
Test tube finally got to the island of hotel oj, it was raining and her limbs were worn and sore, she pushed herself out of the boat, collapsing onto the soft damp grass.

Just as she was closing her eyes she heard footsteps coming towards her. It was the hotel owner himself, oj. He had an umbrella, shielding himself from the harsh rain. He picked up test tube gently and carried her inside quickly.
As soon as the two were in the warm hotel, oj placed test tube on the soft, worn down couch and went to go ask her new roommate to pick her up.

He went up to the second floor and knocked on room 125.
"What?" Microphone yawned

"Sorry to wake you, but I need you to take test tube and be her roommate. I promise if anything goes wrong I'll switch her with someone else" oj talked quickly

Microphone got up
"Hey, I'm sure it'll work out"

She went downstairs to where test tube had been sleeping and first checked to make sure she was ok.
After finding out she had passed out from exhaustion, microphone picked test tube up and took her to her room, placing her in bed.
Microphone looked at test tube before she decided to get some shut-eye of her own.

The sun started to rise over the horizon and the hotel was as lively as ever! Fan woke up with a yawn, stretching out as his arms made a satisfying crack.

"Fan, psst fan!"


"Let's go downstairs, maybe make some cereal? We still have your favorite!"

Fan looked around his sunlit room. He wasn't really hungry, but it's good to have a routine, right? He got up and looked in the mirror

"Fan, are you okay?"



"I'm fine, paintbrush, honestly I don't know what you're so worried for. You're starting to sound like oj.."

He shook his head quickly and started walking downstairs.
He saw a crowd gathered around someone, the overlapping sounds of voices overwhelming him. Fan covered his ears as he ran past the crowd, slamming the door

"Oh, hi fan!"
He looked over to say something to the person saying his name but, he stood in shock when he realized who it was

"Test tube?"
His voice was sore, as if he'd stopped using for a while

She smiled
"Of course it's me!"

"Wow. I- just oh my God."

Fan started tearing up, and he gave her a tight hug.
It was the most comforting thing that could've happened to him.

"I missed you so much"

Test tube hugged him back,
"Aww I missed you too fan"

Soon enough they stopped hugging
"sorry for the emotional- y'know what nevermind- How was the show?"

"Well, cabby got the elimination she deserved first off, and uh bow found out, well, bowbot? TBD? Oh and candle can fly."

"Oh, honestly, I knew she had some sort of power."

"Yea, OMG and her and yin yang?!"

Fan stopped talking for a second to think about what he would say
"I uh.. stopped watching ii, kinda got stressed keeping tabs on the contestants"

Fan spoke up again
"Well, now that our time on the show is done.. what are we meant to do now?"

"I was thinking about starting another long term experiment, I just don't know what to do it on.."

"I could try and get some ideas for you, maybe help with it? I don't really have anything to do-"

"That would actually help out a lot fan!"
Fan blushed, although he didn't know why. Maybe he was nervous?

"Well, I'm going to go to my room, it's a bit cold out here-" fan shivered before waving at test tube and walking up to his dark hotel room

He walked around the piles of trash, old food, plates and clothing that was strung about his room. At some point the mess of molding food had stopped bothering fan, he'd end up stuffing cups in drawers carelessly and he'd stuff everything under his bed if he knew somebody was going to come in.

He made his way to his bed and got out his laptop, quickly looking for something interesting he could suggest an experiment for his crush? Friend? For test tube to try out.
Actually he found a document of his observations on the other contestants along with a slue of questions.
Of course none of these had to be tested on the people they were about, hell test tubes probably got some Lab rats right?

1 how much can a person stay up

2what mental effects does limb loss have

3 how much do arguments effect the brain

4 how insane can a person get

5 same one as four but this one's with depression

6 if you turn a cyborg into a cyborg would that make it a robot

Fan decided to copy and paste that and share it with test tube for ideas.

Test tube looked at the ideas and decided, well whatever y'know? She had plenty of lab rats to test them in the most humane way possible, so she didn't see any problem

She decided to start her research on the first question.. how much can a person stay up. She brushed over the classic Russian sleep experiment and just looked at the world record. She didn't care about what the mental tole was, that was solved. She was wondering how long a person could stay up before their body shuts down.
Thing was, test tube was broke, so she decided for this experiment energy drinks would suffice.

She exited her lab and went up to fans hotel room, knocking on it in a little pattern.
"Mh... One sec.." fans sore voice called out sleepily
Behind the door, crinkles of bottles and trash were heard.
Finally fan cracked the door open before stepping out to talk to test tube
Fan yawned before he spoke up
"What's up?"

"I found out what we're going to do!"

Fan stood there, shocked and sleepy (he was kinda just like 🧍 yk?)
"Test tube, I was just about to sleep.. I dunno."

"I guess I won't need to get you an energy drink?"

Fan immediately perked up at the promise of an energy drink
"Well, I guess I could try to stay up"

"That's better, now c'mon, we've got to go to the gas station!"

/Oh,btw, strange thing w the humanized/not. They are Human, just, daydreams are objects? Also drawings bc I've lost the ability to draw humans :') /
