The Last Night to The First Morning

Type: Fanfiction

Word Count: 3420{Sorry?Maybe not.}

Main Characters{Throughout the entire story}: Jude Adams-Foster and Connor Stevens

Possible Pairings{Throughout the entire story}: Jonnor, Stef and Lena

Notes: This story starts two weeks after the adoption of Callie, Jesus does not die in the car accident{Not cannon, but highly assumed from the preview} and is visiting to celebrate Callie's adoption as he was accepted to the boarding school.{Not cannon again}.The first two or three parts will take place with cannon aged Jude and Connor, the story might jump in time to when they are eighteen. I haven't decided.

I do not own any of these characters, they belong to ABC and "The Fosters". Any references to actors, bands, songs, movies and other labeled and trademarked things are owned respectably by who/what ever owns them. Because it's not me.

I'm sure everyone is tired of this from me today but I couldn't sleep very well so here is part three from my sleepiness. I hope I didn't fuck it up, I mean plot wise I know I didn't but maybe I could have done a better job with it in general.


Also, in case it wasn't know things that are bordered and written in the same fashion as this tiny paragraph are parts that a character is remembering. In this one it's Jude remembering and there are also slight time jumps during the present as he remembers the past. If that makes sense.


{This chapter is inspired by a real life event, Jude's position is hard to go through teetering to and from consciousness in that state.I was only twelve and only went for a year but all the same it's very difficult. I can't capture that pain well because I fucking suck at writing and I didn't forget someone I loved because. Twelve. But I did forget a few friends and honestly I still don't fully remember them from before the accident. I digress enjoy!}

"Everyone clear a path please! This is an emergency everyone needs to clear a path!" The sound of beeping machines filled the air, lights seemed to dance and flicker as everything rushed past. Vision coming and going as it pleased despite what seemed exciting. "Nurse prep him for ER immediately." The doctor's voice came rushed, though it pained him the boy reached up blindly trying to grab a hold of something. Someone, his eyes still not wanting to open. "You're going to be alright Jude. Just hang in there."

"That's my son! You have to let me see him!" Stef's voice could be heard echoing through the room, or, maybe it was just his mind playing tricks on him. "Jude you're going to be fine! Please you have to!" Again the words seemed to echo, though consciousness seemed to fade as the words played and faded within his head.


Connor smiled looking over his approaching friend, Jude's eyebrow raised lightly as it always did when curiosity got to him. The blond shrugged when he finally saw the expression and moved in for a hug but was politely rejected by a tiny arm and a head shake. "What are you doing out here so late?"

"I could ask you the same question Jude." He tilted his head a little finally getting the best look he could at his boyfriend, a hand reaching in an attempt to rub his flushed cheek. "You were crying."

"Of course I was crying, I feel horrible."

"Because what my dad said?"

"No, because of what I said." He sniffed for a moment and brought his own hand up to rub under his eyes, though he refused to push the others hand away from his face. Shifting closer to the other he dropped his eyes to the ground. "I took every bit of anger I had for your dad and threw it at you, threw it at everyone. On the way to your house I was hoping to stop crying but you were-."

"Heading to your house. To talk about everything you said and then some." He pressed his lips to the top of Jude's head, shifting to press their foreheads together. "Although I did all my crying at home."

Jude smiled some at how close his friend had come to him, though he knew there was more to it he didn't care then. "You shouldn't ever cry because of me. Nothing I say should ever be meant to hurt you." His eyes nervously trailed to look the other boy in the eyes. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry for speaking your mind." Connor kissed the others cheek lightly and smiled. "I wouldn't want to silence you for any reason, especially if something made you uncomfortable."

"Your dad makes me uncomfortable."

The two fell silent as Jude pulled away from the blonde, he started to walk for the other boy's house. Connor watched the other move for a moment before taking a deep breath and moving to catch up with him.


The familiar beeping sound returned to the boy, his eyes still refusing to open though a stinging sensation danced across his eyelids and his body refused to budge in the slightest. "Your son is currently in a coma, it was brought on by the Trauma of the car impact. It caused swelling that pushed down on the brain stem and damaged the RAS."

