bad dreams

Fans arms were sore, the inside of the boat was soaked, but no matter how uncomfortable he was, he kept going. No matter what happened, he would press forward to help his- to help Test Tube.
The island came closer as Fan rowed the boat through the cloudy water.

Once his boat got to the island, he heard the voices of the ex-contestants.

"Noo..someone came back.."
Blueberry said in a sad manner

"Maybe it's mephone! "
Life Ring cheered

"Maybe he's going to get us a tent!"
Tea Kettle suggested

"It's not mephone you two, he wouldn't come back for us"
Cabby already knew he wouldn't come back this early.

"Ooo what if we all hid, an we wait for him to come out, and then... BOO!"
Goo? Apparently goo was eliminated?

"aaaaaaa" Blueberry screamed, or faked one? It's hard to tell with him..

Fan got up from the boat, almost tripping

"FAN?! you aren't supposed- how did you-" cabby pulled out a file and inched closer to Fan, who smiled in a nervous manner
"Tell me everything."

He chuckled
"Well.. I just wanted to show you something, really interesting.. I don't know anything about it, and neither does Test Tube, so we decided we should.. Ask you."
He picked his words carefully as he tried to sound genuine, and look calm

She put her file away

"Don't worry, if it's not interesting you can just come back! "

She looked at the others , before looking back at him

"Well I suppose I could lend my input, what is it you're wanting to show? 

"I'm not sure what it is, just let me show you. "

Cabby sighed, frustrated with Fan

She got in the boat and started to help fan row.

Test Tube decided to release an invention of hers, it was a wish granter. she had worked on it for years and she'd been testing it on various animals to make sure it'd be safe, so obviously she was to have a show for her new invention in the hotel! She stood on stage, and told everyone about the invention, while her assistant, Fan would demonstrate how it worked.
In the middle of her speech, gasps came from the crowd, quickly turning into screams. She looked over at Fan and saw his deformed state. His limbs had blackened, and he had spikes along his face. Test Tube was wrong. And it cost her best friend to realize that.

Test Tube shot up from her sleep.
She took a deep breath and stretched, before getting a glass of ice water to calm down.

She thought back to the nightmare.. She'd always been afraid of getting parts of her experiments wrong, actually, just getting anything shes sure about wrong.

She knew that if even one calculation was inaccurate, she could mess everything up.
She thought about making the genetics of her lab rats match with a humans, but deemed it impossible after it went haywire. .

The next step would be to just use a human. .Test Tube had started considering it. She was to afraid to mess something as pure as science up. 

She decided to finally get out of her lab. She spent most of her time inside to avoid talking to her 'roommate' , Microphone. Test Tube supposed it was about time she went to get supplies. She looked for her file on energy drinks, but as she reached for it, she noticed that another file was missing.


Test Tube looked everywhere for it, but that's when it hit her. The only other person in the lab was fan. She shivered, knowing what road she was going down, but if its the path of knowledge? Count her in.  She cleaned out a cell downstairs, and went to the store.

She got a handsaw, a flamethrower, bandages and disinfectant.
The cashier gave her a weird look before giving her the items.

Test Tube was mad at fan for what he was doing, but it was her fault. She couldn't blame anyone, all she could do was harness that anger and turn it to determination.

Test Tube cleared a second room, this one had a hospital bed with cuffs, which would be convenient.

She heard a thump from upstairs, and She sighed.
"That's my cue." She got up from cleaning and went up to the first floor.

Fan dusted himself off, and dragged someone behind him

"Okay.. But did I have to leave my wheelchair?" Cabby asked Fan, frustrated.

"Sorry, I don't know how we could've gotten it down here!" He faked an apology

Test Tube looked at Fan

"Why are you two here?" She asked

"Y'know.. The thing we saw? I got cabby to investigate" he was really sticking to this lie huh.

"Oh Well then, come on, downstairs!" She walked over and picked up Cabby

Fan looked at her, conveying an emotion she couldn't read.

He was mad at Cabby, the nerve of that girl! She comes over and acts all smart and she gets rewarded? Fan probably wouldn't be carried if he was on his last breath, especially by Test Tube!

She carried Cabby downstairs as Fan followed, tripping over himself and mumbling about.. Something.

She and Fan reached the floor and she started to lead them to the infirmary

Cabby coughed
"Why's it so.. Dusty down here?"

"Well I don't go down here ofte-"

"I personally think you did a great job cleaning down here test tube!"

It was silent until they reached the room. Test Tube placed Cabby on the bed

"Why'd you put me down?"

Test Tube smiled as she grabbed a needle with liquid in it, labeled with a z.

"Wait." Cabby realized what she had walked into, and she tried to prop herself up with her arms, which were sore from rowing.



"Be a dear and hold her down for me." She analyzed his reaction at the nickname


He quickly nodded, face red. He held Cabby down, struggling because he wasn't that strong.

"they'll notice I'm gone, just let me go. what would bot think?!"
Cabby tried to make them emotional, Fans grip loosened for a second, before tightening

"She isn't your concern. shush. "
Test Tube injected the liquid in Cabbys arm.

"W-WHAT HAVE You done?"
Cabbys voice faded as she passed out.
