Tw: Hallucinations, blood 

Dream's ears were flat against his head as he tried to run as quickly as possible. He wheezed as he paused, coughing and inhaling sharply. He trembled and looked around. He had forgotten being an imp was not normal. And now he had all their attentions.

He quickly noticed everyone had eerie blank faces, each with an ominous smile seemingly drawn on.

They were all staring at him. He shrank under their gazes.

A second rush of pure panic flooded his senses as he whipped around and shoved through the crowd that had begun to form, gripping his hair tightly. He grit his teeth and turned in random directions, not knowing where he was going.

'Just get away. All you know how to do is hurt them. You're a nuisance. ' His mind screamed through his haze of fear. He swerved and turned into a blob, diving under a dumpster. He chirped restlessly, trying to hide his face behind his tiny nub arms.

He trembled and tried to catch his breath, inky black tears threatening to pour from his beady eyes. He backed up and hit the wall, squeaking with surprise. He slowly peeked out from under the large hunk of smelly metal and noticed everyone had gone back to their daily life.

" Weird shit happens here all the time. " He muttered dryly to himself with a laugh. He eyed the blood stains his mind had created, the baby pink trail dragged behind the building. He'd gotten used to it. He didn't know if that was relieving or terrifying.

Dream thought desperately and remembered that puppy from on the tv. Narrowing his eyes, he focused on what it had looked like and willed himself to change his shape. Big eyes, floppy ears, big nose, fluffy.

Once he had he slowly peeked out from under the dumpster and looked around. He wasn't sure if it had worked but he was willing to take the chance.

He slowly wandered down the barren street and came across a shop with a mirror. He put his paws up on the windowsill and looked into it.

He was a bit odd looking for a dog, he still had his beady black eyes, though they were much bigger. He had a big ol' button nose, a perked ear and a flopped one. His original marshmallow texture had turned more airy so it sort of resembled fur. He almost looked more misty then he had wanted, but it was still enough to mistake him as fluffy. It wasn't perfect, but it was good enough for him.

Overall, he was satisfied with his appearances. He decided to mope down the street, fighting back his annoyance as the blood seemed to continue to splatter, smear, and trail with every step he took.

He sighed and slammed into something, he stumbled back in surprise, shaking his head. He'd been walking for a while, but he hadn't realized it had been so long it had turned dark. He looked up at the person he had run into and froze.


He stared at him and he had bent down in front of him. Dream held his breath. Please don't recognize me. Please don't recognize me. Please don't-

" Aww It's a puppy. " he cooed, reaching out a hand towards him. He flinched and stiffened. Skeppy frowned. He almost melted from relief. He didn't know it was him.

" Bad would know what to do. " He sighed softly and Dream looked at him with wide eyes. Bad? Like the Bad? Badboyhalo?? I thought he was born up above though/.

He hesitated before placing his head in Skeppy's outstretched hand, giving him his best puppy eyes. It seemed to make the boy beam with excitement, petting Dream's head.

Skeppy picked him up and Dream wheezed out of surprise, trying to sit as still as possible.

Dream's eyes fluttered shut as he was placed down on a seat. He curled up and rested his nose under his tail.

He was shaken awake and sat up abruptly with surprise. He hadn't had a nightmare.

He looked over at Skeppy with wide eyes as said brunette picked him up and brought him inside.

" You seem like you got dumped or something. " Skeppy said with a frown. " You've got bandages all up your side. " He murmured.

He gently unwrapped the old bandages and sharply inhaled through his teeth. " That looks bad. " He murmured as he picked up Dream and brought him to the sink. Dream watched as he turned it on and began filling it with water.

He tilted his head in confusion before it dawned him. Oh hell no. No way, no how.

Dream jumped off the counter, silent since he couldn't bark and twisted around before sliding himself under the couch. He glared at Skeppy who seemed shocked as he peeked under the couch.

" I didn't mean to scare you. " He pouted at Dog Dream. Dream huffed stubbornly and curled his tail along his side, staying seated stubbornly. Nope. Not happening.

" Come here. " Skeppy requested, holding a hand out under the couch. Dream ignored him, staring at his hand. They were obviously getting nowhere.

No way. He was not having a bath.

He wasn't sure how his fur would react to water.

He yelped when Skeppy moved the couch a little and grabbed him, he yelped and stopped struggling, going limp in his arms with an annoyed look.

Skeppy chuckled softly and placed him in the warm water.

He winced and looked down, watching the water pool at his paws and his fur swirling with it. His floppy ears raised a little and his perked ear flicked.

He looked up at Skeppy who huffed before putting on gloves. Dream sat down and yawned, drowsily resting his muzzle on the sink's edge.

He looked lazily up at Skeppy and slumped, ignoring the stinging pain across his flank.

The world around him grew hazy as he tried desperately to stay awake. He nuzzled his nose into his paws and drifted to sleep again, ignoring the soft laughter from Skeppy. 

Hi y'all! 

Nothing to say :')) 

Might draw Dog-blob Dream later. 

Update: I did. Here's Drog. 


Anyways, I hope y'all have/had a good day and happy New year's eve!

Love y'all!!

moony <3
