* sniffles * Sorry for being so late. 

Patches walked down the hall with a meow, propping her paws on Dream's leg. " Walk? " Dream asked the cat, his ears perking slightly.

She nodded and he stood up, offering George a hand. George accepted it and they looked between each other before walking back down the hallway. The calico weaved between them.

" We're going on a walk! " Dream called, earning a muffled response and Sapnap walked downstairs.

" Here take this. George knows how to use it. " He said as he passed a phone to the imp.

" Okay. Here George. " He handed the Brit the phone. " Make sure to hide your features. " He said as his suddenly seemed to disappear out of thin air.

George nodded and shut his eyes for a minute before his wings and halo melted out of existence.

Dream held out a hand, refusing to look over at George as he opened the door. George took his hand, making his face flush red as they walked out, Patches happily prowling at their feet.

A peaceful silence and a calm aura wrapped around the two as they wandered down the street, notably on the sidewalk.

Dream excitedly pointed out the leaves that drifted from the trees to the ground and George laughed and explained that it was fall.

A car had also caught the blonde's attention, as it neared, he flinched and pressed himself closer to George, who gave his hand a reassuring squeeze and smiled.

The happy feeling was slowly replaced with an uneasy one though. 

patches halted, her tail stiff and her eyes alert as she looked around warily.

Dream looked down at her. " What's a matter? "

The cat meowed and slowly backed into a bush, beckoning for them to join. Dream tilted his head and George laughed softly and sat down in the messy bush, almost entirely hidden from view. Dream found this very amusing, he smiled.

Suddenly a man came out of seemingly nowhere, tapping the blonde's shoulder. He looked up and over. " Yeah? " He questioned, standing up right.

" That's him. " The man called out, sending a jumble of confusion through Dream's mind. What were they talking about? He saw George stiffen in the bush, his cat standing in front of the angel.

Dream was startled out of his thoughts by another, different man grabbing his wrist.

" Oi- A little too touchy- uh- off? Please? Please let go. " Dream grimaced as he tried to yank himself away from them, increasingly becoming more panicked. He stared into the bush where George sat, though he looked ready to stand.

" Stay there. " Dream mouthed, he made a little phone symbol with his hand and George seemed to understand and reluctantly obliged with wide eyes.

Dream was increasingly losing focus, too terrified over what was happening. He was being dragged. That's all he knew. The man had wrapped something metal around his wrists. Finally he couldn't keep his ears hidden, they reappeared, pinned against his head in terror.

" Let go! " He demanded as he tried to elbow the guy on his left. He could barely make out George in the greenery, frantically whispering into his phone.

The guy simply grunted and hauled him into another metal container. They let go of him and he made a desperate run for it, only for the door to close at the last second. He stumbled backwards, his heart pounding. " No. No no no no no... "

Dream tried to stick his hand through the metal bars, but the metal around his wrists stopped him. He gave it an annoyed glare before taking his wing, which was steaming in anger, and pressed it against the cuff.

It melted at the touch and Dream tossed it across his cage. He looked around again, his eyes narrowed. A sudden bump made him stumbled and fell over, landing flat on his ass.

He gave a groan and leaned back a little, nothing seemed promising. He was stuck. He didn't know what these men wanted with or from him and he honestly wasn't sure if he wanted to know.

He curled up for another short moment of self-pity before sitting properly. He glanced around hopefully, wishing anything would catch his eye and be useful. He tried to press his still steaming wings against the metal bars, but they barely made a dent. He heaved a disappointed sigh.

He was glad it had been him and not George. George had already been through enough in the past month.

He wondered if he would be interrogated by the guys. He decided if that were the case, he'd speak to them in his native language.

He hummed quietly to himself as he tried to figure out what to do in his current situation. He looked down, taking a shaky breath.

" Today could have been better. " He announced to no one in particular as he looked up, He took out his mask from his pocket, only to see there was a large, splintering crack, with a chip missing on the left below the eye. He frowned and put it on anyways, the familiar sensation brought him little comfort, but it was better than none.

He looked down at his hand. " Actually... Today has been okay. " He redetermined. He gave a small smile, he got to hold George's hand. That was a big thing he supposed.

He lowered his head onto his 'knees' watching the door of the cage.

" Today has been okay. " He repeated tiredly, his ears drooping. 

oh noes Dream has been kidnapped. 

Tips, crits, suggestions? 

I think I have a mini plan in mind >:)) Poor, poor Dream. 

Do y'all want it to constantly be Dream's pov, or do you want a couple chapters of George's pov? 

Love y'all! 

Moony <3
