Dream's ears twitched as he shrunk into his blob form and carefully exited the hiding spot. He figured he'd blend into the snow if he did that. He quietly hopped through it, he spotted Patches following with narrowed eyes in the shadows. He paused as he reached the house. He glanced around before Patches padded delicately through the snow. She sat down in front of the window as if reading his mind.

He hopped up onto her back and onto the windowsill, peering into the house. The remains of the black paper that covered it was shredded. He shuddered, giving a quiet, sad trill, Patches looked up and through the window, even her eyes widened slightly.

Everything was wrecked. Glass was shattered, the couch lay flipped against the wall, a pillar for the stair railing was snapped and the fridge was toppled over. The list of damage could go on and on, but Dream forced himself to look away.

His heart was pounding and he took a deep breath, hopping off the windowsill and landing face first in the snow, he pushed himself up with his little nub arms.

He hopped up to the door and nudged at it, though he was obviously too small to open it. He glanced around curiously and then snatched off an old blanket they had out there for sitting outside. He chucked it upwords and snagged it on the door handle, he then clung to it like a koala, ultimately tugging the door open.

Though, his triumph didn't last long as the door squeaked loudly while being opened.

He heard the crunching of snow as a man walked in his direction with searching eyes, in a rush of panic, Dream burrowed into the snow and covered himself up with it, Patches ran off into the nearest tree.

The icy cold burned him, and he had to bite back a wail. He stayed as silent as possible. He held his breath, shutting his eyes tight.

'Please don't step on me, please don't step on me. ' Dream chanted in his head.

The footsteps paused and Dream stiffened, they continued shortly after. He slowly peeked from his hiding spot, he was quick to run to the safety of the woods, Patches following close behind, Dream's hopping became inconsistent and he flopped over with a whine of pain. Patches wasted no time scooping him up and running back to the temporary campsite.

He forced his eyes open and squinted as figures rushed into view. Patches put him down and backed up and he poofed back into his regular form. He felt like he'd just been fried, he quietly raised an arm, ignoring the muffled chatter of George and Eret. His eyes landed on his rather raw, irritated skin.

Okay, so creatures from hell and snow don't mix well. Noted. He thought back to the snowball and raised his eyebrows. He felt someone tap his shoulder and he jumped, now face to face with George.

George suddenly wrapped him up in a tight hug and Dream's eyes watered from the pain.

" Hey uh, I would love to hug you, but I kinda turned into a piece of fried chicken. So uh- that kinda hurts. " Dream stammered. George immediately let go and Dream stumbled, wincing as he slipped back into the tent.

" Okay. I want an explanation. What happened? " George demanded, Eret left the fort for a breather. At least, that's what he said.

" So uh. Snow kinda, really hurts. " Dream answered shortly.

" What- you were fine when we were out here not too long ago though. " George tilted his head and Dream gushed silently over how adorable the gesture was. He forced himself to snap out of it and shook his head.

" No. That snowball actually really hurt, it left my cheek pretty raw. " He said quietly, fidgeting awkwardly. George's eyes softened as he frowned.

" I-I'm sorry. If I had known I-I- " George started and Dream placed a hand over his mouth.

" Shut up. It's not your fault, you idiot. It's mine for not telling you. " Dream huffed sternly before breaking into a fit of giggles.

George gave him puppy dog eyes and Dream struggled to tear his gaze away. He flopped over onto his back in defeat, silently regretting it as a stinging sensation burst through him.

Patches padded in and over to Dream before sitting down in front of his face. Dream stared right back at her and George was giggling quietly.

" What? " Dream asked the cat, reaching up to pet her. She purred softly and pressed her head against his hands.

She meowed loudly at him and George made grabby hands at the cat. Dream chuckled.

He lifted Patches and plopped her down in front of George.

George lifted her onto his lap and ran hand along the purring feline's back with a smile. " Patches sure does make things a lot more bearable. " He said honestly. Dream nodded and sat up.

He ignored his 'burns' and leaned against George, closing his eyes tiredly. George reached up and ruffled his hair. Dream took a deep breath and his eyes met George's yet again. He found himself staring and George seemed to do the same.

Dream leaned in and Eret stuck his head into the tent, blinking as he stared at the two. " Sorry, sorry. I guess I'm interrupting something. " He said quickly, backing out of the tent. Dream's face burned with embarrassment and George refused to look up from Patches, his face a flaming red.

Dream glanced up at George and then back down at his clasped hands. He tucked his wings close to himself and adjusted his hoodie. He bit his lip and reached into the bag, snatching the phone to check the time.

A notification caught his eye. It simply said;

" Stay safe, hang in there. "

From Sapnap. Dream smiled softly and put the phone back in the bag, forgetting to check the time like he had originally planned.

He tucked his legs close to his chest and rested his chin on his knees, sighing quietly.

Patches purrs echoed around the small, enclosed space soothingly.

Ahaha you thought didn't you? 

They'll get there eventually. I promise. 

Anyhow, I have a plan now. 

Don't have much else to say, I hope you're staying safe!

Love y'all!!

Moony <3