"Will he ever wake up..?" Lena's soft voice could be heard though he heard multiple footsteps moving around the room. "Can he still get up from this and actually live."

"Absolutely Mrs. Adams-Foster. Given time he can wake up from this and everything would be alright, therapy for muscles would be administered and well as basic testing to make sure he kept basic functions properly. But everything could be alright for Jude."

"Wait a minute, just wait you said could be alright for Jude. What do you mean could be alright?"

"Well like I said he could wake up given time, this kind of injury is tricky but we will do everything possible to make sure he wakes up and returns to your family. We can promise that. If you want to give him the chance."

The room fell silent as a quick stinging sensation went from his hand through his arm. "What do you mean, give him the chance?"

An unfamiliar voice spoke now and everything seemed to stop around his voice, no one else spoke. No sensations and no more beeping, it seemed like nothing existed until the original voice broke the silence. "Well the family could decide that keeping him like he is because there is a chance for him to wake up would be selfish, or wrong. It is completely within their right to ask us to stop though we highly encourage they give him at least a year to try and wake before pulling the plug.

"Pulling the plug? No they couldn't just-"

"We won't pull the plug, not until we know for sure there isn't a chance for him." Callie's voice chimed in as consciousness started to fade again, even if it was limited to begin with. "Don't worry Jude, you'll wake up in no time." A sharp sensation passed across his face before everything faded again.


"I talked to my dad after Marianna dropped me off at my house today," Jude looked over at Connor, his hands stuck in his pockets as he walked a few steps behind. A smile trying to hold on his face though it was obviously a struggle. "Told him how much I hated the way he treats you. Told him everything I had a problem with and all the reasons he should be thanking you."

"Thanking me?"

"He may think you are the whole reason I'm gay but you bring out the best in me, I play baseball better, grades are up and I'm generally happier. Even when you blow up in my face."

"I don't blow up in your face too often."

Connor laughed a little and shook his head, a hand moving to rub under his nose swiftly before stashing away into his pocket again. "No of course not. Maybe five or six times total." He paused and smiled at the other knowing he was watching him. "A week."

"Oh is that how you see it?"

"Of course! You're an absolute menace when you want me to do normal kid things like brush my teeth, do my homework or sleep. It hurts me a little more every time."

"Ha. Ha. You make me sound like I'm being your mother instead of your boyfriend."

Jude looked away from the other noticing the cross roads quickly approaching, Connor's hand reaching out and gripping at his wrist trying to slow him down. "I didn't mean it like that. Besides I had a point if you ever let me finish."

"Then get to your point?" His words came out sharply as he stopped and turned to the blonde, the flimsy smile starting to falter at the others tone. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I get it." Connor pulled his hand away as the other turned to look at him. "The point is my dad understands how much you mean to me, and how much I mean to you; well how much I made it seem I mean to you."

"And what's that suppose too mean Connor?"

"It means right now I'm not sure if I told him the truth. I mean I thought I was but with how blunt you're being right now I can't be sure if I was."

"Connor you mean the world to me. Even before we became boyfriends, you were and always have been the most important person to me outside of family."

The blonde's smile came back for a flash but fell again as he looked up at Jude. "Is this going to be how we are Jude? We have a fight about something like this and never talk to each other like we used to? Because that's not what I want."

"That's not what I want either." The youngest sighed for a moment taking a step closer to his boyfriend, both their arms already opening and pulling the other closer to them. Connor couldn't help but think they would never get to his house with all this hugging and comforting along the way, though that wasn't exactly a bad thing in his mind. "I need to know that I can lean on you when things look bad, when I start to feel scared or hurt I need to know that you... That I can rely on you."

"Marianna told me." Jude's brow furrowed a little, his head tilting back to look for an explanation from the other. "Said I hurt you because you didn't think you could trust me when I didn't defend you from my father's insults. That you were so mad at me because I still cowered behind his shadow and was accepting the false happiness he gave when it came to you."

"She isn't wrong you know."

"I do. Well I do now." He smiled softly though it didn't last long before the shorter of the two leaned up slightly and kissed his lips, it was unexpected for Jude to make the first move but it was always nice when he did on those rare occasions. "Can I ask you a question? Something Marianna asked me."

