night, as he drank more he thought about test tube more. By the time the bottle was empty, he was definitely drunk, but his thoughts were consumed by the scientist he had been helping.
He couldn't remember what happened the rest of the night.
The sun rose, waking him up. He felt the cold grass below him, and shot up.
