Don't Everyone Else Decide

Type: Fanfiction

Word Count: 1604

Main Characters{Throughout the entire story}: Jude Adams-Foster and Connor Stevens {They will be the most important. This part is basically Jude. Actually it's all Jude Sorry..}

Possible Pairings{Throughout the entire story}: Stef and Lena, Jonnor

Notes: This story starts two weeks after the adoption of Callie, Jesus does not die in the car accident{Not cannon, but highly assumed from the preview} and is visiting to celebrate Callie's adoption as he was accepted to the boarding school.{Not cannon again}.The first two or three parts will take place with cannon aged Jude and Connor, the story might jump in time to when they are eighteen. I haven't decided.

I do not own any of these characters, they belong to ABC and "The Fosters". Any references to actors, bands, songs, movies and other labeled and trademarked things are owned respectably by who/what ever owns them. Because it's not me.

Texting is what is displayed in the beginning and will be displayed as such until I can find a way to make it look like I have it on Word when I type it up. Until then sorry.

Connor: Can we talk please? I mean actually talk. I'm not going to try and lie about how I fucked up I just was to make it up to you.

Jude: You can't just make it up to me Connor. Nothing can make up for just sitting there smiling while your Dad insulted me. So why don't you just leave me alone.

Connor: I'm not going to leave you alone Jude. We need to talk about this and you know it.

Jude: We don't need to do anything. I shouldn't have to do anything.

Jude: Because I thought that sitting outside your door when you were in the hospital with your father beating down on me with all his grievances with me and his hatred for what I've "done" was going to be the end of it.

Jude: Because yeah he wasn't going to fight our relationship if you wanted it, not while you were there. He would always target me and let you be who you were because he didn't want to lose you.

Jude: I thought if I made it through all of that you would be there for me. And I could deal with all his hatred that I knew would never stop. I guess I was wrong.

As the message sent Jude tossed his phone towards a bean bag chair away from him, his body surrendering to the bed under him. Tear were rushing down his cheeks and despite his attempts to be angry and strong through everything he was going through he couldn't stop those tears. He wasn't sure how many more family members he could force away at this point, from Callie and the moms trying to coddle him to Jesus's special brand of comfort. Jude wasn't sure any more could really be handled. Though the knocking on his door was slightly comforting if not just as infuriating as his boyfriend.

"Come in." His voice deeper than usual stained by his actions, gritty from the afternoon. Jude sat up wiping his eyes for a moment, he propped himself up against his headboard and looked to the door. His brother Brandon opening the door, a smile on his face. "Hey B."

"B?" He laughed a little and closed the door behind him shifting to sit on the bean bag chair, jumping a bit at the unexpected bump in the chair. He reached down and pulled it out from underneath him looking it over for a moment before shrugging it off. "You were the last person I expected to call me that."

"Sorry, guess I shouldn't."

"No it's fine don't worry about it.

Jude sniffed lightly and looked at his feet as he wiped his eyes for a moment, his hand coming together and laying on his stomach. "You here to question me or tell me everything I did was wrong."


"Then why are you here?" The youngest looked over his foster brother for a moment his eyebrow raising softly.

"I can't just be here to enjoy your cheery disposition?" Brandon looked at the phone he found in his chair, his thumb gliding over the screen as he read various messages between Jude and Connor. "You know we were all a little freaked out about that outburst earlier."

"Oh you're here to coddle me? Sorry Callie and moms beat you to that."

"I've been on the receiving ends to one of your outburst before, if I want to coddle someone it would be Connor not you." He glanced up to catch the glare his brother was giving him, he swore that look ran in the family. Not just the biological one he and Callie shared but the whole Adams-Foster family. "You weren't wrong for blowing up, you just weren't right."

Jude opened his mouth to protest but was cut off by the sound of a video Connor had sent him on his phone, his singing was hard to confuse with someone else. "I remember hearing this video play for like an hour when you first got it. Man did you have the stupidest smile on your face."