"Uh, sure..?"

"When did you first know you liked me?"

Jude's eyes opened wider for a moment before he dropped his gaze to their feet, his arms shifting away from his boyfriend only to be intercepted by two other hands grabbing a hold of his own. Connor wasn't going to give this one up easily and Jude was finally starting to feel some of his persistence. "Would you believe me if I told you that a hint of want was always there when we first met each other? Something telling me that you were going to be important and I needed you?"

Connor's cheeks started to take a shade of red as he noticed his boyfriend's do the same at the confession he was making, his mouth opened to comment but was interrupted by a finger pressing against them. "It was even more obvious to me when I told you about Maddie, her idea for the two of us to go on a date. The way you looked at me was like you were jealous and for a moment I thought you were until you realized I didn't like her and asked if you could be with her yourself." Jude's eyes dropped again though a smile formed on his cheeks, it was beginning to be a rare sight. "I felt so jealous and betrayed by you, like I couldn't."

"Trust me..?"

"Yeah. But that was stupid of me, I was just jealous that the person I liked; liked someone else." Jude gave a small shrug before forcing his hands away from the other, a nervous smile still spread across his cheeks. "Besides you're mine now and that's what matters."

"Of course that's all that ever mattered."

Connor gave a wide smile before shifting and kissing Jude gingerly before he turned away and started walking off without the blonde again, it only took a few steps for him to turn back with his questioning face again. "When did you first know you liked me?"

"Well I guess I-"


A jolt coursed through Jude's body as his eyes fluttered lightly, an unfamiliar voice filled the room though he wasn't sure what was exactly being said within the room. It all seemed muffled besides the beeping, there was always a beeping. His eyes fluttered again and his hand twitched lightly before someone gripped it tightly, a sensation that felt so familiar to him now passed up his arm. "Realized I liked you when you were talking to Maddie, and when I found out you had changed your mind about going out with her I got so. Jealous, man I almost lost it and I was only thirteen then. My dad would have lost his mind if he figured out why I was so angry then."

A knocking sound could be heard over the beeping and the mysterious voice that got more and more understandable as it filled the room more. "You tell that story every time you're here, no wonder he doesn't want to wake up." A soft chuckle followed Stef's voice, it was no surprise she was here. It was no surprise he could remember that stern hint in her tone even when she joked around. "Saying your good byes Connor..?"

"Yeah. Answering the last question he ever asked me one more time." A cracking could be heard in the voice of the stranger, Connor wasn't someone Jude could remember though he seemed to spend lots of time in the room with him if Stef was telling the truth. "I don't want you to pull the plug, but he would be sixteen now... Sixteen today and it's just been so long."

A deep breath was taken from everyone in the room, Jude's heart started to race at the conversation topic and he couldn't believe it to be honest. His free hand twitched lightly in an attempt to show life, though he didn't know he could live without the machines he didn't want them to stop trusting in him. "If he was going to wake up, three years would have been enough time for him to do it Connor, and I'm sorry but Callie and the family just don't want to make him suffer anymore. You've been here for every surprise he has given us and you have spent more time over him than anyone else but hearing you say what you just said makes it all the more clear that it's time for him to be let go."

"I know Mrs. Adams-Foster. It's just hard to accept it."

"It's hard for everyone to accept it, but Jude. Jude's gone."

Another twitch and another push for his eyes to open, Jude wasn't ready to give up. His body trembled lightly though he wasn't sure the one holding his hand noticed, he barely noticed himself and it was his body. "Yeah, can I just have a little longer with him?"

"Of course sweetie. Take your time." A door could be heard opening and closing before a sob broke out, a head pressed against Jude's chest applying a slight amount of pressure as tears clearly fell. Small wet spots started to decorate his chest.

"Jude if you can hear me right now I want you to know that I haven't given up on you, I'll never give up on you alright? I fought for you. I fought my dad for you, I couldn't let you wake up and feel like I never tried. I couldn't stand the thought of you waking up to finding out we were in the same spot we were when you..." He choked and it was audibly noticeable from his perspective. "When this accident happened."

