Gore warning for this chapter. I suggest skipping it if you're sensitive to this kinda stuff. 

Anyhow, I warned y'all. 

Dream shifted with discomfort. He stretched his wings a little, but the space was still too cramped. Instead he exited the fort and stretched out his wings, biting back a yelp when the same burning sensation hit them. He looked up in confusion, watching as small snowflakes drifted from the sky. He shuddered and slowly backed up back into the tent.

" Why is snow falling from the sky? " He asked quietly, eyeing the outside world nervously. His head was reeling, he wasn't sure how much longer he would be willing to put up with it.

George peeked out curiously. " It's snowing! " He chirped excitedly, running out of the tent. He jumped and rolled around in the snow and dream's ears twitched in amusement.

His hand shot up to his head as everything went out of focus. He hunched over, letting out a low groan of pain. Eret and George both sharply looked at him, concern in their eyes.

" What's wrong, Dream? " Eret asked as he reached for his shoulder. Dream shrugged him away, gritting his teeth. Flames sparked at his wings, flickering from an angry red to a blinding blue.

Dream shot to his feet and darted out of the tent and away from the two. One *clawed* hand still resting on his temple.

" Dream! " George went to run after him, but something stopped him.

He looked down to see Patches gripping onto him with frantic eyes. He paused, confusion flooding over him. He reached forwards and rested a hand on her head, she backed up and he followed her unsurely.

" Patches? What's the problem? What's wrong with Dream? " George asked anxiously. The cat meowed and nosed him towards the tent.

George tilted his head and heard the thud of feet, he quickly ran into the fort, he thought he understood now. " Eret! I th- they- think- I think they found us! " he spluttered fearfully. Patches meowed loudly and dove into the bag.

" Already?? " Yelped Eret, jolting up and gathering the stuff that lay littered around the small area. George helped him for a minute, taking down the fairy lights and shoving the extra food away. Or well, the little food they had.

George ducked out and looked around, his eyes widening when a man burst through the brush. He took a step back, looking frantically at the tent. He looked back at the man who had his gun raised and aimed at him.

He took a deep breath and another step back. Eret poked his head out of the tent, his eyes widening. " George- George run! " he shouted at him. George froze fearfully as more men ran over with more weapons.

" Stop standing there! Move! " He yelled, tearing apart the tent. George turned to sprint away, freezing up again when he heard a new voice yell. George barely turned to look at the men.

" DON'T MOVE A MUSCLE." The man shouted, George swallowed harshly when he heard the guns click.

Eret walked up beside him, glaring at them, taking off his sunglasses. Many of the men flinched away, crying out in anger and complaints. Eret's eyes were narrowed as he stretched his massive, black wings.

Suddenly one of them sprinted at George who cried out with terror, shielding his face with his arms, he waited to be tackled down by the man, or be shot, or something. But instead opening his eyes with surprise when he heard a loud, beastly snarl and a dull thud. All he saw was a blur of colors, mostly white.

George scrambled backwards when he saw a large figure that somewhat resembled Dream's blob form. It's large claws sunk into the man's vest and it's piercing green eyes glared into their soul. It's large ears were pinned against it's head and it's large spiky tail lashed wildly. It discarded the body and turned, letting out a hiss as it guarded Eret and George, who were silent, terrified.

George blinked and narrowed his eyes at it, now he had a chance to get a good look at it. The large, pointed wings that it had spread out were torn and blazing with blue fire. It reminded him of the soul sand fire from minecraft.

He debated in his head, unsure what he should be more terrified of, the form Dream had taken in front of him, or the men. He eventually decided both were equally horrifying.

One of the men aimed his gun and with a harsh bang, he shot at Dream, who instead of dodging away or even flinching, simply curled a wing in front of himself. All that was left of the bullet was a melted puddle. He gave a horrific, earsplitting, angry screech and launched himself at the men.

George flinched away and Eret shoved himself protectively in front of the Brit.

" I don't know what the fuck is going on anymore, but we need to get out of here. " He said in a wavering voice. George gave a small nod.

He hesitantly looked over at the dead man, his eyes were glazed and blank and George felt sick as his eyes met the large wounds that carved his chest. His vest he had was absolutely demolished in the front.

He looked back at Dream who was towering over two cowering men, he gave another hiss, his ears raising and his wings opening wide. The men screamed girlishly and fled. He slowly turned around to face George and Eret, his eyes were so dark they were almost hollow sockets with the exception of neon green pupils that swam in the sea of black.

George tucked himself behind his wings, which were puffed nervously. It was a habit of his that had started to go away when he'd met Dream. He eyed him anxiously.

Even Eret looked frightened as he picked up his glasses slowly and reached for the bag, Patches shuffling around inside of it. She let out a muffled meow. He looked ready to run.

And run he did, he snatched George's hand and dragged him to his feet, running in the opposite direction. George didn't protest, his thoughts too scrambled and conflicted.

They ran until they had no air left in their lungs. When they stopped, they panted and coughed, desperately trying to catch their breath. By the looks of it, Dream had not followed.

George slumped against a tree, running a hand over his face. " C-C-Call S-Sapnap. " He said shakily, looking up at Eret, who nodded.

They called Sapnap and waited a minute for him to pick up.

" Hello? " Sapnap asked sharply through the phone, Eret had put it on speaker.

" Hi, yes, uh. Dream kinda went on a baby rage and just killed a fuck ton of the men who were chasing us. " Eret said. George face-palmed but he couldn't argue. It was kind of what happened.

" He- what?!?! He killed them?? Dude- " Sapnap was shocked. Obviously. Who wouldn't be? George looked at the bag as Patches poked her head out from it and reached forwards, running a hand over her.

" Problem is, we don't know if he's still hostile, and we don't know where he is. " Eret explained in a hushed tone.

Oopsie, my finger slipped. 

Eheh anywayssss, I might draw a scene from this, not sure yet. I don't usually draw people so to draw this would be a real challenge ( I usually draw cats and dogs. ) 

Anyways, Sorry about missing yesterday. I wasn't feeling to great, but I'm okay for now! 

I hope y'all are staying safe!

Love y'all!!

Moony <3 