"Give me my phone Brandon."

The youngest had closed his eyes and extended his hand towards the snooping brother, though no immediate reaction was given. "Come on now I haven't even read the new messages you just got."

"I said give me my phone Brandon!" Opening his eyes he jumped from the bed and reached for his device again only to be held away by strong arm, a smile spread across the tall brunettes face as the other struggled against him. "I'll call moms!"

"Oh come on Jude just listen to me and I'll give you the phone." In that moment the struggle stopped and the smaller boy took a step away from the other so he could stand, Jude shifted to look his brother in the eyes. "Connor cares so much about you, he was the first person to talk to you and he has no regrets about anything the two of you have ever done or been through together." The device was extended out to its owner, the text window still opened as a long line of new messaged riddled the screen. "Connor doesn't care what his dad thinks and neither should you, I've never seen anyone look at you the way he does. Like if it was the end of the world it would be okay because he was able to sit there and just look at you."

Brandon laughed and moved for the door, his hand gripped the doorknob before he stopped and looked back at the other. "You aren't mad at Connor. You're mad at his father and in the end of it all the only person you can express that anger to is Connor."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm trying to say that you want Connor to give up on you because his father isn't worth fighting through. I'm trying to say that you're mad at Adam and the only person that can understand that kind of hate is currently on the other side of that phone trying to talk to you and you keep pushing him away because you don't want to try and get past this anger." Brandon rarely raised his voice even slightly, even though he was still being quite the fact his voice was getting louder was obvious to Jude. "If you want to be with Connor you will have to get past that man's anger and hate to be happy and you don't want to try!"

Brandon pulled the door open harshly and looked Jude over one more time before shaking his head; Stef looked into the room as the door opened, the youngest looked her over then stared at his phone. "Don't let that man destroy what you have with Connor because that's exactly what he wants."

Stef walked towards the door as her son left her hand gently held the door from closing, she wasn't sure if the feeling of love was brought by her worry for Jude or the pride she was feeling from what Brandon had tried to explain to him. But tears did dress her eyes. "You okay sweetie?"

Jude nodded and immediately moved over to his adopted mom and pressed into her, his tiny arms wrapping around her tightly in hopes that everything he was worried about would just suddenly pass away. "Can I walk to Connor's?"

"Oh honey you don't have to walk I could-"

Jude shook his head against his mother as his shoulders bounced lightly before a sharp inhale came, a soothing hand ran across her son's back slowly. His body shook in the embrace and his mother knew that nothing she could say would change his mind about his decision. With a light push she looked him in the eyes and swallowed lightly, her hand moving to wipe his cheek free of tears. "Be home by nine o'clock and not a second later or I'm driving out there to get you."

Both of them smiled for a moment, a gentle kiss being placed on Jude's forehead, the officer patted the boys shoulders and stepped to the side and waved the other one out the door. "Thanks mom."

"Yeah well, go on before your sister's catch word that I let you go out so late." Jude nodded a little and leaned up to kiss his mother's cheek one more time before making his way down stairs, the front door could be heard creaking open and closing just as quietly.

Marianna stuck her head out the door from the restroom and looked at her mother in the most questionable way she could imagine. "What?"

"Letting him go out this late at night on his own?" She smiled and looked at her hand with freshly painted nails then back to her mother, her smile grew slightly more mischievous. "You know I think my friends wanted to see a movie tomorrow for midnight release. You wouldn't mind if I went would you."

"Curfew at nine."

"But Jude just-"

"Got an extension on his curfew to nine, same as yours is already Marianna. I don't think it's fair that you would try to extort me after that because of-"

"Mom." She smiled and hugged the older woman. "I know. Take a joke every now and then." Marianna's smile grew as her mother swatted at her arm gently and returned the grin. "He will be fine, after how Brandon went off on him. They really needed this."

"You know what Marianna, you're absolutely right." She took a deep breath and looked at her daughter. "Don't tell your momma."