The room went silent and the pressure vanished from the boy's chest a hand trailed across his arm sending a shiver across his frame, his foot kicked lightly at the sensation. The motion paused half way down his arm, a deep breath could be heard being taken inward before his fingers continued down the slender arm. It wasn't until their fingers touched that Jude's body moved again, his hand latched onto the other before it could go anywhere. "J-Jude..?"

Slowly the boy's mouth opened yet nothing could be forced out, his hand squeezed at the stranger as he tried to open his eyes again. The light that suddenly pressed his eyes forced them to close tighter. "Jude come on you can do it! Please!" Connor's voice was close to yelling at this point as he urged the other on.

A door opened as he tried to speak again, the motion was there but nothing could be said. The words were getting trapped in his throat, his hand squeezed again before he attempted to sit up. A few hands reached and pressed against his chest. "Not yet Jude don't rush yourself." Lena's cracking voice only made him try to press forward more despite the hands preventing him from doing so.

He gripped at the strangers hand again as his other hand was grabbed as well, he repeated his action to that hand as well. Someone broke down in the room, the sobs emptied the silence from the room. "Oh god Jude." Marianna was hard to miss.

"Come on dude open your eyes! Say something!" Jesus tried to rile a response from the boy, his hands gripped onto the youngest by his feet.

Delicate fingers traced around his jawline and kisses pressed to his temple trying to usher words out. "Jude come one... We all missed you..."

That was his breaking point, Callie's voice seemed to pry his eyes open and pull his attention to her. A smile spread across her cheeks as she ignored the tears running down her cheeks, it wasn't until he saw her that the passage of time really settled in for him. Tears formed in his eyes at the idea as he looked around the room, Jesus now fashioning facial hair even if it was only a thin line across his chin. Brandon stood behind him with longer shaggy hair but he was still incredibly recognizable.

The boy looked down at the hands on his chest and followed the pair up to his two mothers standing on his right, tears flowing freely from their eyes. Just like Callie though they smiled through it all. "Judicorn, welcome back bud!" Jude's eyes passed over to the slightly taller and sophisticated Marianna, mascara and tears all passing down her cheeks. "Come on now give us a smile."

Just like that a smile grew on the boy's face his eyes filling with water that were immediately removed by his sister as he gave everyone in the room another look around, stopping at the male holding his left hand. He squeezed and squeezed, tears flowing down his cheeks and a smile decorated his face like the rest of his family. But despite his best attempts he couldn't remember that man. Connor. "Hey Jude, long time no see."

"Yeah, for us. You were here every day looking over him dude."

"Jesus leave Connor alone it's been hard for him."

"It was hard for all of us mom, Connor just had a different way of dealing with it." Jesus nudged the blonde lightly and returned the smile back to his younger brother. "So you ready to go home and do your chores man? I hate to tell you this but no one did dishes for three years because it's been your turn."

A shared laugh passed the room though the hospitalized boy shook his head at the other, a confused expression dressed his features. His gaze never left Connor. "W-who..." Jude took a deep breath in and closed his eyes for a moment, to try and catch his thoughts. The second he heard his own voice everything broke again, it sounded foreign to him and it was his own voice. "Who are you?"

He opened his eyes again and stared at Connor. The families dropped their smiles and looked over at the Stevens boy, his hand gripped at Jude's one last time before pulling away and offering a weak and broken smile. "No one. Just... A friend. It's good your back."


The blonde closed his eyes and raised a hand to stop Brandon. "It's okay. I'm just glad he is awake." With a deep breath Connor started to walk towards the door and gave everyone a quick smile before walking out into the hallway.

"You really don't remember that boy sweetie?"

Jude shook his head and looked to Jesus for a moment. "He was in here like night and day watching over you man, figured Connor would be the last person you forgot ya' know?"

The boy shook his head and swallowed a lump in his throat for a moment. "No... I don't remember anyone named Connor sorry." He looked up at Callie and smiled lightly. "Should I?"

"Lets talk about that later, let's just get you home." The whole family agreed with a loud clap and exchanged smiles between each other that even Jude passed around. "We have a lot of catching up to do right?"

